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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  Today is co-op day.  After three years of co-op I'm starting to dread the 3 hours I have to spend sitting around in my car in the heat.  It used to be fun to sit and chat with other moms but for some reason at this particular point in time I am so over it.  Anyway....

-DS17 off to school
-DS13 work on writing paper and history before leaving for co-op
-print out DS13's math for the week to take to class

-grocery store (need a few things plus cake for DS13's birthday tomorrow)

-clean up kitchen
-dinner (grilled chicken)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning. My dad's bone marrow was clear, so they will only do 6 chemo treatments, every other week, starting next week. After that, they may do a bit of radiation. We are thankful!

I'm heading to the ENT doctor this morning because I've been having burning in my throat and now some hoarseness. I think it's reflux because some white chicken chili made it worse a couple of nights ago. But, I think I'm getting a UTI. How do you go to two doctors at once? I'm drinking lots of water, but it's painful. I feel I need to keep the ENT appointment, though, so it's taking priority. I'll figure the other out afterwards.


  • school with ds
  • doctor appointment and maybe go by a walk-in clinic on the UTI
  • tutor one student
  • laundry
  • church 
  • meals (dinner at church, might grab lunch while out later)
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4 minutes ago, Pink and Green Mom said:

Good morning!  Today is co-op day.  After three years of co-op I'm starting to dread the 3 hours I have to spend sitting around in my car in the heat.  It used to be fun to sit and chat with other moms but for some reason at this particular point in time I am so over it.  Anyway....


Is your co-op a paid co-op? Ours is not, so the moms have to work in classes. Our lead teachers get a planning period, though.

I can imagine that waiting around three hours would be tough. Do you have to stay on site, or do you just prefer to do that? I know if I left and went around town, I'd probably shop too much and spend money I didn't need to spend. LOL! 

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Good morning!

Amy, I hope you feel better soon. I will pray for your dad's treatment to be effective. 

Dd is doing math corrections and I am making pumpkin pancakes. Dh left for Bible study an hour ago.

Regulat Wed here:

Pick up milk.


Piano lessons

Church for choir, dinner and class. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

(((Amy))) I hope the doctors get you feeling better! I'm glad for your dad's good news.

  • school w/dd
  • office work (more beginning-of-the-month bills, deal with new employee paperwork)
  • vet might be stopping by to drop off a new medication for my laminitic horse
  • try to get a manure sample from one more horse (got five collected so far, but there's always one stealthy horse who makes it difficult...)
  • make a post office run
  • clean hay steamer
  • tidy up main floor
  • figure out food for the weekend (ds19 is bringing some friends down to work on his project car and I don't want to inflict my plant-eating ways on the poor guys, lol)
  • dinner: trying a new recipe for vegan breakfast sandwiches
  • NHL season starts tonight, people! That's what I'll be doing every night for the next eight months or so.:tongue:
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8 minutes ago, Selkie said:


  • NHL season starts tonight, people! That's what I'll be doing every night for the next eight months or so.:tongue:

I am not a hockey fan, but Nashville is crazy for the Predators!! Who knew hockey could take such a hold here in the south?! Fastest growing youth sport in middle TN. 

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That's funny Scout - it has really taken off here in the Tampa area too.  Some high schools have hockey teams, which really surprised me.  I love watching hockey live.  I don't watch a lot of it on TV but I would never, ever turn down tickets to hockey (I was wondering why I got a Groupon for Tampa Bay Lightning tickets today).

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Good morning! Today is Regional championships for ds3, so he is off. Dh and I will be driving back and forth to watch his games. I imagine nothing will get done with both tennis and dh around. But I am going to make a list anyway.

Good news for your dad, Amy and I hope you feel better soon. Pink and Green, your feelings about co-op are like my feelings for swim meets. It used to be fun to sit and chat, now it is a slow, horrible form of torture.

My baseball crazy dh is over the moon about the Rockies, so it's Rock-tober here. 

  • coffee/paper
  • over for first game
  • back to write
  • laundry
  • chores-I haven't done anything all week
  • more tennis
  • recruiting with dd2
  • more tennis
  • dinner?

Have a great day!


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Howdy folks!  I finally made it to the tackle thread!  You guys are like my 2nd cup of coffee!  (Or sometimes third, or fourth ....)

