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2 minutes ago, Lady Marmalade said:

In our case, this boys class was an experiment this year with our new ballet director to see how it went.  It was only offered to our advanced boys in level 3 ballet or higher.  Every boy who took it LOVES it.  And, every single teacher this year has pulled us or DS aside and mentioned how he's really grown as a dancer this year and DS immediately says it's the boys ballet class making all the difference.  

I will be shocked if they don't add more boys only ballet classes this next year.  One for lower level boys, and she's mentioned wanting to add a specific partnering class for the advanced boys to work with pointe dancers.  DS got really excited about that one, but all I heard was more money coming out of my bank account.Â đŸ˜¢

We're currently for-profit, but there was talk several years ago from the owners about the possibility of becoming non-profit for multiple reasons.  I think our new ballet director was part of that plan.


That is all I hear too.   The kids get excited about moving up levels, SIs, privates, pointe shoes and on and on.  All I hear is more $$$$$$.     I am most likely going to get a pt job just to use on dance.  Sometimes I am so sad that we went away from Park and Rec dance.   I know they are learning so much more and having more experiences.  

Yes our school added a partnering class this year too.  I think in a year or so dh can take it.  He is looking forward to that.  

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This is interesting - the talk of all these class options. Other than modern/contemporary electives, neither of our studios gave the students any choices. You had your level and that was that. They designed your curriculum from there. At our current studio, once students get to levels 6-7, they can drop down to just three days a week, though once they do that, it’s like a decision to stay at this level and not go further. Still nice for kids who want to dance and, ya know, have a life. Of course ds has no interest in that!

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Moms of boys, I have to say, if you're not shopping at www.boysdancetoo.com you should.  The customer service is almost unheard of.  DS is difficult to fit being 6'4" and skinny, and every time I have a question about sizing they are so fast to get back to me.  This week I messaged asking about some performance pants and they couldn't answer, so said they were going to reach out to the manufacturer.  She has emailed me back three times now letting me know the status of my inquiry.  She's still waiting to hear back, but wanted me to know that my question was important to her and she would continue to update me until we had an answer.  Who does that these days?


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5 hours ago, Lady Marmalade said:

Moms of boys, I have to say, if you're not shopping at www.boysdancetoo.com you should.  The customer service is almost unheard of.  DS is difficult to fit being 6'4" and skinny, and every time I have a question about sizing they are so fast to get back to me.  This week I messaged asking about some performance pants and they couldn't answer, so said they were going to reach out to the manufacturer.  She has emailed me back three times now letting me know the status of my inquiry.  She's still waiting to hear back, but wanted me to know that my question was important to her and she would continue to update me until we had an answer.  Who does that these days?



I have had nothing but great CS from their too.  I love their stuff. 

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We've only ever needed tights to start the year and new shoes when he wears a hole in the old ones. So I always just hit our local dance store. I think I ordered ds's tights from there once but with the shipping, they were more, so I haven't used them again. I don't get what dance gear everyone needs all the time? Like, isn't that benefit of having a boy? No need for all kinds of accoutrements!

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10 hours ago, Farrar said:

We've only ever needed tights to start the year and new shoes when he wears a hole in the old ones. So I always just hit our local dance store. I think I ordered ds's tights from there once but with the shipping, they were more, so I haven't used them again. I don't get what dance gear everyone needs all the time? Like, isn't that benefit of having a boy? No need for all kinds of accoutrements!


I could see if you need performance things.  For the studio we are still a part of they handle all the costumes.  Mostly modifying my son's costume or hand sewing them.  The school we are a part of they own all the costumes.  Ditto with the extra performances we are doing outside of our school with other dance schools. 

I know some schools make you wear their leos and outfits for boys too, but if you don't have that and want your own stuff. 

But ds loves their shirts with dance belts built in vs just a regular t-shirt.  And hanging out with the pros all the kids want the gear that they wear too.  The dance boots are really popular hear with kids.  Plus the down vest and other things that the pros wear. 

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On 1/22/2019 at 6:05 PM, edelweiss said:

How exciting!  Performance experience is so valuable... and fun! 

Yes, I do think that it is helpful to do some auditions for experience.  The more auditions my daughter does, the more comfortable she is.  She actually loves auditioning! So, if you can fit some in your schedule, I think it could be beneficial.

Let me know if you want me to offer my thoughts on what I know about some of the programs you mentioned.  I don't want to offer it unsolicited, but I am happy to share my thoughts if you think it would be helpful.



Edelweiss, just checking back in.  I would love to hear your thoughts on the SIs that I was talking about.   Thank you so much. 

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:


Edelweiss, just checking back in.  I would love to hear your thoughts on the SIs that I was talking about.   Thank you so much. 

Sorry! Things have been crazy here! 

