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Well-Trained Bodies- May Edition


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9 hours ago, mamaraby said:

Half marathon done with a six minute PR and negative splits. Pacing was perfect and finish was strong so it was amazing all around. ? Next up, an entire week off. So we can begin again, lol.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is awesome, you are awesome, so proud of you! I hope you have a fabulous week off.

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On 5/18/2018 at 7:20 AM, soror said:

I did not go to the gym last night. TKD was canceled, it was storming, and my body feels like it needs a break. Too much time working outside combined w/ pushing it hard in the gym. 

Yesterday afternoon I did some push mowing, raking, and pruning. I've noticed my strength and endurance is much-improved, mowing is considerably easier than it used to be.

This morning I'm doing some mobility/pre-hab work from GMB Unbreakable. - eta- finished Mobility Work and stretching- about 25 min- felt soo good

I'm considering taking the kids to the park today but I woke up about 4:30, which IMO is a little too early!




Just think about how empty and quiet the park would be at 4:30am.   It would be so peaceful; I'd be tempted to just go myself to sit.

On 5/18/2018 at 8:12 AM, wintermom said:

I'm playing doubles tennis this evening with a group of friends, and it should be a lot of fun!  My new bicycle is supposed to be delivered today. I can't wait to try it out. I may have to fight off the dc, though. They'll likely all want to try it out as well.  ?


Is it a new road bike? 


On 5/18/2018 at 8:47 PM, OlgaLA said:

I feel much better the last few days, but I do feel like I need a bit more sleep. I went through my records, and all that changed lately was about an hour or two of strength training traded in for same amount of fencing, which is mostly cardio. So either that or my hormones, which apparently decided to act up again. I woke up last night feeling hot ? , even though the window was open and it was about 60F outside. Really not looking forward to this stage.

I did a lesson and tennis ball practice yesterday morning, and 40 minutes of stationary bike in the evening. Tonight I have some open fencing, hopefully with opponents closer to my age.


I hope you found some more age/skill appropriate opponents for fencing.  It's not fun to always go against the young'uns.  


16 hours ago, soror said:

Saturday was lazy. I'm still having trouble with my elbow and one of the moves I did Fri morning aggravated my shoulder but it is feeling MUCH better today. Ironic I was trying to do moves to help but it seems mostly it just needs rest and some light stretching. 

I went on a 4 mi walk this morning then went to the gym. I wasn't up for much after sweating so much walking (the park is mostly in the sun), so I didn't do much. I think I was there maybe 20 minutes.

I just did back and rear elevated split squats I decided to back up the weight on my squats and do them full a*s to grass. I could do them up to 85# like that- I went to 95# and got some reps but didn't feel confident with it going that low. 

I started split squats w/ a 30# kb but then decided just to do it unweighted, it's totally killing me (so reminds me of starting out w/ the lunges).


Congrats on the back and rear elevated split squats!  Increasing the reps with a lower weight is great for strengthening those muscles without too much load.

Split squats are so hard and so humbling.  

15 hours ago, wintermom said:

Tennis was great! The new bike didn't arrive yet. ? It's alright, though, as I needed a day to recover from tennis, then we he had rain.  Hopefully the bike comes soon.


Disappointing about your bike not arriving yet.  Perhaps today???


10 hours ago, mamaraby said:

Half marathon done with a six minute PR and negative splits. Pacing was perfect and finish was strong so it was amazing all around. ? Next up, an entire week off. So we can begin again, lol.


That's spectacular!  Enjoy your rest week.


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I spent the weekend in Atlanta at a tournament.  We lost our opening game and then won our next 4 which put us into the final.  We lost it 4-2.  My team didn't play their best game, but the other team was very good.  We are getting closer to winning it all though - last year we lost in the semi-final.   Next year will be our year.....

I'll be skipping the gym today to sleep.  All flights out of Atlanta were delayed due to storms and I didn't get home until 2:30am.  The only reason I'm up is that I had to take my youngest to the bus and now that I'm awake I can't get back to sleep.  I'll crash soon though.

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I've been MIA on here because life has been so busy.  I had finals for school, my son had prom, now graduation.  I've also had minor surgery on my hand (for multiple warts. just yuck.)

I've been getting to the gym, just not as much.  I went twice last week, and I'm hoping at least twice this week. I may make it 3 times. 

