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Walk Way the Pounds - I just bought these!

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I bought 2 dvds by Leslie Sansone at the recommendation of a PT friend of mine. I started with the 1 mile walk and did the 2 mile walk today. I also bought the 3 mile dvd but I think it will be a little while till I get to it - recovering from back injury.


Anyone else have success with this dvd series? The 2 mile worked up a sweat. The 1 mile is more "therapeutic" for me I think. Any others in the series worth looking at? Anyone lose much weight with it??

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Hi! I use these. I usually do the two mile. I've found that it's gotten quite easy for me (I still work up a sweat though!) and I now jog in place instead of walk and add some hand movements. I add in the one mile at night a few times a week too.


Since I've been consistently using these (four weeks) I've lost 12 pounds. But, I've also been watching what I eat.


Have fun! I have the 2 mile practically memorized!!

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I have been doing the four mile walk slim video for the past two weeks. I love it. I love that it's 4 miles in about 47 minutes! She does have "boosted walking" in this video, you do two minutes of boosted walking/jog and then three minutes back to walking, you do this five times. It's a good workout. I would like a treadmill, but really no money and I'm not sure where I would put it, so this has to work. Sometimes I will play the video in the laptop and watch t.v. while I'm exercising.



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I have been doing the four mile walk slim video for the past two weeks. I love it. I love that it's 4 miles in about 47 minutes! She does have "boosted walking" in this video, you do two minutes of boosted walking/jog and then three minutes back to walking, you do this five times. It's a good workout. I would like a treadmill, but really no money and I'm not sure where I would put it, so this has to work. Sometimes I will play the video in the laptop and watch t.v. while I'm exercising.




I have to find this video! I always felt that I could be doing more than the 2 miles in 30 minutes! Basically, it sounds like what I've been doing with the 2 mile video. I also like your idea to put the dvd in the laptop and watch tv. I was also thinking about getting a treadmill because then I can do other things - watch tv or read. But, with a dvd in the TV, I can't. Great idea!!!



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I have been doing the four mile walk slim video for the past two weeks. I love it. I love that it's 4 miles in about 47 minutes!


I have this video, too, but I find it a lot harder to fit in those extra twenty minutes. It's almost twice the amount of time. I probably could do it if I were more disciplined and organized (getting up earlier, etc.)

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I bought 2 dvds by Leslie Sansone at the recommendation of a PT friend of mine. I started with the 1 mile walk and did the 2 mile walk today. I also bought the 3 mile dvd but I think it will be a little while till I get to it - recovering from back injury.


Anyone else have success with this dvd series? The 2 mile worked up a sweat. The 1 mile is more "therapeutic" for me I think. Any others in the series worth looking at? Anyone lose much weight with it??


I did her original 2 mile walk forever (okay, about 8 months or so), then branched out to a Walk/Kick, then the 4 mile Walk Slim (this is my favorite) for several months. I got a treadmill in October and am planning on running a 5K this spring/summer.


But I lost most of my 80 pounds with diet & her 2 mile walk, everyday.

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Anyone else have success with this dvd series? The 2 mile worked up a sweat. The 1 mile is more "therapeutic" for me I think. Any others in the series worth looking at? Anyone lose much weight with it??


I did them off and on for a while. Then I was really consistent for almost a year. I didn't lose much weight, but I did gain a lot of stamina. I mostly did the 2 mile, and occasionally did three miles. I had a couple dvds so that I could alternate them. I also would play the dvds with the sound really low and listen to BBC world service news.


Last summer I joined a kickboxing class. It was hard, but it would have been impossible without the training of the walking videos.


This year, I've even started to run. THAT wouldn't have been possible without the kickboxing. So for me, the Leslie Sansone dvds were a necessary step onto the path of better fitness and better health.

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I bought the 1, 2, and 3 mile last year about this time. I did the 2 mile for a week or so then did the 3 mile almost every day for 3 months and lost 16 pounds. Sadly, over the summer and fall I gained almost 10 pounds back :( but I've just recently started up again. I am doing the 3 mile every day...I really like the DVDs; it's the first exercise program I've stuck with for this long. I did also watch what I ate, but I didn't starve myself by far. I'm excited to find the 4 mile because the 3 mile is 45 minutes, so if I can get another mile in for the same time I'm all for it!

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I like her videos but I wish she would be quiet for more than 2 seconds;) Even when she has nothing to say she starts counting or something. It makes me wonder if she is one of those people who doesn't appreciate silence once in a while! :rolleyes: I find it a little annoying, but I love the workouts. They are simple and great for my two-left feet.

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I like her videos but I wish she would be quiet for more than 2 seconds;) Even when she has nothing to say she starts counting or something.


This drives me crazy, too. I would turn down the sound, but then I can't hear the beat and I start slowing down.


You know what I want? CD or downloadable (to iPod) 4-mile walk that only has music. The music speeds up or slows down like her videos, but there is no talking. That way, I could walk outside and keep my pace up, or even use my treadmill and change my speed to fit the tempo she wants me to go. I like the fact that she pushes and gets several miles done more quickly than I would if I were left to my own devices.

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I cannot jump or run even a single step b/c of major knee and back issues.


After a while, like all low-impact stuff, it got too easy, but I keep it difficult by adding a lot of arm movement even when they aren't doing any. I make sure I am working hard enough to breathe hard throughout the workout.


For some reason I am not bored with these after many months, as usually happens with aerobics dvds. Maybe b/c I'm a Pittsburgh gal and it makes me feel at home listening to her accent!

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The 4 mile walk slim does have the option of music only, but it is the exact same workout. My children said, why is she talking and you can't hear it. I said, I've got it on music only because I get sick of her talking!



That's reason enough for me to try it right there...and if I just wanted to walk instead for a change I could use the treadmill while listening to the music-only option of the DVD. Thanks for letting us know of this feature!

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