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I did it again! Rats!

Night Elf

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Tonight I realized one of my diamond earrings was gone. The last time this happened, I figured I lost it at Great Clips when I got my hair cut. I bought a new pair of earrings and promised myself that when I went to get my hair cut, I'd take the earrings out first. Well, I have never done that and have had no trouble until today. I got my hair cut yesterday. When they finish cutting hair, they sweep up and sweep it under a cabinet that has a vacuum machine in it. DH made me call and ask if anyone had found one but of course they haven't. It probably got swept up. So I took the one from the last pair I had and put it with my current one and they are close enough that no one will realize it's not a match. I can't believe I did this again! I just bought that new pair in March. I've got to remember to take out these earrings when I get a haircut!!

My hair is super short, like a pixie and I get my hair cut above my ears. They bend my ears to get the scissors and clippers around them. It just must have jogged it right out of my ear. And they were tight fitting too!

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Oh no! That's odd that it would fall out at a hair cut appt. You'd think you would feel it getting pulled out.

I have a terrible track record with diamonds. I've lost two diamond earrings and the stone from my engagement ring.:unsure:

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My husband got screw posts put on my nice earrings, it was not very expensive and gives me peace of mind I’m not going to live them. If you decide to go that route, check the size of the posts, he had two pair done at different places and one had much larger posts. I prefer the smaller ones. 

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I have lost real (small) diamond studs - or rather one of them at a horse show of all places. I envisioned that stud being stuck in a horse's hoof and someone scraping it out wondering where the heck it came from. I tried to find it, contacted a few people but it was a lost cause, of course.

This was the second or third time this had happened to me (not always diamonds - one was an old silver earring from my Grandmother) so now I do not wear real diamonds anymore. I buy cheap pendants and either order surgical steel for the ear loop or replace it myself. If I was going to a grand event, perhaps I would dig out something more valuable but not for daily wear anymore.

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11 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

A real diamond ?  If I lost a real diamond they would be taking that vacuum apart. There must be a way to empty it. 

I'm assuming it gets emptied every evening which makes business sense in order to have the salon ready for the next day. It was a real diamond, small but real.

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This is me with engagement/ wedding rings.  I am currently on my 4th set.  I told Dh, "Stop buying me rings with diamonds!  I can't take the guilt.  I just want a plain band."  He doesn't listen.  I think it is genetic.  My mom accidentally fed her wedding ring to a calf.

Amber in SJ

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Well, I have no advice, only sympathy. I once lost a diamond earring, from my wedding set. It was in a poor area. I try to think, maybe that person was able to send their kid to school with that diamond. (No way did I mention a lost diamond, and they did not find it somewhere... no way.)

Now I only wear costume jewelry except on very special occasions. I buy it all at Old Navy or Target. And I get a LOT of compliments! "You look really classy." I seriously don't know why. I just say "thank you". Nothing costs more than $10.

I lied. That is kind of advice. I'm sorry, NightElf. I hope someone finds the diamond and spends it on making the world a better place and I will send those thoughts to the heavens tonight for you.

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