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Swollen lymph node in groin


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5 minutes ago, Suzanne in ABQ said:

Could it be a hernia?


I thought of that, but I don’t think it is. It’s hard, but not so painful as a hernia that’s distended and swollen would be. Not soft and depressable like a minor hernia. I told him to tell me if it feels worse (right now he says it only hurts when it’s pushed on). Dr at 9 tomorrow. My stupid brain goes straight to lymphoma which isn’t a healthy response. 

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Has he had an insect bite nearby recently?  I had a kid have that lymph node swell up a couple days after an insect bite on the thigh.  I honestly don’t remember if we went to the doctor on that one or not, but everything was okay in the end.  Freaked me out though.

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2 hours ago, sassenach said:

I thought of that, but I don’t think it is. It’s hard, but not so painful as a hernia that’s distended and swollen would be. Not soft and depressable like a minor hernia. I told him to tell me if it feels worse (right now he says it only hurts when it’s pushed on). Dr at 9 tomorrow. My stupid brain goes straight to lymphoma which isn’t a healthy response. 


If it hurts when it’s pressed on, its most likely an infection, so definitely check the entire area and down his leg for even the slightest rash, little pimple, bite, or ingrown hair. It really doesn’t take much to cause a node to swell.  If the weather has been very hot where you live, your son could have been sweating a lot and gotten a little rash or a few pimples in his groin area, which caused the node to swell.

Try not to worry. I know it’s hard because I’m a worrier like you are, and I go straight to worst case scenario, too, but keep reminding yourself that the vast majority of swollen lymph nodes are caused by infection, and also that swollen inguinal (groin) nodes aren’t uncommon or unusual, even with what looks like a minor and superficial skin infection. 

Sending hugs and prayers to you and your son.

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1 hour ago, sassenach said:

I thought of that, but I don’t think it is. It’s hard, but not so painful as a hernia that’s distended and swollen would be. Not soft and depressable like a minor hernia. I told him to tell me if it feels worse (right now he says it only hurts when it’s pushed on). Dr at 9 tomorrow. My stupid brain goes straight to lymphoma which isn’t a healthy response. 

Hugs, and I totally get it. My mind went straight to worst case scenarios when my son had his lump. I hope the doctor visit goes well and it turns out to be something harmless.

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4 hours ago, sassenach said:

I thought of that, but I don’t think it is. It’s hard, but not so painful as a hernia that’s distended and swollen would be. Not soft and depressable like a minor hernia. I told him to tell me if it feels worse (right now he says it only hurts when it’s pushed on). Dr at 9 tomorrow. My stupid brain goes straight to lymphoma which isn’t a healthy response. 


I dealt with a swollen lymph node on my neck just a few months ago. I was convinced I had lymphoma. My doctor had me go in for a CT scan which led to a biopsy and many other worried doctors. In the end, it wasn’t lymphoma...it was only a swollen lymph node. I tell you this so that perhaps you won’t worry too much. I spent way too much time with Dr. Google and I was really convinced that it was bad. After talking with some other doctors (after knowing everything is fine with me), I now know that it normally isn’t bad. So really, try not to stress too much. Praying for a good doctor’s appointment tomorrow for you ds. 

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No rash or bug bites. He won't let me look at it (too close to his man bits), but he let me press on it. He says that the color is normal. He had a baseball game tonight and sat out the last inning because it was bugging him. 

I am sure I'm overreacting. And really, I'm all calm and casual on the outside, only slightly spinning the possibilities around in my mind on the inside. I'm really not a worry wort in general. 

I'll update you guys after the appointment. 

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