Ok, these are my thoughts/opinions about the programs you mentioned. A couple I have first-hand impressions of, but not all of them.  So, take my comments with a grain of salt. đŸ˜‰

ABT-- solid training with their own curriculum; very popular so audition classes tend to be very big (the last time DD auditioned for ABT, there were 92 people in her audition class); ABT has multiple locations, so they are able to accommodate more students; there is a hierarchy of the sites, so students are placed according to their levels which means that you might not get your first choice geography-wise (you are able to rank your choices for location, but if you put New York as your first choice, for instance, they might assign you to Tampa if they don't think you would fit well in NYC; since you have multiple children dancing, this could mean that your children are assigned to different sites); my daughter attended ABT in the young dancer program, so I am only familiar with that site; she was accepted to the 5 week NYC intensive a couple of years ago, but chose a different intensive; I have heard that ABT NYC, in particular, tends to concentrate on their favorites (the ones that attend on scholarship) and some people feel that they are ignored if they aren't a "chosen one"-- I do not have experience to confirm or deny this; if your child is accepted to either the NYC site or the California one, they get invites to attend special workshops during the year

SAB-- my daughter has never auditioned there because she has had numerous friends who went to SAB and did not enjoy it-- one friend didn't like it when she went, but got pressured by a teacher and her mom to attend for a second summer and she ultimately ended up quitting ballet after returning from the second summer; she was an amazing dancer, but the pressure at SAB is intense, even at the young ages because they start asking dancers to stay for the year-round program really young and for many it feels like a rejection when they aren't asked; dancers are constantly being evaluated there and SAB has a very particular set of criteria (and body types) that they are looking for; I've seen several young girls that are really affected by that level of intense scrutiny (of course it depends on the kid too!); another complaint is that SAB only offers a couple of classes a day and many people think that there is too much downtime compared to other intensives; SAB only accepts 8-10% of the people it auditions in a given year; on the pro side-- great dorms and you are housed right above the classrooms, so it is super-convenient and it is NYC!

Miami City-- very Balanchine school; my daughter hasn't gone there but thought it was the hardest audition she has ever had; it is in Miami, so it is really hot in the summer--UGH!; the dorms are pretty far from the school, so there is a long bus ride to and fro every day; my daughter has a friend that went and didn't love it but she was in a higher level and I think the pressure and competitiveness was pretty high which probably isn't an issue in the lower levels; don't know the exact acceptance rate but it is on the low side

The Rock-- I have heard that the year-round program is really good (and I have seen some amazing dancers from the Rock at YAGP!), but that the summer intensive isn't impressive at all; they do take most everyone that auditions and unless this has changed over the past year or so, they give acceptances and assign levels right at the audition, so there is no wait for results; not as important and it might have changed in the past two years because I haven't kept up with the Rock since I crossed it off the list, but I have heard that the bus ride to the studio is about 45 minutes each way and the bus isn't always air-conditioned-- ugh!

CPYB-- very solid training; very inclusive since there is no audition-- they take everyone and then level appropriately once you get there; very much a "ballet boot camp"-- the focus is completely on ballet; two ballet technique classes a day, plus most levels are offered a third technique class that is optional, but highly recommended; jazz and hip hop classes are available at an extra cost; CPYB also offers something called the "August Course" which is a 1 or 2 week ballet bootcamp (my daughter has attended this) but there is no housing for the August course; Carlisle is a small town and the commute from the dorms at Dickinson College to the studio is walkable

Joffrey Chicago-- I don't know much about this intensive except that it is the "real" Joffrey; I know of someone who went to the Young Dancer program a few years ago and wasn't happy with it, but I don't know anyone who has gone to the regular program

Don't know much about RWB or Ballet Chicago-- sorry!

I hope this helps! Please know that these are just my impressions.  Others might feel differently. đŸ˜‰



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13 hours ago, Farrar said:

We've only ever needed tights to start the year and new shoes when he wears a hole in the old ones. So I always just hit our local dance store. I think I ordered ds's tights from there once but with the shipping, they were more, so I haven't used them again. I don't get what dance gear everyone needs all the time? Like, isn't that benefit of having a boy? No need for all kinds of accoutrements!

It has been years since I've been able to buy stuff for DS locally.  Plus the whole needing dance tights/dance belt/performance slacks is a totally new thing for us.  It used to just be street clothes/dress clothes that we could buy anywhere.  I certainly can't buy men's dance tights locally.  But, you are right, now that we are amassing the standard gear, I should be able to not buy stuff for a while, provided he doesn't grow anymore.  (Gosh, I sure hope not.  He already wears the biggest size of everything dancewear as it is! )

I've probably been lucky that every time I've ordered from bdt I've hit on a sale. 

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14 minutes ago, Lady Marmalade said:

It has been years since I've been able to buy stuff for DS locally.  Plus the whole needing dance tights/dance belt/performance slacks is a totally new thing for us.  It used to just be street clothes/dress clothes that we could buy anywhere.  I certainly can't buy men's dance tights locally.  But, you are right, now that we are amassing the standard gear, I should be able to not buy stuff for a while, provided he doesn't grow anymore.  (Gosh, I sure hope not.  He already wears the biggest size of everything dancewear as it is! )

I've probably been lucky that every time I've ordered from bdt I've hit on a sale. 

