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Summer Plans

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So what is everyone doing for the summer? I'm flying out to spend a week with my brother and family on May 5. WE'll be sorting through more of Mom's stuff, then my 17 year old and I will be driving back home, from South Carolina to Montana. She's already begun to make Thelma & Louise jokes.  :)

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I'm taking two summer courses back-to-back.   I might be crazy but I'm hoping this is a better solution to taking 2 classes in one semester.   I realized after doing that in the fall that I just can't do it. At least not while I'm watching my grandkids and renovating the house :blink:.

Both are first level courses: Psychology and Communications.     Both will be at night, as trying to be out of the house during the day is impossible.  I think it might work well.  Instead of having a class every night (like they usually do for summer courses) this is a 3.5 hour M/W class.  

We have a wedding to go to Memorial day weekend and my son is getting married locally in Aug.   We'll have a family trip in late June, so I might miss one class.  Vacation rental is only about an hour from here, so we'll see if I need to go to class or not.  I can always come home a day early and let everyone else clean up :tongue:

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I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology 2 this summer.  It is a 16 week class crammed into 8 weeks.  6 hours a day, 2 days a week.  Fortunately, they plan plenty of breaks into the day.  Part is lecture and part is lab.  I'll have to pack a lunch and plan my bathroom breaks.  I have 3 classes left in the prereqs before I can apply in May 2019.  But 2 of those are only offered Spring semester.  This fall, I have to decide which class I will take to satisfy the physics requirement.  I can take the math class specific for this program that has some physics in it, or I can take physics for radiology, or I can just take general physics (Algebra based.)  If my high school did AP, I would have this covered on my college transcript.  I may just take the math class to refresh my very cobwebby memory on how to do anything beyond algebra 1 and geometry.  (Math major hanging my head in shame.)

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I graduate next Saturday, head out to a conference with my advisor the next week, and have another conference in June. These are my vacations. I'm also working on the weekends all summer, trying to get some extra hours as I can, and organize what seems like a million things. 

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10 minutes ago, elegantlion said:

I graduate next Saturday, head out to a conference with my advisor the next week, and have another conference in June. These are my vacations. I'm also working on the weekends all summer, trying to get some extra hours as I can, and organize what seems like a million things. 

Congratulations!!!   I hope the working vacation will be fun and stimulating. 

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15 hours ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology 2 this summer.  It is a 16 week class crammed into 8 weeks.  6 hours a day, 2 days a week.  Fortunately, they plan plenty of breaks into the day.  Part is lecture and part is lab.  I'll have to pack a lunch and plan my bathroom breaks.  I have 3 classes left in the prereqs before I can apply in May 2019.  But 2 of those are only offered Spring semester.  This fall, I have to decide which class I will take to satisfy the physics requirement.  I can take the math class specific for this program that has some physics in it, or I can take physics for radiology, or I can just take general physics (Algebra based.)  If my high school did AP, I would have this covered on my college transcript.  I may just take the math class to refresh my very cobwebby memory on how to do anything beyond algebra 1 and geometry.  (Math major hanging my head in shame.)

Wow... I am impressed.. that is a lot of hours to punch in.  At least it's only 8weeks. You can do it!

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7 hours ago, elegantlion said:

I graduate next Saturday, head out to a conference with my advisor the next week, and have another conference in June. These are my vacations. I'm also working on the weekends all summer, trying to get some extra hours as I can, and organize what seems like a million things. 

Congratulations!!!  What an accomplishment!!

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I'm taking an online philosophy class (shoot me now). Philosophy is not my thing. I need to get it done to check the box.

I also need to take the TEAS this summer so I'm buying aalllll the study materials and hardcore hitting the books. I need to score over 90%, which is either doable or crazy. I'll know better once I get the study guides.

In the fall, Micro and Anatomy. Hopefully ready to apply to nursing programs in January.

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On 4/27/2018 at 1:47 PM, dirty ethel rackham said:

I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology 2 this summer.  It is a 16 week class crammed into 8 weeks.  6 hours a day, 2 days a week.  Fortunately, they plan plenty of breaks into the day.  Part is lecture and part is lab.  I'll have to pack a lunch and plan my bathroom breaks.  I have 3 classes left in the prereqs before I can apply in May 2019.  But 2 of those are only offered Spring semester.  This fall, I have to decide which class I will take to satisfy the physics requirement.  I can take the math class specific for this program that has some physics in it, or I can take physics for radiology, or I can just take general physics (Algebra based.)  If my high school did AP, I would have this covered on my college transcript.  I may just take the math class to refresh my very cobwebby memory on how to do anything beyond algebra 1 and geometry.  (Math major hanging my head in shame.)


Ooh, boy, that's ambitious! You can do it!!

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I graduate in about 3 weeks.

I’m taking my LMSW exam in 2 weeks.

I just need to finish my internship hours at the VA mental health clinic.  

Graduate school has literally been the most horrendous and fantastic experience of my life. I thought homeschooling was an adventure. It’s nothing compared to post-40 grad school, LOL. 

I think my family expects me to get a job this summer!



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I think that's a perfect description of post-40 grad school! I love the format and discussions. When I first started the idea of reading 2 entire books a week (never light reading) blew my mind. Now? I look at a book less than 400 pages and call it a fast read..LOL!

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On 4/29/2018 at 1:17 PM, sassenach said:

I'm taking an online philosophy class (shoot me now). Philosophy is not my thing. I need to get it done to check the box.

I also need to take the TEAS this summer so I'm buying aalllll the study materials and hardcore hitting the books. I need to score over 90%, which is either doable or crazy. I'll know better once I get the study guides.

In the fall, Micro and Anatomy. Hopefully ready to apply to nursing programs in January.

Finally found the group! Yay!

You can definitely score over 90. My advice is to join the TEAS FB Group. It helps to have questions constantly circling around and around. I also found the TEAS Pocket Prep app to be helpful.

My news: I was admitted to my backup nursing school while the boards were down. I am still waiting to hear about my first-choice program. I should hear the first week of June or so. Either way, I will be starting nursing school in August! Woo hoo!

I wrapped up the Spring semester with an 89% in advanced pharmacology and a 91% in advanced pathophysiology II. So, I have 9 units of nurse practitioner courses knocked out. I am on a much-needed break until August, working out (down 40 lbs since surgery in January) and soaking up the San Diego sunshine.

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