Yesterday I did an hour of yoga at home.  I like doing Astanga Primary. My goal has been to do that 3x's a week, but the hand thing messed up my week last week. 

This morning I did a total of 4,000m on the erg (1,000 before weights, rest after). And today was deadlifts, presses, lat pull down and lunges. 

I have a lot of company coming this week for the graduation and my dd20 is home from college. My eating has not been great and company will make it worse. Hopefully, I get back on track after everyone is gone and school starts back up again (I go all summer). 



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On 5/21/2018 at 7:02 AM, jen3kids said:

I spent the weekend in Atlanta at a tournament.  We lost our opening game and then won our next 4 which put us into the final.  We lost it 4-2.  My team didn't play their best game, but the other team was very good.  We are getting closer to winning it all though - last year we lost in the semi-final.   Next year will be our year.....

I'll be skipping the gym today to sleep.  All flights out of Atlanta were delayed due to storms and I didn't get home until 2:30am.  The only reason I'm up is that I had to take my youngest to the bus and now that I'm awake I can't get back to sleep.  I'll crash soon though.

I missed what kind of team was this? Hope you got some rest yesterday.

On 5/21/2018 at 10:11 AM, Kim in Appalachia said:

I've been MIA on here because life has been so busy.  I had finals for school, my son had prom, now graduation.  I've also had minor surgery on my hand (for multiple warts. just yuck.)

I've been getting to the gym, just not as much.  I went twice last week, and I'm hoping at least twice this week. I may make it 3 times. 

Yesterday I did an hour of yoga at home.  I like doing Astanga Primary. My goal has been to do that 3x's a week, but the hand thing messed up my week last week. 

This morning I did a total of 4,000m on the erg (1,000 before weights, rest after). And today was deadlifts, presses, lat pull down and lunges. 

I have a lot of company coming this week for the graduation and my dd20 is home from college. My eating has not been great and company will make it worse. Hopefully, I get back on track after everyone is gone and school starts back up again (I go all summer). 



Congrats to your son! Enjoy your family time until life settles down again.

16 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

I have been doing well with working out and food.  It feels good to be back on track and losing the weight I gained during those few very bad/off track days.  

Woot, good for you!


I was supposed to go to dance exercise class yesterday but my friend canceled on me so I stayed home, I was crazy sore anyway. the kids and I did get in a morning walk.

this morning's workout was rather blah, I was feeling weak and tired but did my best. Some of the soreness is worked out now BUT we'll see if I can even walk tomorrow.

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My new bicycle arrived! It started raining just as the delivery truck pulled up, and some assemble is required to put the bike together. So I'm not actually riding it yet. But soon, I hope.  I did get to the gym to do some rowing, core and strength work.

Tomorrow I play in the first competitive tennis match of the spring league. So far I'm listed to play ladies doubles, but I hope I get switched to mixed. 

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On 5/12/2018 at 8:35 AM, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

@soror According to the author of Simple and Sinister, people see improvement in their deadlift after incorporating Kettlebell swings into their routine.  It helps train explosiveness in the hips.  I'm no expert, so YMMV, but thought I'd pass along the tip!  


Reading this thread makes me feel like I do when I'm in an arts & crafts store: I don't belong here! But since I'm trying to diet and exercise to lose weight, feel better in life and about myself, and, I dare dream, to get off of BP meds, here I lurk. Your mention of KBs brought me out of lurkdom.

We have KBs and I have read The Swing. I think Tracy Reifkind is a rock star!:wub: Unfortunately, I've been nursing back and, worse, coccyx injuries since August. Nine months! I hope to get back to my KB one day. 

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On 5/21/2018 at 7:25 PM, peacelovehomeschooling said:

I have been doing well with working out and food.  It feels good to be back on track and losing the weight I gained during those few very bad/off track days.  


I love getting back on track - it is so fulfilling!

On 5/21/2018 at 11:11 AM, Kim in Appalachia said:

I've been MIA on here because life has been so busy.  I had finals for school, my son had prom, now graduation.  I've also had minor surgery on my hand (for multiple warts. just yuck.)

I've been getting to the gym, just not as much.  I went twice last week, and I'm hoping at least twice this week. I may make it 3 times. 

Yesterday I did an hour of yoga at home.  I like doing Astanga Primary. My goal has been to do that 3x's a week, but the hand thing messed up my week last week. 

This morning I did a total of 4,000m on the erg (1,000 before weights, rest after). And today was deadlifts, presses, lat pull down and lunges. 