I forgot about the dance belts. That too. And I realized he has needed those stretchy shirts for a couple of years. But we can get it all locally. There's a dance shop across the street from his old studio, which is still just a couple of blocks from where his twin does theater. So not out of the way for us at all. They're super nice and always have most things we need.

I wish ds was done growing so I wouldn't have to replace. Sigh. He's only just passed me. Definitely more to go.

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On 1/22/2019 at 7:16 PM, mommyoffive said:


Other than PNB, what other ones feel that way that you know of? 

I can't think of any to name off-hand.  I am only familiar with PNB because my DD attended the summer intensive there for the past several years.  I just know that as I've researched company websites, I have definitely seen some places that word the info in the video audition part in such a way that it makes it obvious that they really favor in-person auditions.  So, I would look at each site that you are considering and if you don't see things worded that way, I would send the video.  Or if you really can't make the live audition, I would send a video even if they do word it that way.  All they can say is no!

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On 1/22/2019 at 7:47 PM, Farrar said:

Ds dances at Washington Ballet. It's not as prestigious as some of those, but I can tell you he loves, loves, loves his teachers. And that - to the point that MommyofFive brought up earlier - they give a lot of feedback/corrections. And that the atmosphere is a lot friendlier among the kids than his last studio.

Thanks for the feedback on Washington Ballet! It is definitely one that my daughter would consider for this summer. She knows someone who went there for the summer and then stayed on as a trainee,  She loved in there! Has your son done the SI there? I know that sometimes the year-round training and the SI can be very different. Sometimes the SI is taught by more guest teachers than year-round ones!

DD is really trying to look carefully at options this summer. She is not focusing on prestige, but trying to find one that offers great training and that fits her criteria/needs for the summer.  Not that prestige is necessarily a bad thing! She attended PNB for the past couple of years and she got great training! But she knows that there are other places that also offer great training without being a 3-letter SI.

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3 hours ago, edelweiss said:

Sorry! Things have been crazy here! 

Ok, these are my thoughts/opinions about the programs you mentioned. A couple I have first-hand impressions of, but not all of them.  So, take my comments with a grain of salt. đŸ˜‰

ABT-- solid training with their own curriculum; very popular so audition classes tend to be very big (the last time DD auditioned for ABT, there were 92 people in her audition class); ABT has multiple locations, so they are able to accommodate more students; there is a hierarchy of the sites, so students are placed according to their levels which means that you might not get your first choice geography-wise (you are able to rank your choices for location, but if you put New York as your first choice, for instance, they might assign you to Tampa if they don't think you would fit well in NYC; since you have multiple children dancing, this could mean that your children are assigned to different sites); my daughter attended ABT in the young dancer program, so I am only familiar with that site; she was accepted to the 5 week NYC intensive a couple of years ago, but chose a different intensive; I have heard that ABT NYC, in particular, tends to concentrate on their favorites (the ones that attend on scholarship) and some people feel that they are ignored if they aren't a "chosen one"-- I do not have experience to confirm or deny this; if your child is accepted to either the NYC site or the California one, they get invites to attend special workshops during the year

SAB-- my daughter has never auditioned there because she has had numerous friends who went to SAB and did not enjoy it-- one friend didn't like it when she went, but got pressured by a teacher and her mom to attend for a second summer and she ultimately ended up quitting ballet after returning from the second summer; she was an amazing dancer, but the pressure at SAB is intense, even at the young ages because they start asking dancers to stay for the year-round program really young and for many it feels like a rejection when they aren't asked; dancers are constantly being evaluated there and SAB has a very particular set of criteria (and body types) that they are looking for; I've seen several young girls that are really affected by that level of intense scrutiny (of course it depends on the kid too!); another complaint is that SAB only offers a couple of classes a day and many people think that there is too much downtime compared to other intensives; SAB only accepts 8-10% of the people it auditions in a given year; on the pro side-- great dorms and you are housed right above the classrooms, so it is super-convenient and it is NYC!

Miami City-- very Balanchine school; my daughter hasn't gone there but thought it was the hardest audition she has ever had; it is in Miami, so it is really hot in the summer--UGH!; the dorms are pretty far from the school, so there is a long bus ride to and fro every day; my daughter has a friend that went and didn't love it but she was in a higher level and I think the pressure and competitiveness was pretty high which probably isn't an issue in the lower levels; don't know the exact acceptance rate but it is on the low side

The Rock-- I have heard that the year-round program is really good (and I have seen some amazing dancers from the Rock at YAGP!), but that the summer intensive isn't impressive at all; they do take most everyone that auditions and unless this has changed over the past year or so, they give acceptances and assign levels right at the audition, so there is no wait for results; not as important and it might have changed in the past two years because I haven't kept up with the Rock since I crossed it off the list, but I have heard that the bus ride to the studio is about 45 minutes each way and the bus isn't always air-conditioned-- ugh!

