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The YOGA Teachers Lounge 6-6-2018


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact that I went to hot yoga this morning. This is now my 7th-ish class in yoga but only
my 2nd in hot yoga. Takes some mental energy to get through that, as well as physical, but I'm glad I went. Do you do yoga?
Have you ever?

What's happening today? Here: done with my exercise for the day. Going to meet up with a friend soon. Then later this morning, dd wants to treat ds to a cafe snack
at Target followed by a pop in to GameStop. Evidently there is a Pokemon something or other happening there all month. This afternoon, my plan is to get at least ONE of the 
bathrooms spic-and-span. Meant to do that yesterday but walked out of breakfast at IHOP to discover I needed a new battery. After more time of dealing with that than I cared to, 
I met up with a friend to chat over some business stuff. By the time I got home, I was a bit spent. Watched a show with my son, then had 2 webinars to watch, almost back to back.
One more show with my son and then I had to head to bed. I was tired AND I knew I needed to get up early today - yoga was at 0530 this morning! *breathe* TODAY is a NEW day!

Do you prefer summers by the water or in the mountains? Here: I can do either one, although I think I'd prefer to be in the mountains by a lake or a stream.

If you don't do yoga, what exercise program do you prefer? Here: I'm not much for aerobics or weightlifting. Although, weight bearing exercise really is something we should all be doing.
I'm not a huge fan of HOT yoga but I do it because it helps my body. I'd prefer to dance. Or kayak. Or something I think of as FUN.

Talk to me! :bigear:

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I'm not a big fan of yoga, either. I did enjoy a couple of yoga classes when I was pregnant with my 4th. That specific teacher was amazing, but she had to give up yoga because of an injury.  I prefer playing tennis, cycling, walking, hiking, kayaking, skiing, snowshoeing, rock climbing and swimming. Mostly outdoor activities.  I've added in weights and strength exercises into my activity routine, and I try to make them fun but it's not easy. ?

It's tech week for my 2 sons' musical theatre. I'm doing sound and hoping that I don't make any big mistakes during the shows. I never realized how big and important a volunteer position I was signing up for! ?  We don't have a live pit band, so any additional sounds and music comes from me remembering to push the button. Luckily there is a Stage Manager to help with the cues and another sound person. 

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I enjoy yoga and want to get back into doing it more often.  I used to do it at the Y but we let our membership lapse because they have absolutely nothing for the kids, but we are going to rejoin since ds decided to give up TKD.  He's old enough to go into the teen exercise room and use the treadmills, bikes, or weight equipment.  I'll probably start going to yoga again when we rejoin, and maybe will try a kick-boxing class.  I was going at the TKD dojo but they cut down the times they offer, and I'm much much busier these days so it didn't work for my schedule anymore.

So, I guess that answers your last question - I like yoga and kick-boxing.  I also like Tai Chi.  And kayaking but I only do that when we happen to be going to the lake anyway, it's not something I head over just to do.

Today I ran out to Michaels for planner pages (they didn't have what I needed), PetSmart for pinky mice for our snake (she hasn't been eating, evidently normal this time of year due to mating behavior but pinkies are supposed to be better when you are coaxing them to eat again), and Walmart for some plastic cups since I had to throw out the ones we had from Disney because they were getting crud in the grooves (they didn't have any), reusable plastic straws (they didn't have any), and Pepto Bismol since ds has been nauseous and pukey since yesterday (he felt fine by the time I got home with it).    I'll run out to another Michaels and to Target while dd is at TKD this afternoon to see if I can get my planner pages, cups and straws.  If not I'll have to order online.  

Then we are meeting the realtor at the location we are leasing for my classes to drop off checks and pick up a fully signed copy of the lease.  Exciting but a little scary since I've never owned a business before (dh has but I wasn't involved in it).

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I've never done yoga, and the only exercise I do is walking or the elliptical. I'm not consistent with anything, though. 

Today I had breakfast with a friend and went shopping and running errands with her. Tonight dd and I are going to a nearby town to eat dinner at Chipotle. Dh and ds are in Anchorage on a mission trip, so it's just the two of us this week. She just got back from 16 days in Italy, so she's trying to see her friends, too. 

I prefer mountains to beach in the summer. I only enjoy the beach in the winter when it's cool and misty. I think I would love the New England coast. 

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I've rarely taken a class, but I've been doing yoga on my own since I was 16. I don't spend nearly enough time with it as I'd like. a few minutes a day, if I'm lucky. It helps with chronic pain, poor posture ( I have some spine things), weak core, etc. I just have to be really careful not to dislocate anything. It's less likely with gentle exercise, but does still happen.  No PX90 for me. 

Scrap, why hot yoga? I joke that I do hot yoga because I do it outside. 

Today is over, hallelujah. We got up this morning and did school.

Luna had her very first dance class this morning, then straight to the library in the next town for an escape room for the teens. The little boys did snap circuits and I read to Luna. We replenished our stock of books. The little boys are in that tenuous phase where I have to choose their books very carefully. a little too easy and they are bored and stagnate, a little too hard and they get discouraged.

Then home for lunch. I'm revamping our budget and meal plan. We have been spending WAY too much on takeout, quick bites, lunches out, and just unnecessary small purchases. I sorted my spending last night and was not pleased with myself. So PB and J for lunch and homemade chinese for dinner using the leftover/unused veg in the fridge. 

My 7 year old had his first real dance class tonight. He is self-conscious and nervous, but he worked very hard and participated very well. I'm proud of him. 

Luna is having a screamy day ( there have been many lately). She napped twice and screamed again at bedtime. Ugh. I hate it. My nerve are so frazzled. 

I must prefer water to mountains. I've never lived in a place where the mountains are a summer time destination until now. I grew up on the beach. We spend our summers at a series of pools. 