I have a lot of company coming this week for the graduation and my dd20 is home from college. My eating has not been great and company will make it worse. Hopefully, I get back on track after everyone is gone and school starts back up again (I go all summer). 




That's a lot going on!  Congrats to your son and to you for fitting in workouts despite the busy-ness.


11 hours ago, soror said:

I missed what kind of team was this? Hope you got some rest yesterday.

I was supposed to go to dance exercise class yesterday but my friend canceled on me so I stayed home, I was crazy sore anyway. the kids and I did get in a morning walk.

this morning's workout was rather blah, I was feeling weak and tired but did my best. Some of the soreness is worked out now BUT we'll see if I can even walk tomorrow.


Field hockey! 

I hope you weren't too sore.


8 hours ago, wintermom said:

My new bicycle arrived! It started raining just as the delivery truck pulled up, and some assemble is required to put the bike together. So I'm not actually riding it yet. But soon, I hope.  I did get to the gym to do some rowing, core and strength work.

Tomorrow I play in the first competitive tennis match of the spring league. So far I'm listed to play ladies doubles, but I hope I get switched to mixed. 


Yay for the bike and I hope your tennis match went well.

6 hours ago, Angie in VA said:


Reading this thread makes me feel like I do when I'm in an arts & crafts store: I don't belong here! But since I'm trying to diet and exercise to lose weight, feel better in life and about myself, and, I dare dream, to get off of BP meds, here I lurk. Your mention of KBs brought me out of lurkdom.

We have KBs and I have read The Swing. I think Tracy Reifkind is a rock star!:wub: Unfortunately, I've been nursing back and, worse, coccyx injuries since August. Nine months! I hope to get back to my KB one day. 


Everyone belongs!  Welcome!  KBs are one of my favourite things.  They get my HR up and it stays up.  I hope your back and coccyx injuries heal up soon.

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Short workout in the evening- I only had 30 min.

Doing my warm-up sets in deadlift I could feel it in my right forearm and elbow so I did not go up in weight. 

I think I'm in need of a week off, it has been 3 months and my body is feeling it. I believe my Mom is going out of town soon, when she does I'm taking off from weight training and doing a recovery week. 

I'm maintaining my weight but am snacking more than I would like, so I'm trying to make my meals bigger.

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My new bike is assembled and ready to ride! I took it for a very short spin around the block and it didn't hurt my hamstring at all. That is very good news!  The bad news is that I have some kind of issue with my energy levels and light-headedness from walking. I'm not sure if it's allergy related or some flu bug. Ds has been in bed for 2 days with a flu bug. 

Anyhow, I'm going to try to play my tennis match tonight and hope for the best. 

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I got to the gym today for the first time this week.  I've been dealing with a stinky car (another thread!), but today I made myself go to the 8:30 class.  It was just me and one other woman for the partner workout that took nearly 40 minutes.  I was beat by the end.  I was supposed to do Bench Press, Bent Over Rows and Pull-ups after but I was too tired.  So, I headed home and after dropping the (much less, but still stinky) car off at the detailers, I walked the mile home.  

Tomorrow I'll hit the gym at 7am before picking up my (hopefully not-stinky) car at 9:30

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Jen is the car finally not stinky? 


I did morning and evening sessions yesterday. But I took it pretty easy in the evening and only did squats. I did Bench on Tues and am trying to take it easy on my upper body so this pain goes away. It is not bothering me in day to day life anymore but I still feel it when gripping anything. After squats yesterday I did some stretching and playing around- using the technique similar to climbing in silks I can make it up the climbing rope very easily. I want to look at some videos to see some other techniques to up the challenge level.

I plan on taking off all weekend, except maybe some hiking or biking. I really don't want to lose any strength but I'm really going to injure myself.

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1 hour ago, soror said:

Jen is the car finally not stinky? 


I did morning and evening sessions yesterday. But I took it pretty easy in the evening and only did squats. I did Bench on Tues and am trying to take it easy on my upper body so this pain goes away. It is not bothering me in day to day life anymore but I still feel it when gripping anything. After squats yesterday I did some stretching and playing around- using the technique similar to climbing in silks I can make it up the climbing rope very easily. I want to look at some videos to see some other techniques to up the challenge level.

I plan on taking off all weekend, except maybe some hiking or biking. I really don't want to lose any strength but I'm really going to injure myself.