CPYB-- very solid training; very inclusive since there is no audition-- they take everyone and then level appropriately once you get there; very much a "ballet boot camp"-- the focus is completely on ballet; two ballet technique classes a day, plus most levels are offered a third technique class that is optional, but highly recommended; jazz and hip hop classes are available at an extra cost; CPYB also offers something called the "August Course" which is a 1 or 2 week ballet bootcamp (my daughter has attended this) but there is no housing for the August course; Carlisle is a small town and the commute from the dorms at Dickinson College to the studio is walkable

Joffrey Chicago-- I don't know much about this intensive except that it is the "real" Joffrey; I know of someone who went to the Young Dancer program a few years ago and wasn't happy with it, but I don't know anyone who has gone to the regular program

Don't know much about RWB or Ballet Chicago-- sorry!

I hope this helps! Please know that these are just my impressions.  Others might feel differently. đŸ˜‰




Ugh.  Why can't there be a perfect place?  I feel like everyone has pros and cons, of course like everything.  UGH.  

oh I didn't know about the CPYB August course.  Neat.  My 4 older ones could do that.  Hmmmm.    I wish the places around me would have this.  But none of them do right now.  They run things different weeks.   Which makes it so much harder for me since these places are all 2 hours round trip from our house.  

They only offer 2-3 classes a day?  That is a pretty short day isn't it?  They do have the full 5 week program for my 4 older kids.  That would be so great.  hmmm

I am now looking into Washington Ballet because of that.  I need to contact someone there this week and ask some questions. 

Honestly staying at home sounds like a better and better idea.   

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23 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:


Ugh.  Why can't there be a perfect place?  I feel like everyone has pros and cons, of course like everything.  UGH.  

oh I didn't know about the CPYB August course.  Neat.

Honestly staying at home sounds like a better and better idea.   

Honestly, staying at home is a perfectly valid option if you have good training at home.  Summer intensives really aren't "necessary" until your kids get older (and even then they often aren't crucial).  For many kids they are just fun (like some kids go to summer camp for weeks) and an opportunity to do what they love in a different place and with other kids who feel the same way.  So, it is fun, but definitely not a must.

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9 minutes ago, edelweiss said:

Honestly, staying at home is a perfectly valid option if you have good training at home.  Summer intensives really aren't "necessary" until your kids get older (and even then they often aren't crucial).  For many kids they are just fun (like some kids go to summer camp for weeks) and an opportunity to do what they love in a different place and with other kids who feel the same way.  So, it is fun, but definitely not a must.


I am getting that.  And I reading about some of the bad parts of the elite ones, makes me want to do that more.  That is what we did last summer, and it was great for my older two for sure.  They got to work with teachers who already know them.  Got lots of time with their ballet master during intensives.  Small classes, lots of corrections, and with teachers they really like.   I am waiting to hear about what their summer intensives are going to be. 

 We may do this and do some privates too.  But we may do something simple like doing the RWB for two weeks just to see. 

I get why the elite ones would be like that, but it is sad.   I am not sure any of my kids would be good in that kind of place. 

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6 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:


I am getting that.  And I reading about some of the bad parts of the elite ones, makes me want to do that more.  That is what we did last summer, and it was great for my older two for sure.  They got to work with teachers who already know them.  Got lots of time with their ballet master during intensives.   We may do this and do some privates too.  But we may do something simple like doing the RWB for two weeks just to see. \

I get why the elite ones would be like that, but it is sad.   

I think a two-week program would be a great compromise! Something like RWB or CPYB's August Course would be great! That way they get the best of both worlds.

Yes, I agree about the elite programs.  Everyone there has been accepted and paid their money, so the teachers should really be giving everyone attention! They can still have their favorites, but it shouldn't mean that they ignore 1/2 (or more) of the class!

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My dd 12 tried out for Houston Ballet because she wants a change of scenery from her home studio - Boston Ballet in Newton.  Boston has 2 tracks: Newton is for general kids and Boston site is for pre-pro track.  I could write a book from our experience with ballet already.  We have not found a perfect place and her teachers now are drones.  She’s on the Houston waitlist. If she doesn’t get off we will do the Newton summer dance program again.  I won’t try others till she is older.  My dh can stay with her and work at his company headquarters in Houston.  

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5 minutes ago, lulubelle said:

My dd 12 tried out for Houston Ballet because she wants a change of scenery from her home studio - Boston Ballet in Newton.  Boston has 2 tracks: Newton is for general kids and Boston site is for pre-pro track.  I could write a book from our experience with ballet already.  We have not found a perfect place and her teachers now are drones.  She’s on the Houston waitlist. If she doesn’t get off we will do the Newton summer dance program again.  I won’t try others till she is older.  My dh can stay with her and work at his company headquarters in Houston.  


Her home studio is Boston Ballet in Newton? 

If so are there no other good ballet schools around in Boston area? 

I hope she gets off the waitlist?  

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3 hours ago, edelweiss said:

Thanks for the feedback on Washington Ballet! It is definitely one that my daughter would consider for this summer. She knows someone who went there for the summer and then stayed on as a trainee,  She loved in there! Has your son done the SI there? I know that sometimes the year-round training and the SI can be very different. Sometimes the SI is taught by more guest teachers than year-round ones!

