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I’m peering down into the rut


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...from which I expect to pull dinner. It is 4:47. I have 1 1/2lbs. of ground beef thawing. There is spinach, kale and collard greens ripe in the garden. Lettuce, too, and radishes, though I doubt they count for anything. I have tortilla chips and also flour tortillas and could make nachos or soft tacos, but no tomatoes or black olives at present. I still have a crap ton of beans in several different varieties, which could figure in there. 

What would you make that isn’t hamburgers, chili or salisbury steak (because I just had those things in the past week)? 

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32 minutes ago, Arctic Mama said:

Taco or burrito bar.  Or Keema, which is always amazingly delicious.



We usually eat it over rice or mashed potatoes, and it’s like an exotic shepherd’s pie of scrumptiousness.  Also a favorite potluck dish.


I am making this soon! I have never heard of it! Yum.

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Keema would be awesome or about how this Kenyan Braised Collard Greens and Ground Beef?  (Link to Skinnytaste)  Can be done with kale instead of collards.

Then have bean burritos tomorrow.

Whoops, I saw tomatoes and then realized you don't have them.  Well, you can leave them out.

ETA: If you make keema,  you can totally shred some greens and add them.  

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37 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

I just wanted to add...my dinner rut abyss did result in tacos. 


I basically made nachos or taco salad. So, here’s the thing: I had a block of cheddar and shredded it finely. The thought briefly passed my mind, “Well, I know my youngest likes Queso to pour on, but I just don’t want to mess with making that too, and anyway, it mocks me because I cannot eat that so it makes me sad when I have it available.” So I didn’t make queso; just shredded cheddar. 

Well. These are some spoiled babies* around here! DD was first: “Where’s the nacho cheese?” I pointed to the cheddar. “What?! You didn’t make nacho cheese?!” Blah, blah blah... Then, DS13 sees. “You didn’t make that queso cheese that goes on it? Blah, blah, blah, it’s my favorite, blah, blah, blah...” DS18 caught the gist of this and wisely refrained from comment. 

Spoiled babies. I have gone wrong somewhere. I should have been a Swanson frozen dinner kind of mom. Then they would just be grateful it was edible.

*They did say these things, but don’t anyone mistake this for a real whiney complaint. It was bantery. 

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I agree with Annie.

But the other option is a good oldfashioned hamburger casserole.

You brown the ground beef, drain the fat, mix with tomato sauce, season with salt and garlic powder.

You cook wide flat noodles, drain and toss with cream cheese and scallions and sour cream while they are hot.

Then you alternate those as layers in a deep big dish and cook in the oven to heat through.  Basically everything is precooked so you just have to warm it up, 350 or 400 for like half an hour.  

This is reliably good, and so 70s!

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20 minutes ago, Carol in Cal. said:

I agree with Annie.

But the other option is a good oldfashioned hamburger casserole.

You brown the ground beef, drain the fat, mix with tomato sauce, season with salt and garlic powder.

You cook wide flat noodles, drain and toss with cream cheese and scallions and sour cream while they are hot.

Then you alternate those as layers in a deep big dish and cook in the oven to heat through.  Basically everything is precooked so you just have to warm it up, 350 or 400 for like half an hour.  

This is reliably good, and so 70s!

I’ve never had that but you’re right- it sounds like my 70’s childhood! 

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30 minutes ago, Carol in Cal. said:

I agree with Annie.

But the other option is a good oldfashioned hamburger casserole.

You brown the ground beef, drain the fat, mix with tomato sauce, season with salt and garlic powder.

You cook wide flat noodles, drain and toss with cream cheese and scallions and sour cream while they are hot.

Then you alternate those as layers in a deep big dish and cook in the oven to heat through.  Basically everything is precooked so you just have to warm it up, 350 or 400 for like half an hour.  

This is reliably good, and so 70s!

I used to make something like this pretty often; I even still have the recipe in my binder. I stopped making this when I was dx’d with IBS, because the cream cheese does me no favors. 

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