I'll pick my car up today after lunch - I'm hopeful.  My mechanic told me not to bring it back to be 'reassembled' until is was stink free!

I missed the gym workout this morning because my son overslept and I had to drive him to school.  Since my car is still away, I'll bike the 3 miles to the Nature Centre and then back to the detailer's shop to check on the car.  

Be kind to yourself and listen to your body.  An easy hike/bike sounds perfect.  

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Good morning,

I'm still following Core rd Force deluxe calendar and chalean  push month for weight training with some running thrown in. I'm missing my Insanity workouts but the change has been good and Core de Force has really made a difference in my core. I have about a week left then it's on to a 30 day hybrid of core de force, insanity, and a few other workouts.  

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3 hours ago, soror said:


I did morning and evening sessions yesterday. But I took it pretty easy in the evening and only did squats. I did Bench on Tues and am trying to take it easy on my upper body so this pain goes away. It is not bothering me in day to day life anymore but I still feel it when gripping anything. After squats yesterday I did some stretching and playing around- using the technique similar to climbing in silks I can make it up the climbing rope very easily. I want to look at some videos to see some other techniques to up the challenge level.

I plan on taking off all weekend, except maybe some hiking or biking. I really don't want to lose any strength but I'm really going to injure myself.

I think I need to hear what your workout schedule is. Morning and evening? How many days a week? How long are your sessions and do you rotate between muscles or do a mix of each at each session? 

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1 hour ago, lynn said:

Good morning,

I'm still following Core rd Force deluxe calendar and chalean  push month for weight training with some running thrown in. I'm missing my Insanity workouts but the change has been good and Core de Force has really made a difference in my core. I have about a week left then it's on to a 30 day hybrid of core de force, insanity, and a few other workouts.  

I'm off to google Core de Force now. I do some core work during my workouts, but that's only two days a week. I feel like I should be doing core every day...

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On 5/23/2018 at 5:09 PM, wintermom said:

My new bike is assembled and ready to ride! I took it for a very short spin around the block and it didn't hurt my hamstring at all. That is very good news!  The bad news is that I have some kind of issue with my energy levels and light-headedness from walking. I'm not sure if it's allergy related or some flu bug. Ds has been in bed for 2 days with a flu bug. 

Anyhow, I'm going to try to play my tennis match tonight and hope for the best. 

New bike! That sounds fun. Is it a road bike? I have a mountain bike that I haven't ridden very much, but I'd like to get into riding more when we move. We're moving to a city that is very bike friendly - where we live now is not bike friendly at all. What kind of biking do you do?

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35 minutes ago, SarahCB said:

New bike! That sounds fun. Is it a road bike? I have a mountain bike that I haven't ridden very much, but I'd like to get into riding more when we move. We're moving to a city that is very bike friendly - where we live now is not bike friendly at all. What kind of biking do you do?

I got myself a hybrid bike because I like to go on trails in the woods as well as bike on roads or gravel/dirt roads. There is no suspension in this new bike, so you feels the bumps more, but it's a great balance between fast and fun!

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I went on my first run since my injury 2 months ago. It went really well! I was able to run non-stop for the first 3km, then walk and run the next 3km. It was trail running, so nice and easy on the joints. I didn't stop running from pain, rather lack of fitness. It will be really good for me to get back to running to keep up my aerobic fitness levels. I need that for tennis!

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I went on my first run since my injury 2 months ago. It went really well! I was able to run non-stop for the first 3km, then walk and run the next 3km. It was trail running, so nice and easy on the joints. I didn't stop running from pain, rather lack of fitness. It will be really good for me to get back to running to keep up my aerobic fitness levels. I need that for tennis!

That is awesome, so glad you didn't have any pain!

1 hour ago, SarahCB said:

I think I need to hear what your workout schedule is. Morning and evening? How many days a week? How long are your sessions and do you rotate between muscles or do a mix of each at each session? 

I started out doing a 3 day a week lifting program, Tues, Thurs and Sat or Sun. But then my Mom wanted to work out with me and wanted to do it on Tues and Thurs morning and I can't move my evening times b/c I lift when the kids do TKD. When I started I figured she wouldn't last at it very long so it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I try to alternate what we do but Mom wants to do everything, so I've not done the best w/ that but I generally do higher weight lower reps in the evening and lower weight higher reps in the am. On the weekend I only do one strength training session. My usual sessions are 1 hr long during the week, so Tues & Thurs I've been going for about 2 hrs total. On the weekends I might do 90 minutes if I'm with a friend or a short 30 minute session at home. I think the big problem came from my weekend of obstacle course training which was physically exhausting and was very strength intensive for all my muscles AND overdoing it pushing myself towards getting a chin-up. I've got this old injury on my right side that makes it more susceptible anyway. 

