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Can We Take a Pause, Please? Teachers Lounge 8-26-2019


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Hello, all! Lovely to see you in the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact that this is the LAST WEEK OF AUGUST!!! How?? Good grief!

Is your weather getting better, worse, or the same? Here: thought the mornings were getting cooler, like they usually do in September, but now they're 
muggy, like they often are in July. Phoenix is so confused weather-wise right now! 

What's on the schedule today? Here: debating whether or not to have a free day today, based on my current mood. Jury is still out.

Have plans for Labor Day weekend this weekend? Here: part of our family will go camping, part will stay home so the girl can have her sleepover with her BFF.

Who needs more coffee? Here: me!

Talk to me!

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Hi ya Scrap!

Weather reports here say that we are going to have hotter weather this week. Not as hot as you, though  

The schedule here is full of further unpacking from camp and trying to get my life in order  It would be nice if I could figure out what to do for physics now that dd has rejected my idea of an online class

No idea about weekend plans. It’s day by day here.  


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10 minutes ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

fairfarmhand, is it that you have trouble falling asleep or trouble staying asleep?

Staying asleep. If I wake up in the night I’m sunk. It’s not unusual to be awake for at least an hour in  middle of the night. Last night was worse than normal for some reason. 

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Hi all. Today was our first day taking a class with The Potter's School and I am learning that not all online providers are equal in terms of seamless technology.  WHA was a much easier 1st day.  We shall figure it out. 

We are technically on week four of school but we had a soft start.  Latin 2 is starting to get very tricky and I am continuously wondering if I will have any desire to have my youngest DS go through it next year or if I will cave and put him with his brother in Spanish I.  

@fairfarmhand  I'm so sorry to hear about the sleep. That has happened to me before but it is usually short lived. I believe it is hormone related for me because it always precedes my cycle.   It sounds like yours is of a long duration. I know I lose the ability to think clearly and keep my emotions level when I am that tired. I am so sorry. 

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Right there with ya, FFH. Often up for two hours sometime after 3 am.  

Scrap, weather here is rainy today, but supposed to be nice later in the week. It has been restful rain, no storms.

The rest of my day is a trip to the grocery, taking a meal to a friend and keeping dd on track with school work. Week 2 and she's already struggling to keep up.



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3 hours ago, ScoutTN said:


The rest of my day is a trip to the grocery, taking a meal to a friend and keeping dd on track with school work. Week 2 and she's already struggling to keep up.

Is she in Latin 2 with CLRC? It's a different curriculum but Latin is taking a long time over here. We are averaging an hour five days a week and that is without watching the videos.  I thought we took awhile last year, but this really is "more."

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26 minutes ago, cintinative said:

Is she in Latin 2 with CLRC? It's a different curriculum but Latin is taking a long time over here. We are averaging an hour five days a week and that is without watching the videos.  I thought we took awhile last year, but this really is "more."

Latin just started today, so not sure how much time it will take. She did about 3-4 hours most weeks last year, after she got used to the class and the assignments. I think we are jus in a steep learning curve on adjus ting to new teachers and expectation and figuring out how to mangae the time most efficiently. For sure some work takes longer now than it will in a few weeks when Dd will be in a routine.

Time management, more than subject matter, is her struggle.

She likes all her classes so far. Dave Raymond's Modernity is a hit, which I am pleased about, since Dd is not generally a history-loving kid. He pulls ideas together well and is engaging. 

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Long pause here. Youngest dd finished school last year and I still have adult kids at home; It is supposed to cool off this week a little bit. It better. It was over 100 the past couple of days. I haven't been swimming yet, bought new swimsuit, and gained 5 pounds after that. 😞 

I need a vacation but hard pressed to get one in. Earlier found a folder from a school year with the schedule and plans for the first 6 weeks of the youngest's school year. Can you believe I miss the planning and organizing, the studying for the upcoming school year or semester with my well-worn Well Trained Mind book in hand, spiral bound notebooks, pens, pencils, and off to the library. Wasn't a question really. And now it is time for me to figure out what degree or certificate I'm going to pursue. 

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I’m with you! It’s week 4 of school here. I’m loving the return of a good routine, but my house needs to be rescued. And I want some me time. 🙂

DS1 is taking a high school level Spanish course at his homeschool charter and I’m panicking that I made the wrong decision putting my dysgraphic child in this course.  He can handle the verbal, but the writing? Yikes. And he’s a bit shocked that he’s spending about 5 hours a week on it. 🙂 

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