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It is for fraud.  There was a case where they took the photo and used the face to photoshop the face into certain pictures( wedding, family pics).  They then tried to use it to make claims for the house and I think bank accounts.  I know they had some success and the family was involved fighting it in court.  

I read about it a few years ago.  The whole thing was unbelievable like the professor case thread.  

Can your sister or you be added to her bank account? That way one of you would have to approve the money being spent over a certain amount. 

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Could the photo somehow be used to establish this relationship as a legitimate pen pal relationship or friendship thus rendering it outside the realm of fraud? It's legal to send money to friends and proving that they're not friends could be harder than proving fraud. 

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She could have dementia.  I doubt there is any way you could force an evaluation of her.  Unfortunately, I believe that is difficult to do.  But even if she is capable of traveling alone, does not mean that there is not something medically wrong.  You could contact a lawyer and see what your options are.  You also may be able to contact a social worker and see what avenues are available.  A lawyer would probably be faster.  You would need a lawyer who handles those type of cases, such as medical power of attorney.  She needs to be seen by a neurologist who handles dementia.  She'll need a full evaluation and CAT scan or MRI. 

1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Okay, I get not wanting to share info. I'm so sorry. That sounds insanely hard and frustrating.

Just a couple of random ideas in case y'all haven't already thought of them: 

Contact the local Post Office/Post Master General and let them know this person is trying to commit mail and wire fraud. I would call every law enforcement person I could get on the phone. I know they probably won't care because they have so many other fish to fry, but at least you have a trail. 

Change her phone number

Change her email by maybe just one character

Add a VPN to her computer

They can upgrade their router and have his emails blocked



This is also all great advice.  Try setting up as many roadblocks as you can find.   

I'm so sorry. What a nightmare.  


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Sounds like they're trying for identity theft? I wonder if you could freeze her credit and tell each bureau that she's a victim of identity theft. Also, in addition to the great suggestions above, could you or your sister monitor her email and try to keep a step ahead of her there? Ugh, such a crappy situation, I'm sorry!!

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Thanks everyone.  I'm deleting my posts. 

As I said, we're already taking many of the steps suggested here.  We've been doing it for quite some time.  I wasn't really looking for suggestions on how to deal with elder-fraud. - just wondering what the possible reasons for asking for a photo to be send via *USPS* 


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