I talked to Mom about it and she says we can change days and I also told her we need to focus more, so hopefully with taking some extra days off and switching up my schedule I can move past this. BUT I know if I keep on pushing like I was I'm going to be in trouble, I'm having way too many aches and pains. It is hard b/c I really want to make my goals but I can't force my body to do what it isn't ready for and it becomes counterproductive to a certain point.

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On 5/25/2018 at 10:41 PM, peacelovehomeschooling said:

Ending the week strong with great workouts all week and good eating all week.   I have even lost some weight this week.  Fingers crossed for not too much damage this long holiday weekend.

That's excellent! A whole strong week is huge. 

On 5/25/2018 at 2:55 PM, soror said:

I talked to Mom about it and she says we can change days and I also told her we need to focus more, so hopefully with taking some extra days off and switching up my schedule I can move past this. BUT I know if I keep on pushing like I was I'm going to be in trouble, I'm having way too many aches and pains. It is hard b/c I really want to make my goals but I can't force my body to do what it isn't ready for and it becomes counterproductive to a certain point.

It's good that your mom is willing to change up the days. I imagine it would be hard to try and meet your own goals but also want to join with someone else to help with their goals. Hopefully you can tweak it so that you are able to get what you need out of your week without compromising your progress. 

On 5/25/2018 at 1:28 PM, wintermom said:

I went on my first run since my injury 2 months ago. It went really well! I was able to run non-stop for the first 3km, then walk and run the next 3km. It was trail running, so nice and easy on the joints. I didn't stop running from pain, rather lack of fitness. It will be really good for me to get back to running to keep up my aerobic fitness levels. I need that for tennis!

That's awesome! So glad that you were able to do it pain free. I'm looking forward to hearing about your bike rides. We went trail riding a few years ago (ok - maybe 6 years ago now...) and I actually had so much fun. It was scary, but exhilarating. I've often thought about finding a way to do some more trail riding. Maybe some inspiration will help motivate me ? 

I can't remember the last time I posted. I had a great workout on Friday. I'm getting better at proper push-ups on the ground. My trainer tortured me with rear leg elevated split squats where he was watching me to make sure my weight was more in front and that I was keeping my hips tucked in and not sticking my butt out on the way up. So hard. I did some really tough pull-downs as well - it felt like I could feel every muscle in my back. Saturday I ran 8km with my group in the morning and then there was a 4km wine run in the evening which was a lot of fun (but very steep!). A few friends from my running group were there.

Today is a rest day. I'll go with dh to take the dog for a walk later.

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On 5/25/2018 at 8:11 PM, peacelovehomeschooling said:

Ending the week strong with great workouts all week and good eating all week.   I have even lost some weight this week.  Fingers crossed for not too much damage this long holiday weekend.

Ya! Good for you!

@Sarah CB Yes, it has been a little difficult. Mom has some outdated ideas about things that I've had a hard time with (let's do ab work to make the belly smaller - squeaking out reps w/ less than stellar form etc.). Mostly, she's been a good sport doing what I plan.

sounds like you had a kick ass workout Friday! Hope you enjoyed your rest yesterday.


We did some walking this weekend and working outside (and inside) but I didn't push myself overly hard.

I got in Strong and Roar from the library and have been diving into them. I hadn't realized that Strong is the updated book by the authors of the New Rules of Weightlifting for Women. It has 9 training programs, each building off each other with pictures for every exercise and modifications listed (to make them harder and easier). Roar is more focused on how men and women and different (and how we are the same) and what that means in terms of training and eating. It does not have exercises, there are a few food plans and recipes but it has more general guidelines. 

I'm going to try the program in Strong (although we all know I have a horrible time following anything)- I think it would be good for me to pick something and stick with it, we'll see how I do. I've decided I don't just need a week off I've got to cut back on strength training, I did great w/ 3x a week but as of late I've had considerably more aches and pains. Since Mom and I are training together I'm going to switch my Tues/Thurs afternoon sessions to short interval + stretching sessions. 

