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Sound sensitivity - a venting venty vent


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I had no idea how sound sensitive I am. Maybe that changes as you age but whatever the reason I feel as if I'm losing my mind.

For the next couple of years, they will be/are widening the road that runs behind my house. Today especially has been tough with the beep, beep of the construction vehicles, the loud, deep sound of their engines, the drone of the stopped and then the stop and go traffic, the blare of horns from impatient drivers, the squeal of large vehicle brakes, the yells of the workman as they try to communicate over the noise, and finally the boom, boom of the bass from loud radios. I feel a primal scream coming on.

Can I move out for two years until this is done and that's even if it's done on time? I may actually go bald from all the hair pulling. Somebody make it stop!

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Run to get yourself some noise-cancelling headphones. No, really! Sanity savers!

I am more sensitive to sound at night and when sleeping at someone else's home (visiting family, for instance). A fan, a buzzing clock, ick ick ick. Light, too--we had to sleep in the office of my fil over vakay--man, I covered everything I could and still...the GLOW! the BUZZ! the tossing and turning! (oh wait, that was hubs...)


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Oh, that's awful! If it makes you feel better, I know people can (eventually) be desensitized to this sort of thing--there is actual therapy for this with ringing in the ears.

I wonder if you have some recourse with the state/county/municipality about the blaring radios. I would not think that you should have to be subjected to someone's loud music. I would think there would be nuisance laws about that. 

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It took me a while to research which headphones I thought would work best for me so I didn't finally order some until last evening. Amazon is set to deliver them today. What?! Since the construction people are working hard outside today and the neighbors have their lawn service at work, I am thrilled that relief could arrive at any time. Yay!

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I can totally identify! A house has been under construction across the street from me for several months. There is about 10 feet of rock below the top soil and due to proximity of nearby houses they didn’t blast it out, they jackhammered it, for DAYS ON END!  After about three days I had to start leaving my house because I was so jittery. It wasn’t especially loud inside the house, we could talk over the noise in normal volumes without issue, but the constant buzzing wore me out. There has been other heavy equipment in and out and when they are left idling it gets to me too. Fortunately they are wrapping up and as soon as the dumpster is gone we shouldn’t have any more big equipment over there. 

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If you just want quiet and not noise cancelling, the best and cheapest is to go to Walmart in the gun section and get ear protectors, cheaper and more decibel protection than a regular one not designed for guns.  Also useful for lawn mowing, wearing when using the blender, etc.  If you combine with little foam inside the ear ear plugs, even quieter.  


We got a set after we got a loud blender, then bought 3 more, enough for the whole family once we found out how well they work.  We now wear them anytime we mow the lawn or do something noisy.  We got them when the kids were much younger, they call them "ear muffins" because that is how one of them pronounced it!

The first pair we bought was just a general ear protection, more expensive and less decibel protection than the one in the hunting section.  My husband was looking at other things in the sporting section and found the cheaper ones for the last 3 sets.


Edited by ElizabethB
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13 hours ago, ElizabethB said:

If you just want quiet and not noise cancelling, the best and cheapest is to go to Walmart in the gun section and get ear protectors, cheaper and more decibel protection than a regular one not designed for guns.  Also useful for lawn mowing, wearing when using the blender, etc.  If you combine with little foam inside the ear ear plugs, even quieter.  


We got a set after we got a loud blender, then bought 3 more, enough for the whole family once we found out how well they work.  We now wear them anytime we mow the lawn or do something noisy.  We got them when the kids were much younger, they call them "ear muffins" because that is how one of them pronounced it!

The first pair we bought was just a general ear protection, more expensive and less decibel protection than the one in the hunting section.  My husband was looking at other things in the sporting section and found the cheaper ones for the last 3 sets.



Thank you! So good to know. I think the set I bought might result in silence but it's hard to say yet. It'd be nice to have a second set to compare them to and to leave in the various rooms I occupy on a regular basis.

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