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I may never make another cake again

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I bake at night once the kids are in bed. It can cool overnight, then I ice it the next morning.


I can throw a cake together in 5 minutes at night.


During the day it is 20 minutes with help and at least one extra mess to clean up from a dropped egg, spilled milk or flour on the floor.


If the kids want to bake something on their own, they can go for it. But after 12 years of having a helper, I don't want help :0)

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I let the kids scrape out any bit of cake that stuck to the pan. Often I trim a cake to make it level for decorating and the kids and dh are free to eat the scraps which I stick on a plate on the table or counter away from where I'm working. Yeah, they nag. They know they'd better stay out of my kitchen when I've got a cake to decorate though. They don't push it too much.

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I don't bake with my littles, plain and simple. If there's a birthday coming up, I bake the cake 2 nights before and throw it in the freezer. The icing part gets done the night prior to the event. I don't enjoy making birthday cakes and the last thing I want is "help" from anyone under 20.:tongue_smilie: They get far too excited for me.

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The nagging to eat it before it cools and is iceable is driving me insane. Does everyone's family do this? I just want the dang thing to cool enough to put an icing or glaze on.

Hey, you should go to:


Look for the chocolate sheet cake. It's thin, so it bakes *really fast*, the icing is intended to be poured on right when the cake comes out of the oven, and the whole thing cools quickly because it's a thinner layer. I can have yummy chocolate cake done and ready to eat in less than 30 minutes. ;)

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