Roar has more specific diet info, not focused on weight loss but on eating for energy and training. I'm going to try some of her tweaks and see how it feels. Mostly it is in line w/ what seems to work for me, not too low carb but certainly not high carb either. It is a whole foods diet with plenty of fruits and veggies. She is one that recommends eating often, generally, I prefer to eat just 3 meals a day but as of late, I've had a hard time sticking to that so I think I'll try purposely eating smaller meals more frequently. Another change is that she recommends eating 30 minutes after waking- I've never done that but I'm going to try it and see what happens. Also, in both Strong & Roar (and nearly everywhere else) it is recommended to have some protein after strength training- I do horrible with this but am going to try to be more diligent. 

Mom and I were supposed to lift today but she had to reschedule until tomorrow, we'll start Strong Phase 1 - Workout A then.

I'm hoping to get in a bike ride today too, fingers crossed!

Oh, and today is 4 wks since my last weigh in and I'm 0.2 pounds above my last weight, which is close enough to call that maintenance. Woot!

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No bike ride yesterday, but we did get some little walks. In the am I helped dh clean out the gutters (it is nervewracking traipsing across the roof!) and I helped him with the bees. I was dripping with sweat by 9am.

This am I started the Strong Level 1- it was perfect- right amount of work/challenge/length. We pushed our muscles and endurance but felt invigorated afterward. We did battle ropes for our 1 min intervals(3), I started out the first set pushing way too hard but even not pushing it 60 seconds feels like forever on those.

Day 2 tweaking my meal timing, yesterday my meals were a bit too big. Since I'm eating they have to be smaller and I adjusted some but not quite enough. However, I ended the day eating around the same as usual but I felt fuller. As it was I could not get in a 3pm snack, I was still stuffed. 

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Gah.... Went on a bike ride with the kids, totally kicked my butt. It was only about 2 miles but as I live in the hills it was literally uphill both ways. 2 hills were particularly hard- one forever long but not too steep, the other one steep and fairly long. I was utterly gassed, like flail out on the floor and pant! I'm in reasonable shape you know, seriously, I need to do some more biking.

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I've been battling a little bug along with allergies again, but still managed to play a little singles tennis on Sunday with dh. Monday I had to stay in bed to try to fight the bug, and today I managed to bike to tennis and hit some balls then bike home again. I was supposed to play a mixed doubles competitive match, but the opponents didn't show up. They mixed up the days. I'm not so sure my body would have managed an entire match, though, so maybe it's for the best however disappointing it is. 

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23 hours ago, wintermom said:

I've been battling a little bug along with allergies again, but still managed to play a little singles tennis on Sunday with dh. Monday I had to stay in bed to try to fight the bug, and today I managed to bike to tennis and hit some balls then bike home again. I was supposed to play a mixed doubles competitive match, but the opponents didn't show up. They mixed up the days. I'm not so sure my body would have managed an entire match, though, so maybe it's for the best however disappointing it is. 

I'm sorry you've been sick ? Hope you're continuing to get better.

Today was a BUSY one! Appointments and shopping in the morning, to the local beach at the lake in the afternoon, and then straight to a dance workout class. The class was fun- got my heart rate up but didn't kill me. I, of course, was horribly out of sync half the time but I expected it. I'm ready for bed!

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Morning bike ride. 

I went down the gravel road to the river. That road has the steepest hill in my immediate area, I've never made it all the way up the hill in 19 years we've lived here. BUT I MADE IT TODAY!!!! It was of course way easier w/ my new(er) bike and no bike trailer on the bike but I was utterly stoked. It is about 2.5 miles- it took us about 10 minutes on the way there and 20 minutes on the way back, the way back had the buttkicker hill I rode the other day and I made it up it a little bit easier. Walking on sunshine---Woot! 

Afternoon Plans- Strong Phase 1- Workout B

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Afternoon lifting, very good session. It feels really nice changing pace AND my arm feels nearly normal, I can just feel a very, very slight twinge when doing certain activities but it seems I've averted any major injury. Did my intervals on the rowing machine, kicked my butt, not as much as the battle ropes but I was ready to be done. Today's session was:

Strong Phase 1 Workout B-

Side Plank

Anti-Rotation Half-Kneeling something (core work)

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift w/ Reach


Inverted Rows

Rear Elevated Split Squat

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