Today I overslept.  Got the kids up about 7:15 and they have bus pickup at 7:56.  That is still enough time if they didn't mess around doing unnecessary stuff, but they did, so ... one kid barely made it to the bus on time, and as I had told her to tell them her sister was "on her way," the bus waited.  And waited.  (Kid doing lord knows what upstairs.)  I was sure they would just leave.  I sent a text to my kid telling them to just go, but she had left her phone at home.  So finally the 2nd kid went running down the street about 5 minutes late.  I am sure she got yelled at, and she deserved it.  This stresses me out because last year, I had to meet with the principal about bus tardiness that wasn't nearly as bad as today.  Ugh.  Well here's hoping this doesn't happen again.

I have been asked to help chaperone the weekend confirmation camp thingy.  Note the camp is this weekend and this is the first time they asked me.  Aside from the fact that I work 7 day weeks and I snore, I have plans to celebrate my birthday i.e. have a spa day this weekend.  (I didn't schedule it yet, but still ....)  Initially I was torn, but I said no.  So now I feel guilty.  Hopefully they find someone who can do it.

Took out the garbage, cleaned the kitchen, washed / dried / folded a load of laundry.

Did a bunch of piddly work which kept me from napping but didn't forward any worthwhile agenda.

Made a few promises of work I'm gonna finish this week.  Ugh.

To do:

  • Work work work.
  • Bills.
  • Calendar?
  • Should try to do my e-check, though technically it is due tomorrow.
  • Should try to schedule chiro & spa day.
  • Whatever else gets done.
  • Kid 1 homework while kid 2 is at horse riding.
  • Dinner.
  • Kid 2 homework while kid 1 is at gymnastics.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work or sleep.
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Dh and I went over to see the first match, but they had changed the schedule. So we came home and then the wind picked up and ds3 texted 30 minutes later that he was going on. So I stayed home and dh went. He won the first one, and nobody knows when the second match will start and the wind is still ongoing (15 mph-which wreaks havoc on the court).

So I have no idea what the rest of the day is going to look like.  dh likes to stay to chat and watch matches, so he may forget that I need a ride over to the courts. Not sure that I am going to remind him...

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Well I called to schedule a massage / facial on Saturday, but they didn't have any openings, so I scheduled it for Thursday.  Also scheduled a chiro appointment for Thursday, and I also have to take my car in for e-check.  I told my colleagues not to schedule me for any meetings / conference calls tomorrow!

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58 minutes ago, SKL said:

Well I called to schedule a massage / facial on Saturday, but they didn't have any openings, so I scheduled it for Thursday.  Also scheduled a chiro appointment for Thursday, and I also have to take my car in for e-check.  I told my colleagues not to schedule me for any meetings / conference calls tomorrow!

Hey SKL, I was just talking to someone who is leasing a horse and it made me think of you and your leased horse that was for sale. What ever happened with that? Did you decide to buy it?

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Good afternoon!

The doctor put a thin camera through my nose and into my throat. He said I definitely have redness and inflammation at the top of my esophagus and around my voice box. He's putting me on some reflux medicine, try the usual changes for reflux, and will have me come back in a few weeks. 

I don't know how to make it without the coffee, though. We use the half-caff kind, but I drink two big cups every day. I want to wean myself off of it because of the caffeine. 

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4 minutes ago, Selkie said:

Hey SKL, I was just talking to someone who is leasing a horse and it made me think of you and your leased horse that was for sale. What ever happened with that? Did you decide to buy it?

Still the same.  My daughter seems to go back and forth on her feelings lately.  The horse is challenging and she has referred to him recently as acting like a turd, LOL.  Last Saturday the horse was startled by a fly and ended up rearing and scared the crap out of my kid (who somehow avoided falling off).  She was really freaked out both by the fear of being crushed by a horse, and then, worry that maybe she did something wrong causing the horse pain.  I still think she wants to own the horse etc., but I also think it's more because it's another thing to own vs. this is her ideal horse.

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Finals match is moved to tomorrow. Probably a good thing with the wind, so he is done for the day. We still have to pick him up sometime-"I'll text when I need to be picked up."

My favorite words from teens...

The day turned out fairly productive which I am glad about. I am running behind on getting school stuff for ds3.

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An okay day with a bad note near the end. One of my kids misses social cues and struggles to fit in, to have friends. It sucks to be made fun of and exculuded and my mama heart hurts for my child.  

Time for showers and reading in bed. Tomorrow is another day...

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