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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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We HAVE to be out of the storage unit by the end of the month, so this is the last weekend.  DH says we have one large load left.  He and the boys will be getting it later this am.  I told him to just take 100% of it straight up to the garage attic as I still have so much to go through!~

  • clean out storage unit
  • Go through 5 more boxes
  • Take several more things up to the attic
  • make sure each boy has a trash can for his room
  • take oldest to the movies to meet friends
  • take youngest to a birthday party later
  • swap out mattresses on two of the beds
  • take TV up to the media room and move the TV we took up there to the family room
  • set up TVs in both areas
  • choose some pictures for a photo album and order them
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Good morning!

  • make menu plan & shopping list
  • keep an eye on my old girl, Buttercup - she's been acting not quite right, not her usual feisty self
  • stop at farm supply store
  • fabric store for dd?
  • go grocery shopping
  • pick up Thai or Panera for dinner
  • watch a movie with the kids tonight (Music & Lyrics)
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Sleep late, scrounge breakfast for me and dd.

AHG recruiting event (lunch at Starbucks/Chick Fil A)

Start laundry

Asses kitchen, start rice and chx stock cooking, make grocery list.

Feed the dog.

To do:


Make stir fry  

Church prep  

Call mom   

More laundrry  

General tidying   


Edited by ScoutTN
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Done for the day, whew.

Did all my usual chores, laundry, etc.

Got dog food and dog toys at the farm store.

Filled a couple carts with groceries (glad I had two of the kids with me to help).

Took pictures of cars at the Toyota dealership to show ds19. He will be buying his first car before the summer is over, and is trying to decide what to get.

Got some good Chinese takeout. Most of the Chinese food around here is pretty blah, so I was happy to find this place.

Done with chores and getting ready for movie time...ds19 claims to hate rom coms, but I think he will secretly like Music & Lyrics.😛



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Oh, and Buttercup is feeling better, much to my relief. I was worried because she was unenthusiastic about last night's dinner and breakfast this morning. But I think the broken a/c was making her crabby, so I parked her on her favorite chair in front of the window air conditioner all day. She was bouncing up and down and yapping while I was making her dinner, just like she always does, and scarfed it right down, so she seems to be back to normal.🙂

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Howdy.  The Great Campout of 2019 is over.  It was mostly great.  There was one incident of bad judgment on several people's part, but nobody got hurt (unless you count my lip), and the damage was manageable.

I got lots of walking in and did plenty of sweating.  Unfortunately I also ate way too much junk food.  Oh well.

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