DD is really trying to look carefully at options this summer. She is not focusing on prestige, but trying to find one that offers great training and that fits her criteria/needs for the summer.  Not that prestige is necessarily a bad thing! She attended PNB for the past couple of years and she got great training! But she knows that there are other places that also offer great training without being a 3-letter SI.

He hasn't done the SI. My understanding is that the electives (like modern - and things like jazz and flamenco, which they don't do during the school year) are taught by different faculty, but that the core faculty and the company who do the teaching also do the instruction for the SI. I know they shuffle a bit, but people have said to me it's basically the same folks. Ds is level 6... he's hoping to do the trainee program as well, but it comes after level 7, so there's no way he'd go in next year and all the more reason for him to go away this summer. From the outside, the PTP kids (the trainee program) seem to be a good group. Ds is friendly with some of the boys now since that's a smaller group.

Yay for her looking at the less brand name places. I am trying to adjust my head on all this, but it does seem like it's as much about being seen and networking once you're at a certain level as it is about training. And that nearly everywhere picks their training programs out of the SI. I know they said straight out to us that for kids who want to try for PTP, they should stay at Washington for the SI the summer before.

Good luck to her wherever she ends up!

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On 1/24/2019 at 3:00 PM, lulubelle said:

Yes, Boston Ballet in Newton.  Slim pickings for schools around here. This is our third.  Some are just farther than I want to go.  


Thanks, I hope she gets off the waitlist too!


Wow, that surprises me.   I would assume there are lot of choices when you are by a big city.   We are from a very small town so we have to drive. 

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On 1/24/2019 at 4:04 PM, Farrar said:

He hasn't done the SI. My understanding is that the electives (like modern - and things like jazz and flamenco, which they don't do during the school year) are taught by different faculty, but that the core faculty and the company who do the teaching also do the instruction for the SI. I know they shuffle a bit, but people have said to me it's basically the same folks. Ds is level 6... he's hoping to do the trainee program as well, but it comes after level 7, so there's no way he'd go in next year and all the more reason for him to go away this summer. From the outside, the PTP kids (the trainee program) seem to be a good group. Ds is friendly with some of the boys now since that's a smaller group.

Yay for her looking at the less brand name places. I am trying to adjust my head on all this, but it does seem like it's as much about being seen and networking once you're at a certain level as it is about training. And that nearly everywhere picks their training programs out of the SI. I know they said straight out to us that for kids who want to try for PTP, they should stay at Washington for the SI the summer before.

Good luck to her wherever she ends up!


It is so great to hear about your son's program.  It sounds like a good place to be.   That is so amazing that he is almost to the trainee level.  What an accomplishment.  



All my kiddos are moving up a level this week, which is great for them.   It normally never happens mid-year.  ODD is now on pointe.  We went and got fitted yesterday.  She was in demi pointe shoes at a different studio over the summer.  It was so great to watch her reach a goal yesterday.   Here we go.    AHHHHHHH

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46 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Full ride to Nashville and Pittsburgh. My bank account is SO RELIEVED right now, I don't even know how to tell y'all. Couple that with the likelihood that some boys I'd like him to avoid are likely to attend his top choice Boston... and I think we're done.



That is so awesome!!  Congrats to him.  He has to be so darn happy.   2 full rides.  Wow wow wow. 

How long are those programs?   Is he going to both? 

So happy for you!!!!

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23 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:



That is so awesome!!  Congrats to him.  He has to be so darn happy.   2 full rides.  Wow wow wow. 

How long are those programs?   Is he going to both? 

So happy for you!!!!

Five weeks. They’re the same weeks, so definitely just one!

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8 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:


Oh bummer.  That would have been so sweet.  Oh well.  Still that is so awesome!!!

Congrats again!!!

Thanks. I hope I don’t come off too braggy. He was just so cut down by his old studio. And I know it’s easier for boys. But I’m still just so proud and surprised. I was hoping he got a bit of money. I didn’t think he’d get room and board and everything anywhere.

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1 minute ago, Farrar said:

Thanks. I hope I don’t come off too braggy. He was just so cut down by his old studio. And I know it’s easier for boys. But I’m still just so proud and surprised. I was hoping he got a bit of money. I didn’t think he’d get room and board and everything anywhere.


Not braggy at all.  I love hearing about his path.  I remember the stuff that was going on at his old studio, so that must make this so much sweeter for him and you.  I think you also get so happy when they are getting something good.   A good part, moving up levels, getting into an SI, and scholarships.   You have worked hard supporting him on this road.  You are proud of him and that is awesome.  Heck I don't know him and I am proud of him. 

Honestly I would love everyone to post honest experiences like that to see how common or not those kinds of things happen.   Is getting full rides scholarships really rare?  Is it really only for boys? I think all that info helps us all. 

I am happy for you guys. 

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:


Not braggy at all.  I love hearing about his path.  I remember the stuff that was going on at his old studio, so that must make this so much sweeter for him and you.  I think you also get so happy when they are getting something good.   A good part, moving up levels, getting into an SI, and scholarships.   You have worked hard supporting him on this road.  You are proud of him and that is awesome.  Heck I don't know him and I am proud of him. 

