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One of my dc just brought in a flyer w/ a picture of a lost cat. I saw a cat that looked just like it on Friday. It had used up all of it's 9 lives, and was in the middle of the road. I have no way of knowing for sure, but .....


Do I call and say "Has your cat been missing since Friday?" and then explain what I saw, or ......?????


I think I would want to know, but, maybe I wouldn't. Ick. I don't want to make this call. :(


What would you do?


Would you want to get that call?

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When I was 12 my cat didn't come in. I walked up and down my street for hours calling her and calling her, knocking on doors.

At last I went home and my neighbor had called my Mom, they had found her by the side of the road.

I don't know how I could have coped not knowing what had happened to her.

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If it were my cat, I would definitely appreciate a call. I would worry so much more thinking my poor cat was wandering lost and cold and hungry than if I thought he were dead. :(


Please call.


Our sweet cat got out and never returned. A lady saw our signs and let us know the cat had turned up in her ditch and had been disposed. We were heartbroken, but at least we knew she wasn't suffering somewhere.

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Ugh. I called. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Worse than when we had to tell our dc about their kitty a few years ago. It was most likely their cat, the timing was right and they live on the side street right next to the busy road where I saw it. I am so sad. I'm in tears and it wasn't even mine. I think she was grateful for knowing though. Thanks for the advice. :angelsad2:

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One of my dc just brought in a flyer w/ a picture of a lost cat. I saw a cat that looked just like it on Friday. It had used up all of it's 9 lives, and was in the middle of the road. I have no way of knowing for sure, but .....


Do I call and say "Has your cat been missing since Friday?" and then explain what I saw, or ......?????


I think I would want to know, but, maybe I wouldn't. Ick. I don't want to make this call. :(


What would you do?


Would you want to get that call?


I would absolutely want to know. Out here in the boonies, our critters have disappeared. We've lost a cat and a dog that just never came home one night. We're pretty sure "something" got them. We also lost one dog that got hit by a car. They came down and told me about it. I could tell it was hard for the man who hit him, but it wasn't his fault -- it was mine for thinking he wouldn't wander that far away. I wouldn't have thought to look for him up there.


Many years ago, there was an old basset hound that used to sit by the side of the road. One day on the way to work, he was in the road dead. A few days later, there was a big sign by the road about the "lost dog" so I stopped and let them know what I saw. I hoped it wasn't him, but I think it was. The sign was up for a couple of months, so I don't think he came home.

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Otherwise, I'd be tortured by worry about what might be happening and whether there was still some hope. It would be very, very difficult for me to stop looking until I knew. And, unless I knew for sure, I would be in a panic every time I glimpsed an animal by the side of the road, worrying that it was mine.


I'm sure it must have been extremely difficult to make that call, to have to be the one to break such news. But I think it was a kind and considerate thing to do.

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Good for you for making that call. It was a really hard thing to do, and you didn't have to do it, but it will bring peace to the family if they're pretty sure it was their cat. A lot of people wouldn't have bothered or would have taken the easier option of not calling.



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