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WWYD - Bronchitis, Thyroid, Steroids


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I have had what I would describe as a bad cold for several days. My dh was symptomatic before I was and went to see the PA before I went in to the MD yesterday. After doing basic blood work, the PA gave him antibiotics and cough medicine and he has cleared up nicely. He's about three days ahead of me in both the illness and the treatment.

I went to the MD yesterday (same practice as my dh - I took the first available sick appointment with a different practitioner). After the same basic bloodwork, the MD told me he was surprised that I didn't have pneumonia. He diagnosed me with bronchitis and gave me an rx for antibiotics for the bronchitis and steroids for the bronchial inflammation. 

I despise taking steroids, so I decided to start the antibiotic and if, after a few days, that didn't help with the cough/chest congestion, that I would start the steroids. After two doses of the antibiotic, I feel much better and my sore throat has gone away, but I have pain at the base of my neck where it meets the collarbone. I realized, with the absence of the sore throat, that this is the pain that I feel when I turn my head and it has also been preventing me from finding a comfortable sleeping position.

I did a quick check with Dr. Google and I realize that I have many symptoms of various thyroid diagnoses & some many have been ongoing for several months, a couple of them for about two years. Namely, my symptoms are: fatigue, sensitivity to cold, pale skin, brittle nails, weight gain, joint pain, menorhaggia, depression, hoarseness, chronic congestion. 

So, I know that steroids is a common treatment for thyroid issues, but now I am thinking I should have thyroid blood tests done.

So, here's the question - Should I go ahead and start the steroids and get relief from pain or should I hold off on the steroids and go back in on Monday and ask for the blood tests before I start the steroids?

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Agreed, steroids are not used to improve your thyroid. If anything, they make it worse. When I went to the doctor this fall (because I had been somewhat low for years and it was time) the doctor said well maybe it's because you were sick and on steroids... And it's true, I was on 50mg of prednisone because I was bleeding and coughing up blood and a mess. That was a rough recovery.

I would take the medicine your doc gave you to take down the inflammation so your body can heal. Schedule with your gp and get the labs done. My doc was happy to take me below 2.0 and I'm pretty happy now, just tweaking to get the final bits of my energy back. I'll bet you feel crummy right now, so definitely take the meds. That's my big goal for the school year: NO PNEUMONIA, NO BRONCHITIS. 

Hope you feel better soon.

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9 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

One doesn't affect the other, IMO.  Steroids are NOT a common treatment for thyroid issues. I would finish the steroids, and then worry about your thyroid.

It is used for treating thyroid pain, not the thyroid issue itself. What I am  uncertain of is whether or not the pain is an indicator of the severity of the issue - if the pain lessens, does that mean the underlying cause has been mitigated somewhat or will it still show in the thyroid blood tests?

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I had an awful but not scary reaction to steroids for asthma so I would hold on to starting steroids. Had my thyroid test done on Thursday around 10am and had my results on Friday 7am. I would get the thyroid test done on Monday since results turnaround is so fast

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If you feel that the issue with your throat that the steroids were prescribed to treat is gone, I would not take the steroids. If you feel the steroids are still needed then take them. 

I would make an appointment to see the GP to discuss thyroid issues. Steroids aren't used to treat common thyroid issues, only very acute inflammation (at least as far as I know). I wouldn't take the current steroid dose 'for the pain', if you think it is different pain than the doctor was prescribing it for.  There are different types of steroids and widely varying doses that are used to treat inflammation. If the medicine you have is the wrong med/dose to treat the undiagnosed neck pain, then you could be over or undermedicated and that can absolutely mess up treatment. Steroids are a very useful medication but not one to play around with. They interfere with the way your immune system affects your body. Which is good if you immune system is being overactive.....not so good if it is doing its job appropriately. They lower the immune response, which is not good if you system is doing its job. 

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Acute thyroiditis can have pain (googlefu here) but that's for hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism shouldn't be doing that to you and it wouldn't be at the back of your neck. At the back of your neck sounds like you need to go to the chiropractor.

My suggestion to take the steroid as prescribed was on the assumption that you continue to have lung symptoms and inflammation.

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