Honestly I would love everyone to post honest experiences like that to see how common or not those kinds of things happen.   Is getting full rides scholarships really rare?  Is it really only for boys? I think all that info helps us all. 

I am happy for you guys. 

Thanks! You'll have to post when you know where your kids end up dancing this summer if they go away.

I know it's not super uncommon for boys. Our old studio used to publish where students got acceptances and if they had scholarships and almost none of the girls had scholarships - just a couple of them and definitely just the ones who were obvious superstars - whereas often the boys had "scholarship" or "full scholarship" printed next to places they got in. One of the reasons I'm thrilled is that I can see the progress - he auditioned for Nashville last year and got in, but didn't get money at all. I really thought at best that he might get all of his tuition but none of the room and board (which is sometimes more) or some percentage of the tuition. This was a surprise for me!

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3 hours ago, Farrar said:

Thanks! You'll have to post when you know where your kids end up dancing this summer if they go away.

I know it's not super uncommon for boys. Our old studio used to publish where students got acceptances and if they had scholarships and almost none of the girls had scholarships - just a couple of them and definitely just the ones who were obvious superstars - whereas often the boys had "scholarship" or "full scholarship" printed next to places they got in. One of the reasons I'm thrilled is that I can see the progress - he auditioned for Nashville last year and got in, but didn't get money at all. I really thought at best that he might get all of his tuition but none of the room and board (which is sometimes more) or some percentage of the tuition. This was a surprise for me!


Ugh.  I get it.  I love my girls but just for this instance I wish they were boys.  đŸ˜‰Â     Not really, but you know what I mean. 

I love hearing his story.  It makes it so much sweeter.   

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23 hours ago, Farrar said:

Full ride to Nashville and Pittsburgh. My bank account is SO RELIEVED right now, I don't even know how to tell y'all. Couple that with the likelihood that some boys I'd like him to avoid are likely to attend his top choice Boston... and I think we're done.

That's SO exciting! Congrats to your son!

My DD was accepted to PBT (the 5 week, as well as the Company Experience) too.  She still plans to audition for Nashville (if she hasn't picked one by then).  BTW, she got her acceptance to TWSB this past weekend. No idea where she is planning to go yet though. Has your son decided yet? It would be funny if our kids ended up in the same place this summer! LOL!

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1 minute ago, edelweiss said:

That's SO exciting! Congrats to your son!

My DD was accepted to PBT (the 5 week, as well as the Company Experience) too.  She still plans to audition for Nashville (if she hasn't picked one by then).  BTW, she got her acceptance to TWSB this past weekend. No idea where she is planning to go yet though. Has your son decided yet? It would be funny if our kids ended up in the same place this summer! LOL!

Leaning toward PBT. So they might! Ha.

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4 minutes ago, edelweiss said:

That's SO exciting! Congrats to your son!

My DD was accepted to PBT (the 5 week, as well as the Company Experience) too.  She still plans to audition for Nashville (if she hasn't picked one by then).  BTW, she got her acceptance to TWSB this past weekend. No idea where she is planning to go yet though. Has your son decided yet? It would be funny if our kids ended up in the same place this summer! LOL!


Congrats on the getting in to those 2.   Yay!



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One of the shows they are in just changed the rehearsal schedule, so the auditions we were going to go to they can't now.  Opps.   

And there was one audition coming to their ballet school, but the place cancelled a week ago or so.  They said it was weather, but the audition was supposed to be this weekend.  Doesn't make sense.  

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5 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Leaning toward PBT. So they might! Ha.

That would be funny if they did! She hasn't ruled out PBT but I don't think she is leaning toward it though.  Did you know that the dorms aren't air-conditioned (unless you get Byham House which only holds like 20 people)? Ugh! (That's not why she is leaning toward something else, but it doesn't help! LOL)

BTW, my DD is turning down Boston too.  

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1 hour ago, edelweiss said:

That would be funny if they did! She hasn't ruled out PBT but I don't think she is leaning toward it though.  Did you know that the dorms aren't air-conditioned (unless you get Byham House which only holds like 20 people)? Ugh! (That's not why she is leaning toward something else, but it doesn't help! LOL)

BTW, my DD is turning down Boston too.  

No. Ick! I didn't know that about the dorms. That's not awesome. Tomorrow we're going to sit down and make a decision. He got into Boston but is not going. We're going to hit up all the info and make a call. I told him based on the city, he should do Nashville, but Pittsburgh is certainly closer.

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On 12/26/2018 at 1:11 PM, lovelearnandlive said:


Jillana is a Balanchine-based program in New Mexico. Two of dd’s friends have attended and enjoyed it. It’s a lot of dancing and they have a daily Pilates class, so lots of strength building. 

I looked at Joffrey Chicago’s website and you are right, I don’t see anything about x years of pointe training being necessary. I think this is because they have a 3-week beginner-ish program that offers pointe OR pre-pointe classes as part of the program; this program is available for dancers up to age 14. So if they like a dancer but they don’t think she will be ready for the pointework of their advanced program, they can offer acceptance to this program instead. 

