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Who’s going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  DH has a 6 am flight to Memphis and he is so loud in the morning that I am up and already drinking coffee.  Lots to do today and I'm going to get started as soon as I finish my coffee.  We are getting new carpet installed today in the the boys bedrooms, guest bedroom, and my closet.

-DS17 off to school
-school for DS14
-go to paint store to make sure I have paint for handyman to touch up ceiling in foyer

-phone calls to make:  DS17 school, dog groomer, kennel, water guy to replace our filters, powerwasher
-scrub grout in foyer and living room (at least there is a huge rug in the living room and not much exposed grout...)
-clean up the absolute mess DH left in the office (sigh)
-change all air filters
-go to Staples to make copies of the turkey project for the teacher I am assisting
-drop off more donations at Goodwill
-tutor at 5 - student is sick so not coming
-dinner (my parents are still here, I want to take them out to dinner as a thank you for all the hard work my Dad has done)
-probably fall asleep at 8 pm

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning! 

The usuals are done. My tutoring schedule this week is being rearranged around one family's hunting trip. I tutor 3 kids in one family, so I'll have more today but less tomorrow. 

  • meals
  • school with ds
  • tutoring 
  • go see a friend this afternoon
  • ds ride to swim with a friend and spend the night with him 
  • tidy house
  • start planning Thanksgiving meal, all my family coming here
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Good morning!

  • drop long-haired kitty off at vet for his twice-yearly haircut
  • school w/dd (lots of Spanish, ugh - this child and foreign languages are not a good mix)
  • must get gobs of office work done today
  • laundry - towels & sheets
  • dust & vacuum main floor
  • pick up cat this afternoon (I'm debating whether to take my dog along so he can get his Adequan injection, but having him in the car might make the cat even more stressed out)
  • dinner: creamy mushroom and wild rice soup
  • watch hockey tonight and more of In the Dark
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Oh boy. I was glutened on Saturday- told that one item was gluten free at the Ladies Luncheon that wasn’t. And I am sicker than a dog. Now that I have been Celiac level gluten free for well over a year, my reaction has been much stronger than it ever was in the past.  But slower in ramping up than I expected. (I was fine for about four hours after eating and then wham. ). Good thing that dd is gone all day today for job training because I haven’t gotten much sleep and when I did sleep, I dreamt about being as sick as a dog. 

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I’ve got some kind of crud.  Fever, pounding headache, body/ hair/ eyeball achiness, exhaustion.  I had a flu shot so probably just some other random bug.   Took the cat to the vet for a dental extraction.   Pondering just crawling back into bed.  Or if there’s any point in getting checked by the doctor, but going there sounds exhausting. 

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Prayers for everyone who isn't feeling well today.

I am super stressed out and need to get a lot of work out.  I hope I can focus.  I wish my focus didn't come and go like it does.

  • Set at least 10 alarms but ignored several of them.
  • Up at 5 to get kid going on test study.
  • Up again at 6:45 to wake other kid.
  • Kids off running to the bus stop at 7:55.  Just made it.
  • Sister called me exactly when the bus came, and we blabbed for about an hour.  It's never quick with my family!
  • Cleaned the kitchen while on the phone.
  • Caught up on social media, news, emails.
  • Made this post.

To do:

  • Lots of work.
  • Process last load of clothes in the dryer.
  • Calendar?
  • Exercise?
  • Reading?
  • Kids' work - they ride the bus home - homework - then Kid 1 has gymnastics, driver will take her.
  • Read-aloud?
  • Kids to bed.
  • School forms.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Good morning! We got a call from dd2 after practice this morning that it was snowing hard and the roads were like an ice skating rink. After a nail-biter drive home last night, passing one very bad multi-car accident and several small ones, I think she is spooked. Anyway, she made to dmil's (5 min from pool) and is working on math there and will come back for her second class (she only has two today). Our city roads are fine- it's the county ones that are not maintained very well.

  • coffee/paper
  • write
  • chores
  • work with dd2 after her class
  • dd2 has first high school practice
  • call with PT
  • dd2 late practice
  • late airport pick up for ds3

Have a great day!

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Dropped very unhappy kitty off at vet, stopped at UPS Store, got coffee, came home. Just got done eating breakfast and I'm heading out to clean stalls.

Adding to my list:

  • make list for electrician of everything that needs doing
  • make a grocery list and stop at store this afternoon
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Living life very slowly but gingerly but so far:

human care is done

pet care is done (actually this was done first because . . . well, because they depend on me)

medical care is done

I had scrambled eggs and jello for breakfast.  I hope that will be ok for my body.  I was thinking of following advice for a liquid diet but I'm diabetic and I really think that would be a disaster. 

Now I am going to take the puppy for a walk around the block.  Again - hope that will be ok for my body.  I have met my step goal for 293 days and I think that if I take very short walks at intervals through out the day that I can make it again for today. 

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So, dd2 slid into a curb at 5 mph to avoid another sliding car in the parking lot this morning. The car is not driveable and my dh is nuts with all the car problems we have had over the past year.

Dd2 feels terrible- but she did not hit another car. Dh never has a leg to stand on in these situations- he totaled two cars before he was 17.

But yeah- moving toward the second most expensive year on record.

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