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Dog people. What are the signs of stroke in dogs?


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MIL just called and her ten year old king charles spaniel is unable to walk, not eating and drinking, but she isn't doing a lot of panting. She threw up yesterday but had no other symptoms of anything else being gone. She doesn't lift her head - currently laying on her side on her rug - but she does make eye contact with MIL when she pets her.

She has been slowing down a lot lately and was a rescue from a puppy mill so she has never been in good health.

We've had an ice storm here and the roads are really bad so I'm trying to suss this out before making a treacherous trip to her house and from there to the vet.

What are the other signs of pain besides panting?

Thanks to everyone who responds!

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This could be so many things. He really needs to be seen.  I know the roads are bad but call the vet and see if there is an appointment late afternoon or one in the morning.  Hopefully, the roads will be better. 

What food is she feeding the pup?  So many recalls for vitamin d poisoning and some symptoms can be that.  Let the vet know what food he is getting too Incase it was recalled.

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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7 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

This could be so many things. He really needs to be seen.  I know the roads are bad but call the vet and see if there is an appointment late afternoon or one in the morning.  Hopefully, the roads will be better. 

What food is she feeding the pup?  So many recalls for vitamin d poisoning and some symptoms can be that.  Let the vet know what food he is getting too Incase it was recalled.

She feeds her some sort of high end from the vet canned dog food because she has so few teeth left. We'll see if she holds on to tomorrow. The roads are so bad there is a four car pile up just a few miles from our house. MIL is 83 and shouldn't even walk to her car.

I'm just not sure how to gauge if the dog is in pain or not.

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He needs to be seen. Also, dogs will sometimes hide their panting from owners. But he could have a non painful, but serious back injury for example, where the faster he gets steroids the more likely he is to regain movement. Or it could be pancreatitis. Or any number of things. 

Also, that breed is prone to something similar to Chiari malformation in humans that can cause spinal issues, and also prone to heart problems. They are more fragile than many/most other breeds. Which SUCKS because personality wise they are the perfect pet 😞


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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

She feeds her some sort of high end from the vet canned dog food because she has so few teeth left. We'll see if she holds on to tomorrow. The roads are so bad there is a four car pile up just a few miles from our house. MIL is 83 and shouldn't even walk to her car.

I'm just not sure how to gauge if the dog is in pain or not.

If it is hills,  she needs to check and see if it was part of the recall. 

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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

She feeds her some sort of high end from the vet canned dog food because she has so few teeth left. We'll see if she holds on to tomorrow. The roads are so bad there is a four car pile up just a few miles from our house. MIL is 83 and shouldn't even walk to her car.

I'm just not sure how to gauge if the dog is in pain or not.

Actually, the products recalled include ones that are sold through veterinary clinics - the most popular brand actually. And symptoms fit. Here is the info  with Sku numbers and such. https://www.hillspet.com/productlist?fbclid=IwAR0jKLDBfQEIiY6-jVQGL9sb25f1xjhYgt9YeRi3yj4_dXpaEc7HDerFXBY

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The dog food is Royal Cannin.

I misspoke. The dog is 13 years old which is I think also towards the later range of expected lifespan for the breed.

She did finally get up from her rug. She could hardly walk though so DH took her to her water dish. She tried to lap but couldn't, so he used a syringe and gave her several drinks. She snuggled right into his arms so now she is laying in his lap while he works. The vet practice is not open due to the ice. The emergency on call vet said she could see the dog tomorrow. I called another practice, and they are not open either. When I say that we have dangerous roads right now, I'm not exaggerating. We live rural and those are the only two vet practices within 20 miles.

I hope doggie either passes quickly or perks more because if she gets into signs of pain, mil is going to have a really, really hard time with it, and she has serious problems keeping her blood pressure down due to kidney function. This is bad for both of them.

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Poor dog doesn't sound truly distressed. And that's good. Your DH is there with your MIL? There's only so much they can do given the weather situation. Your DH is on the right track by offering small amounts of fluid. I'd do that frequently to keep her hydrated. I wouldn't worry too much about food unless she seems hungry, and if she does I'd offer very small amounts of something soft that isn't the RC. Unless she has some sensitivities that could be anything that's soft and easy to digest. And make sure to keep her warm.

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7 minutes ago, Valley Girl said:

Feeling helpless is just awful.


It really is. A few months ago my dog also became unable to walk. She was 17 so we knew that it was time and that we had to take her in. It was a holiday so my vet and many others were closed. Luckily we have access to an emergency who were able to put her down. I don't know what I would have done if that wasn't an option. She was so ready to go and to have had to make her suffer would have killed me.

@Faith-manor I'm so sorry your family is going through this. It is so, so hard.

Edited by stephanier.1765
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She saw the vet this morning. UGH! DH nearly put the car in the ditch getting there, and that was after simply barely creeping along. Our roads are just that bad.

She is eating, and drinking, able to potty now. So she isn't in pain. She definitely had a mild stroke, and the vet warned MIL that this is really the beginning of the end. MIL made the choice to not put her down since she is perking, and not in pain. However, she did agree with dh that if there is another incident or at the first sign of serious distress, then it is time. MIL is 83, so this is going to be hard. I'm keeping a close watch from here on out because I don't know if MIL's blood pressure will spike when the time comes or not. If at all possible, I'll be on hand for it just to be careful with her.

She's been a pretty darn good MIL all things considered, and none of her other kids live in state, so I want to be there if I can. DH is sometimes too distracted to hone in on warning signals.

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