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Puppy food


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There seems to be some conflicting information online. I am particularly interested in bones. I know cooked bones are strictly forbidden, but is it OK for my puppy eat all raw bones safely? Are raw chicken wings OK? What about beef?

What about sweet potatos mixed with raw meat?

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You won't find any definitive information on this, although you will no doubt find many people who claim to have the definitive answer.

That said, there are many, many people who raw feed their dogs very successfully.

But despite what many of them will insist, there are also many dogs who don't do well on a raw diet--and not because of the owner not doing it "right".

I'd be careful with beef bones. The weight bearing ones can break teeth. IIRC ribs are considered okay. Raw chicken bones won't splinter.

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1 hour ago, Pawz4me said:

You won't find any definitive information on this, although you will no doubt find many people who claim to have the definitive answer.

That said, there are many, many people who raw feed their dogs very successfully.

But despite what many of them will insist, there are also many dogs who don't do well on a raw diet--and not because of the owner not doing it "right".

I'd be careful with beef bones. The weight bearing ones can break teeth. IIRC ribs are considered okay. Raw chicken bones won't splinter.


Although I will clarify - raw MEATY bones are what is suggested, as the meat cushions things. 

There are those who have great success, including veterinarians (check out Billinghurst or Lonsdale, both vets). There are those who have terrible results, including choking, impactions, etc. 

Same with kibble. Dogs that live full, healthy lives on kibble (dog life spans have increased, despite what raw proponents try to say). And dogs that do terribly and do better on raw. 

Honestly - do what works. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. 

And keep in mind the talthough dogs don't usually get sick from raw meat, if the puppy drags raw chicken all over the kids COULD get sick from contact with the juices/germs. I feed raw bones in kennels when I feed them, for that reason. 

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45 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:


Although I will clarify - raw MEATY bones are what is suggested, as the meat cushions things. 

There are those who have great success, including veterinarians (check out Billinghurst or Lonsdale, both vets). There are those who have terrible results, including choking, impactions, etc. 

Same with kibble. Dogs that live full, healthy lives on kibble (dog life spans have increased, despite what raw proponents try to say). And dogs that do terribly and do better on raw. 

Honestly - do what works. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. 

And keep in mind the talthough dogs don't usually get sick from raw meat, if the puppy drags raw chicken all over the kids COULD get sick from contact with the juices/germs. I feed raw bones in kennels when I feed them, for that reason. 

I just want to say that I love that quote!

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My puppy doesn’t want to eat kibble. He sits in the kitchen and wails for meat. We gave him some chicken because he was such a poor eater with kibble alone and now it’s even worse. I don’t want to mix meat with kibble (somebody told me mixing wasn’t a good idea), but I also want there to be some balance to his food (not chicken all the time). I tried giving him a chicken tight and he devoured it with mean and bones. I am just not sure how to really get a menu going for this puppy and what sorts of stuff is allowed. He can’t just eat chicken tights alone.

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We started making our own food for picky. I use beef liver or chicken hearts ( which ever one I get first), ground beef, veggies, pumpkin or sweet potato, flax and rice.  It has work very well and all dogs in this house give it several paws.  Vet is very happy with how the pup is doing now. With the instant pot, I can throw it in and make about 1.5 weeks worth at once. 


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6 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

We started making our own food for picky. I use beef liver or chicken hearts ( which ever one I get first), ground beef, veggies, pumpkin or sweet potato, flax and rice.  It has work very well and all dogs in this house give it several paws.  Vet is very happy with how the pup is doing now. With the instant pot, I can throw it in and make about 1.5 weeks worth at once. 


Home cooked food comprises the majority of our dog’s diet. I’ve found over the years and several dogs that it’s what has worked best for the majority of them. For a puppy/young dog I would want to pay careful attention to balancing the phosphorous:calcium ratio. 

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20 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

Home cooked food comprises the majority of our dog’s diet. I’ve found over the years and several dogs that it’s what has worked best for the majority of them. For a puppy/young dog I would want to pay careful attention to balancing the phosphorous:calcium ratio. 


Any recepies to share?

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7 minutes ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

I want to try this one as soon as my puppy is a year. 


It looks pretty good. I also want to try supplementing with raw. I'm switching my cats over to raw right now and they are loving it but I don't think I can afford that with a husky/shepherd mix!


Where  would I get organ meat?


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9 hours ago, Roadrunner said:


Any recepies to share?

When we had two bigger dogs I used to do batch cooking and followed recipes (more or less). And I think I do still have some of them, but they're packed away in a box up in the attic. When we moved to this house three years ago we were down to our one small dog, and he eats so little I usually manage to fix his food from whatever we're having (plus a little organ meat thrown in a couple of times a week). I'm pretty sure my old dog food recipe file is up in the attic, along with some other things we wanted to keep but never unpacked.

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