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It’s only 7:20!


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It's 3pm boxing day here now and I'm exhausted.

We had people staying here from Christmas eve until midday today.

Christmas night I was so tired, I put away the food related essentials and dropped into bed. Still have many dishes to do now, but it's hot and I'm tired!

Lovely day, joy to the world!

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I’m tired too and it’s morning! 

We still have a person here but we have to take her back home today. Then a new crew comes in tomorrow and Friday. I’m beginning to be all “family-times” out. We had Christmas going on since last Friday and I’m ready for my routine. Thankfully, next week is NOTHING! Just rest and fun that I plan. 

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I was in bad by 7:30pm yesterday and asleep by 8:pm.   
DH and I are both introverts and mid-afternoon I noticed that he had disappeared and I knew why so I didn't draw attention to it.  
DD left with my parents for some Grandparent time.   I've never been so happy to have some alone time.  DH will be home, but two introverts both needing alone time don't both each other.  

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16 hours ago, shawthorne44 said:

I was in bad by 7:30pm yesterday and asleep by 8:pm.   
DH and I are both introverts and mid-afternoon I noticed that he had disappeared and I knew why so I didn't draw attention to it.  
DD left with my parents for some Grandparent time.   I've never been so happy to have some alone time.  DH will be home, but two introverts both needing alone time don't both each other.  

Yeah I get it. One sister in law commented “why don’t you ever play games with us?” TypicAlly games start at 7-7:30 after several hours of family time. I usually just vanish for awhile. I’m done interacting and need the break. Washing dishes can be a nice escape. I hid in my bedroom several times on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day because of the people. My oldest and youngest have the impulse to talk nonstop. It’s stream of consciousness for them and it sucks me dry!

Edited by fairfarmhand
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