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Paper dolls - how old?


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I know that I'm thinking way ahead but I want to put together something crafty for my great niece to do on Easter. Other than infants, she is the only child (7) and I hate for her to sit around and be bored. And I'm not going to lie but I like the idea of us sitting down and doing something together. I won't have a lot of time because I'll be helping with the cooking and cleaning so I want something she can do herself but she will enjoy doing with an adult as well. So I was thinking of some color and cut paper dolls. I've seen some free ones on Pinterest.

So I have three sons and have a zero idea of what little girls like and what is age appropriate. So do 7 year old girls like paper dolls?

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That age sounds perfect for paper dolls!

Although be careful with those babies around, once we had the paper dolls out, and older child  dropped one on the floor. I didn't notice that the seventh month old had chewed the head off of one. He started gagging and slightly choking with a paper dolls head going down his throat. (Not my best mom moment)

All ended well....but I thought I would share since you mentioned there would be babies around. :)

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@gardenmom5 Thank you, I'll look into those. It will probably be a good idea to have a couple of options for her.

@MercyA Thanks for the heads up. I'll let some of the other adults know she might need a hand if I'm busy elsewhere. I have been looking at peg dolls too and maybe putting together a shoe box house she can decorate. I was worried she might be too old for that too but she loves making Lego houses so it probably will be okay. So many crafts to choose from. I love crafts. 😁

@Okra Wow, I hadn't even thought of the danger to the babies. Thank you for reminding me. It's been a long time since I've had to worry about babies.

@Tap Good idea. I'll be sure to ask just in case. I did find a couple of animal ones so I'll try to print out a variety of options. They are even Easter rabbits available which would be cute.


Edited by stephanier.1765
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A shoebox house would be so fun, and I definitely don't think she's too old for it.

My daughter is 10 and we made purse-size doll houses the other day using a tin for one (like an Altoids tin but a little bigger) and a little plastic first-aid kit box for the other. One was a house, with scrapbook paper for the carpet, a glued-on paper window, button plates, food made out of beads, and a sleeping bag made from fabric scraps. It's inhabited by a peg doll and a little rabbit. The other is a fairy scene, with green felt for the grass, shiny blue paper for a lake, a craft stick bridge, and little fairy and animal figures. I have no artistic talent whatsoever but I can do crafts! 😊

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3 hours ago, MercyA said:

A shoebox house would be so fun, and I definitely don't think she's too old for it.

My daughter is 10 and we made purse-size doll houses the other day using a tin for one (like an Altoids tin but a little bigger) and a little plastic first-aid kit box for the other. One was a house, with scrapbook paper for the carpet, a glued-on paper window, button plates, food made out of beads, and a sleeping bag made from fabric scraps. It's inhabited by a peg doll and a little rabbit. The other is a fairy scene, with green felt for the grass, shiny blue paper for a lake, a craft stick bridge, and little fairy and animal figures. I have no artistic talent whatsoever but I can do crafts! 😊

You sound like an awesome mom! I remember any time a parent sat down with me to do crafts that I was over the moon thrilled. I wish my boys would have had a crafty bent. Once they got past coloring books that was the end of sitting down and making something together time.

And thank you for the ideas for a shoe box house. I'm not sure who is going to have more fun, me or her.

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