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Cloth diaper help


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Well, I haven’t personally used any on my own children recently, but my daughters have/are all using cloth with their babies and I’ve bought the bulk of their stashes as gifts. I have also done some buying/selling on the cloth diaper swap page on Facebook. 

Feel free to message me if you’d like.

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I might be able to help.  
Although, the backbone of my diaper stash was a great many pre-folds that my aunt had bought at a Gerber outlet and then used to pack that year's Christmas presents.  I can't stand disposables and I don't know why anyone uses them.  

Even though you didn't ask on this, I mention it because it was extremely helpful to us, and I didn't know until after doing extensive research.    Keep two spray bottles by the dirty diaper bucket, one for pee and one for poo.  The pee one will be diluted Ammonia Remover that you can get in the fish section of the pet store.   Pee is easy to wash out, but Ammonia not so much.  The spray turns ammonia into something else that doesn't smell and is easy to remove.   The poo spray is some stain spray with Enzymes in it, that start eating the organic material.   With the two spray bottles we were able to use an open chlorine bucket without water for diapers.  The spray bottles keep the diapers from smelling.  

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5 minutes ago, shawthorne44 said:

I might be able to help.  
Although, the backbone of my diaper stash was a great many pre-folds that my aunt had bought at a Gerber outlet and then used to pack that year's Christmas presents.  I can't stand disposables and I don't know why anyone uses them.  

Even though you didn't ask on this, I mention it because it was extremely helpful to us, and I didn't know until after doing extensive research.    Keep two spray bottles by the dirty diaper bucket, one for pee and one for poo.  The pee one will be diluted Ammonia Remover that you can get in the fish section of the pet store.   Pee is easy to wash out, but Ammonia not so much.  The spray turns ammonia into something else that doesn't smell and is easy to remove.   The poo spray is some stain spray with Enzymes in it, that start eating the organic material.   With the two spray bottles we were able to use an open chlorine bucket without water for diapers.  The spray bottles keep the diapers from smelling.  

Oooh, I may try this! I hate the ammonia smell from the diaper pail! 

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I have some newborn diapers to sell, but I haven't had much luck on the Facebook group.  Maybe I'm IN The Wrong ONE?    From what I've scene if yoi are selling no one wants to give much of anything, but if yoi are buying they are just a few dollars short of full price.  I used to bst diapers regularly with my older kids 10 plus years ago.  It feels much differentnow.

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2 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

I have some newborn diapers to sell, but I haven't had much luck on the Facebook group.  Maybe I'm IN The Wrong ONE?    From what I've scene if yoi are selling no one wants to give much of anything, but if yoi are buying they are just a few dollars short of full price.  I used to bst diapers regularly with my older kids 10 plus years ago.  It feels much differentnow.

I have an enormous box of diapers, some not even used, that I quit trying to sell as people basically wanted me to give them away. So I'm hanging on to them should my children want them for their babies. I paid way too much for these, I'm not giving them away for almost nothing. I asked half what I paid new for unused, 1/4 for used. Not worth the effort to sell at this point.

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Hmmmm....   This is a little discouraging.  

I used cloth exclusively when dd was a baby.  I was active on a couple of buy/sell forums and there was a lot of action back then.  I bought everything used and sold it all again recovering most of my initial investment.  But it has been 13 years and I am way out of the loop.  I am trying to help out a friend who has a very large stash of what appears to be very fancy pockets and all-in-ones.  About half were washed but never used and the other half were only used a handful of times.  There is a long (and sad) story as to why I am handling this.  I was hoping people here would know the best places to sell but it sounds like that market is not what it used to be?  I tried looking at Diaper Trader and Mothering.  Neither seemed to have much traffic and both have requirements to join that do not make sense for someone like me.

If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.

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That Ktgrok says. Try locally.

Seems like the online resale value for cloth diapers and baby carriers has bottomed out. I could barely give mine away when we were done.

actually I still have a box left, sigh 

i think there’s a “budget” diaper sale group on Facebook that may get more traffic, I don’t think the forum style ones are used as much anymore 

Edited by Hilltopmom
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