I love exercise of all kinds, save ball sports. I can play, but I don't prefer it. I like to walk and run, bike, swim, hike, calisthenics, heavy lifting, body sculpting, circuit training, dance, pilates, aerobics, roller blading, ice skating. I've done it all. My joints, though have put some hard limits on my activities. Too many injuries. Too much pain. I just can't do most of those things anymore. Yoga, walking, occasional running, body weight workouts. I love planks and squats. I like to do those 30 day challenges where you build up to a two minute plank or 200 squats a day. Feels so good. I joined a gym just to try out the toys. I now have a foam roller, yoga blocks, stretchy band, kettlebell. I'm learning barre, which is super fun. after the summer is over I want to do Zumba classes in my neighborhood. So much fun. 

Of course, I'm not doing a lot of this stuff. I'm nursing some sciatica and fighting a head cold. But hey. I do what I can. I looked up yoga for sinuses and sciatica, and I've been doing those with great success. 


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4 hours ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Good to see you all in the lounge!

Toto, if we lived closer to the lake, I would probably go kayaking more often!
As it is, we live 45 - 60 minutes from any of the 'nearby' lakes.

Are you that far from Tempe Town Lake? That's about how far we are. I know they have kayak rentals. I can't wait to try it when it cools off. 

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I've never been to a yoga class but use videos etc to do it at home.  Otherwise exercise is just walking with an occasional burst of running.  I'd love to play tennis like I did as a kid but I'm held back because of finances, time and fear of being embarrassingly bad.  What spare money there is goes to school books and activities for kids right now.

we are supposed to be going for our first non beach road trip in forever next week but dhs car is having mechanical issues.  Has cost around $3000 in the last four months and it's still playing up.  It's only five years old so extremely frustrating.  My car is also on it's last legs so holiday may end up on the backburner.  Will just have to see.

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12 hours ago, Desert Strawberry said:

Are you that far from Tempe Town Lake? That's about how far we are. I know they have kayak rentals. I can't wait to try it when it cools off. 

I was just thinking about you yesterday! Wondered why I hadn't seen you here in awhile!
Yes, from north Phoenix, it's a 30-45 minute drive to Tempe Town Lake, depending on traffic. 
Let's you and I plan a meetup to go kayaking when the weather is a little cooler!

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10 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I've never been to a yoga class but use videos etc to do it at home.  Otherwise exercise is just walking with an occasional burst of running.  I'd love to play tennis like I did as a kid but I'm held back because of finances, time and fear of being embarrassingly bad.  What spare money there is goes to school books and activities for kids right now.

we are supposed to be going for our first non beach road trip in forever next week but dhs car is having mechanical issues.  Has cost around $3000 in the last four months and it's still playing up.  It's only five years old so extremely frustrating.  My car is also on it's last legs so holiday may end up on the backburner.  Will just have to see.

Girl, if you weren't half way around the world, I'd say, "Let's play tennis!" I'm awful - no, seriously - but I have FUN! So I think we'd have a grand ol' time!
Yep, when it gets to that much $$ for repairs, it's time to think about replacing it. I had a car that within 7 years I'd had to replace the clutch TWICE. When it broke down
on me a third time, I said, "Enough!" It IS frustrating! I bet, though, there will be a way for you to replace the clunker with a better new-to-you vehicle AND to go on holiday. 
Have hope!

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5 hours ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Girl, if you weren't half way around the world, I'd say, "Let's play tennis!" I'm awful - no, seriously - but I have FUN! So I think we'd have a grand ol' time!
Yep, when it gets to that much $$ for repairs, it's time to think about replacing it. I had a car that within 7 years I'd had to replace the clutch TWICE. When it broke down
on me a third time, I said, "Enough!" It IS frustrating! I bet, though, there will be a way for you to replace the clunker with a better new-to-you vehicle AND to go on holiday. 
Have hope!

The crusty thing is it's not a clunker (or shouldn't be) We seriously just finished paying it off!  It has done 150,000k (about 100,000 miles). And it is the kind of vehicle that typically runs to 300k plus.  It is a lemon though!  Wish we could just ditch and replace but that will mean taking on another car loan and my heart is sinking at the thought of that.  We lived so tightly to pay this one off and I've finally been able to put the kids in sports and activities!  It's just come out of warranty.

i would totally love to play a game of tennis with you!  We could be the Well trained tennis team ?  Although I'm not too sure about the first part.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/7/2018 at 8:57 AM, scrapbookbuzz said:

I was just thinking about you yesterday! Wondered why I hadn't seen you here in awhile!
Yes, from north Phoenix, it's a 30-45 minute drive to Tempe Town Lake, depending on traffic. 
Let's you and I plan a meetup to go kayaking when the weather is a little cooler!

Aw, I haven't been around much. Stepping back from the virtual world. Summer is a busy time for us. 

Tempe is about 45 minutes to an hour for us. I would be super thrilled to meet up with you for kayaking!

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love yoga - my health has made it really hard - the perverse thing is how much it can help . . . . so, now it is now one of my highest priorities in the day.  I finally did a practice today - for the first time in months.  I went in determined I woulnd't be upset if I couldn't hold a pose, or had to use props.   I some was I did better than I was expecting.  now - to keep at it.


I prefer summer in the mts.   we go to Rainier every year - as it's not summer without it.   dh likes to go in august for the glacier lilies - I'm happy for the perseids . . . last year, you couldn't see them becasue of smoke from fires in CANADA! (that's how far it traveled).  they had a bad fire season.

we also have ocean beaches and islands - but the water is too cold for swimming. we'll head out to a beach to play in the sand for a day.  or really hot days are great for ferry boat rides.

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