Dd has gone away each summer since she was 12. So far she has been to SAB twice (once to their young dancer program in CA and once to their NYC intensive). She has been to Kansas City Ballet’s intensive once and Suzanne Farrell’s program once (she is no longer offering this program, unfortunately - it was a really lovely program).  She liked them all for different reasons. She had a friend go to Joffrey Chicago this past summer and she thought it was a strong program as well.



I just saw this and wanted to let you know

It is being run by Suzanne Farrell 


Hello Dancers,

We are pleased to announce that the application process for Cedar Islands Ballet Camp 2019 is now officially open! The program will be held July 7-20, 2019, and auditions will be by video submission only.

Female students between the ages of 11-15, who have at least 5 years of ballet training are eligible to apply.

Please see attached files for details, audition requirements and submission guidelines. Once applications are completed, follow the Dropbox link below to submit your audition materials.

With warm summer thoughts,
Cedar Islands Ballet Camp


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On 1/31/2019 at 7:39 AM, mommyoffive said:


I just saw this and wanted to let you know

It is being run by Suzanne Farrell 


Hello Dancers,

We are pleased to announce that the application process for Cedar Islands Ballet Camp 2019 is now officially open! The program will be held July 7-20, 2019, and auditions will be by video submission only.

Female students between the ages of 11-15, who have at least 5 years of ballet training are eligible to apply.

Please see attached files for details, audition requirements and submission guidelines. Once applications are completed, follow the Dropbox link below to submit your audition materials.

With warm summer thoughts,
Cedar Islands Ballet Camp



I saw that announcement! I’m glad she will still be holding the camp this summer, there really is no other program like it. Dd was 12 when she went and it was her first time away. It’s such a gorgeous location and training with Ms. Farrell was so special.

I am happy to say that auditions are over for us and the decision making is done. I won’t post specifics yet for privacy’s sake, but it was a challenging audition season for dd. She auditioned for 12 programs (yep, I’m exhausted), got 3 rejections (more than she’s ever received), 2 waitlists, and 6 acceptances (with one scholarship to a less selective program). There is still one program we haven’t heard from yet. She ended up choosing a program that is attached to a well-known company and is known for its rigorous training; she wants to work hard this summer and I am excited for her. 

Congrats to all the dancers that received acceptances and scholarships, and good luck making those tough decisions! I hope they all end up at the perfect program.

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18 minutes ago, lovelearnandlive said:


I saw that announcement! I’m glad she will still be holding the camp this summer, there really is no other program like it. Dd was 12 when she went and it was her first time away. It’s such a gorgeous location and training with Ms. Farrell was so special.

I am happy to say that auditions are over for us and the decision making is done. I won’t post specifics yet for privacy’s sake, but it was a challenging audition season for dd. She auditioned for 12 programs (yep, I’m exhausted), got 3 rejections (more than she’s ever received), 2 waitlists, and 6 acceptances (with one scholarship to a less selective program). There is still one program we haven’t heard from yet. She ended up choosing a program that is attached to a well-known company and is known for its rigorous training; she wants to work hard this summer and I am excited for her. 

Congrats to all the dancers that received acceptances and scholarships, and good luck making those tough decisions! I hope they all end up at the perfect program.


Wow, you both must be tired after 12 auditions.   Congrats to her for getting into the SI.   I can't wait to hear where she is going and how it goes.  

How long is the intensive that she is going to? 

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I thought I would ask about a few more intensives.   I really appreciated the feedback on them.   There are some girls who have gone to SAB and ABT at our schools, but they are older and don't really  have much involvement with the younger kids.   There isn't a lot of connection with groups of parents at our studio to give feedback. 


I have found 4 local programs that I am looking into.  One I learned brings in teachers from ABT.  That is something I didn't know.  None of them have their info up for summer yet.   Ugh. 

I am still considering Washington Ballet

The other ones I am looking at are


Dance Theater of Harlem

A & A Ballet in Chicago

Ballet Chicago

City Ballet of San Diego 

If you know anything about them let me know.  




If you don't preregister for an audition, when you go to pay is it cash or do they take credit cards usually?  

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3 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

If you don't preregister for an audition, when you go to pay is it cash or do they take credit cards usually?  

I've heard a couple of those are good - Dance Theater of Harlem, for example - but I really don't know for sure. But the above I can answer. Most are cash only. Often the fee is about $5-$10 more if they had a preregistration and you didn't use it. If they didn't, obviously, the fee is the fee.

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5 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

What do you guys think of auditioning at the SI school or at a host site? 

Does it matter at all?  Do you get a better sense of the school auditioning at the school? 

I think it would depend. Auditions seem to be all over the place. They're generally a class... the audition class on the tour seems to sometimes be indicative of the sort of class - or at least, the sort of attitude toward teaching - you'd get if you were there and sometimes not even remotely close. If you're there, you see the facilities. If you're there when it's not an audition event, then you'll see what the classes are actually like, but that may or may not be what the SI classes are like. Some studios run big SI's with lots of guest faculty, for example.

