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Content will remain even if an account is deleted. You would have to go to each site before deleting the account to delete content. But be advised that not all sites will allow editing or deleting information after a certain period of time. And anyone using the “way back machine “ can see content that on the internet in the past. 

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Did he access online or actually download? If he simply accessed online, then no need to delete everything on the hard drive. Good job deleting all accounts and closing down his gmail. If he opens a new gmail account, don't use anything that ties it to the old one. Did he access this stuff on his phone? He'll need a new google/apple account so that nothing syncs with his old stuff. Google and probably Apple like to save everything you've done. All your contacts, searching, bookmarks, history, etc.

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2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Content will remain even if an account is deleted. You would have to go to each site before deleting the account to delete content. But be advised that not all sites will allow editing or deleting information after a certain period of time. And anyone using the “way back machine “ can see content that on the internet in the past. 

You can actually have content removed from the Wayback Machine if you're the author of the page. There's a process. They typically don't archive comments on sites. If you were a commenter on a site and it was archived but you're not the author of the page, I don't know that you could get that removed.

I'm not totally sure what the OP is trying to remove at this point. He watched this content. You deleted the accounts used to do so. You shut down the associated accounts used to create the accounts he used. Was he additionally uploading content he had made? Because that's a whole other ballgame. If we're just talking about comments he left as the account, I'd just let it go unless he used his real name, was commenting constantly, and his name is relatively unique/identifiable. I mean, I doubt Stupidusername712's dozen or so "this was dope, yo" comments are really going to make any difference to the world at large or be traceable to him years from now without an FBI level investigation. And maybe not even then.

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3 hours ago, Friendtothefriendless said:

He had a trak phone and had apps. We haven't started  the phone clean up bc I can only handle so much at a time.

i purchased the trak bc I thought that stuff wasn't possible on it. Now I know Trak phone pushes it on kids by making it so available and pushing their apps in ad messages to kids.


I have a trac phone, and my kids each have one too.  We haven't found this to be the case at all.

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I think it’s a really bad idea to take him back through those sites and accounts.  They just need to be deleted and move on. Don’t add enticement or triggers by going to them again. 

My HUGE complaint about “parental/chaste” limitations and monitoring and blocking option is that almost none of them address in app problems. So for example, it might block seeing a website via safari but it doesn’t do jack for an app that is well known to be a front for porn/hookups. 

I would just get a whole new computer and phone. And I’d set them up myself with as many monitors and blocks as positively and all the passwords and such would be mine, not his. If you can’t get new ones, I’d at least remove and discard the harddrive and replace it.  Same for gone SIM card and phone account/number.

Meant to download an app? Can’t unless I enter the password for downloads. 

Meant to change settings? Can’t without my password.

And everything is instantly downloaded in real time to a cloud. Sooo. Even if all else fails, I’ll catch it. 

And I don’t allow any electronics upstairs and none between 10pm - 7am  

Yes. This is time consuming and expensive. 

But sadly we live in a predatory world and our kids are prey.

Good luck. 

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