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Unexpected full-time job offer -- WWYD?

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How familiar are you with the PS system you'd be sending the boys to? Would they let you & your boys sit in on some classes to become a little acquainted with the environment? I would think visiting the school & talking with the administration about your concerns (especially for your 6th grader) would help you in making this decision. Jacqui

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You need to consider this probably won't be a 9-5 job. If spending time with your family is impotant than that would be a big check. Also, depending on what dress is like, you would possibly have a large increase in your clothing budget. Just some things to think about. I was once considered to be on staff for a NY congressman, but had to turn it down. I was 6 mos preg with 1st child. Good luck with your decision.

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it more and go on an interview, if you haven't done it already. I would start talking to dh to see what his thoughts were about it.


Given the state of the economy, the fact that you are running around trying to do several different jobs and you still aren't making enough money and that you were recommended for this position during a time when jobs are at a premium I would spend some time interviewing and figuring out if it might work for you. After getting more info you might decide that it doesn't fit even without the homeschooling issue.


As far as schooling, my kids are in school now and doing well, so I can only suggest that you look into your school district, talk to other parents that already go to that school to get the best information. You might also talk to homeschooling parents who pulled their children from that school to get more information and look at all of it to see if you think your children will be successful there.


I will say that if things aren't going well for you financially now and the economy continuing to be a question mark, this opportunity (if it really is an opportunity) is something that you should really investigate because it might make your household less stressed, including dh, if he is worried about money.

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I would definitely look into it. It sounds like a good job for your area of interest. The way I see it, you would have 6 more years of homeschooling before you could work full time, but you don't want to be looking for a job when you're 60 after having been home for nearly 20 years. (My mom is 70 and got laid off earlier this year and is having a VERY hard time finding another job.)


About school, you could see if you could get some financial help from the private school, or do public school, or possibly (if your dc are responsible enough and want to keep homeschooling) they could continue to be homeschooled if they worked on their own during the day or maybe came to work with you sometimes.


But definitely find out more!

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If I did it, I'd look into having my kids buddy up with another family. You could offer to pay for the "service" and keep them learning the material that you've already chosen. Or, do some type of learning program...like a homeschool once a week program? Your children are at the age that I find it the MOST important to homeschool:-)

Good Luck...it's nice to have job opportunities!

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First I think I would cry. :) How exciting to be considered but all the decisions...I think I would interview if I really needed the money to live. I would have reservations about how many actual hours that job would demand. Maybe some of it could be done from home. Interview but don't mention the problems you are working out with the family. If it looks good continue to make your plans. If you don't get it you might hear of something else or make some new connections. Be prepared that you could be offered the job and might have to turn it down if it doesn't work with your famliy plans. It doesn't sound like you would like to be away a lot. Let us know how it works out.

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1. Interview. Find out clearly what the job expectations are: time and place (work from home ever?) Especially find out if and when the expectations will rise as the job position is promoted. (A year from now they might require longer hours.)


2. Write a list of pros and cons so you see it in black and white.


3. Research homeschooling while working full-time options--people out there do it. At this age, the boys might be able to do some of the work independently.


4. Meet with the public school system to get a better picture of the reality of sending them to school.


5. Double check your reasons for hs-ing and see if they still apply.


THEN, make a decision.

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Boy, that's a tough one. I think the suggestion of writing out pros and cons is really a good one, but it seems to me you don't have enough information at this point to truly list them. You don't seem to know the basics of how much it pays and how long you have to work each day.

I guess I would try to find out what I could--which would mean interviewing. I would not feel bad at all about being tentative, and I can't believe your friend would want you to take a job without knowing what you were getting in to! Geesh.


You could think of it as a one year experiment. Nothing is set in stone.


The one statement that worries me is where you say your hubby is disapproving. I would feel the need to get my husband's support before I'd go back to work full-time. W/o violating board rules, can you elaborate a little? Is he leery of the effects taking the job would have, of the job itself, of you making more $ than him, or what?


I know there are moms who will help other moms homeschool--it's less than private school, and can be a big help. Maybe you could outsource a couple of classes that way, do online courses for a couple more, and do one at night. I'd be concerned about leaving my kids home all day, though. And I would not want to put them in school in Jr High--I do think it's the absolute worst time because of peer influence. But ymmv, of course.


Hang in there. It really would be difficult to decide.

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Wow, hard decision. On the other hand. Will you be working just while the legislature is in session? How long are their sessions? Now this may be tricky. How big would your office be? Can the boys come and do their work their and then in the afternoon do page service or errands?

With your degrees, could you not do some other sort of work such as consulting, assisting a local attorney doing the details of case files or research from home? Could you do research for your local Family Services department? Maybe medical transcription from home for the local hospital, they might consider setting you up at home. My girlfriend does it and makes about 25$ an hour. I am actually looking into that myself.

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