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I was looking for a specific thread on chat, but otherwise I almost NEVER visit this forum (despite spending lots of time over on the high school/college boards). Imagine my surprise when I open this discussion thread. It was almost like that time I saw my 3rd grade teacher shopping at the grocery store; it was such a shock to see that she ate FOOD just like everyone else. Wait, some of you are dance parents, too? I’m kidding, of course, but I guess it feels good knowing you’re out there. 

My DD14 just finished her 3rd SI audition season. January is such a fun/exciting/draining/nerve-wracking month! And the weather makes things extra-interesting. Luckily, she auditioned in Chicago on a 50 degree weekend rather than -25! Feels like a lot of pressure this year as DD wanted to attend a program where she could potentially stay year-round to train. She is a bun head with a powerful love of Balanchine style (and we have nothing but Vaganova schools in our area). She chose an SI with a crazy low acceptance rate and a even lower rate of invitations to their year-round program; the only thing harder than getting in is figuring out how to pay for it! Alas, we’re supporting her dreams to the extent that we can (and still keep two in college and a roof over our heads)!  Anyway, Hi đŸ‘‹ fellow WTM/Dance parents! I see you.

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1 hour ago, fourisenough said:

I was looking for a specific thread on chat, but otherwise I almost NEVER visit this forum (despite spending lots of time over on the high school/college boards). Imagine my surprise when I open this discussion thread. It was almost like that time I saw my 3rd grade teacher shopping at the grocery store; it was such a shock to see that she ate FOOD just like everyone else. Wait, some of you are dance parents, too? I’m kidding, of course, but I guess it feels good knowing you’re out there. 

My DD14 just finished her 3rd SI audition season. January is such a fun/exciting/draining/nerve-wracking month! And the weather makes things extra-interesting. Luckily, she auditioned in Chicago on a 50 degree weekend rather than -25! Feels like a lot of pressure this year as DD wanted to attend a program where she could potentially stay year-round to train. She is a bun head with a powerful love of Balanchine style (and we have nothing but Vaganova schools in our area). She chose an SI with a crazy low acceptance rate and a even lower rate of invitations to their year-round program; the only thing harder than getting in is figuring out how to pay for it! Alas, we’re supporting her dreams to the extent that we can (and still keep two in college and a roof over our heads)!  Anyway, Hi đŸ‘‹ fellow WTM/Dance parents! I see you.


Yay another dance parent!  I love that we are finding so many parents.  My oldest is 12, but until a year ago we were rec dancers.  So all the information and advice that I am getting from other parents here is so helpful.

The weather in Chicago has been nuts this winter hasn't it?    Funny your dd is going from Vaganova to Balanchine.  My kids are being trained in Balachine now, and we are going to check out a new studio that teaches Vaganova?   How does it differ? 


Congrats to her on getting into the SI that she wants to go to.   Isn't that what we are all doing, supporting their dreams as best we can?  Hard isn't it?  This was an expensive path.   I hope she gets into the year round program too.  If you feel comfortable sharing, where is she going this summer?  Is this her first year away?   Has she gone to other SIs?   

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We don’t live in/near Chicago, but just traveled there for auditions. I loved having an excuse to spend a long weekend there. What a fun city!

I wish I could tell you the differences between Vaganova and Balanchine, but I’ll defer to the experts. All I can say is that my DD has a very strong preference for one over the other, although she is skilled in both styles.

Dont worry about being rec dancers before a year ago. My DD was a competitive swimmer until age 11 when she began ballet training! This will be her third SI: at age 12 she went to PNB (stayed with family in Seattle and commuted); at age 13 she went to SAB; and this year she will be returning to SAB.

Like I said above, she would love to be invited to stay for the academic year, but knowing that is a very remote possibility, we’re working on a more affordable/achievable alternative. Honestly, the thought of a professional career in ballet terrifies me. I’m hoping this journey will shape her and bring her great joy, but I’m not convinced the ‘destination’ is one we have the stomach (or wallet!) for...

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13 minutes ago, fourisenough said:

We don’t live in/near Chicago, but just traveled there for auditions. I loved having an excuse to spend a long weekend there. What a fun city!

I wish I could tell you the differences between Vaganova and Balanchine, but I’ll defer to the experts. All I can say is that my DD has a very strong preference for one over the other, although she is skilled in both styles.

Dont worry about being rec dancers before a year ago. My DD was a competitive swimmer until age 11 when she began ballet training! This will be her third SI: at age 12 she went to PNB (stayed with family in Seattle and commuted); at age 13 she went to SAB; and this year she will be returning to SAB.

Like I said above, she would love to be invited to stay for the academic year, but knowing that is a very remote possibility, we’re working on a more affordable/achievable alternative. Honestly, the thought of a professional career in ballet terrifies me. I’m hoping this journey will shape her and bring her great joy, but I’m not convinced the ‘destination’ is one we have the stomach (or wallet!) for...


Wow, that is so awesome!  SAB is such an achievement.   Is she going to the 5 week NYC intensive?   Are you going to accompany her there for the summer?   How did she like SAB last year?   Did she do the full 5 weeks in NYC last year too? 

That is so interesting that she prefers one over the other.  I have no clue about the differences.  I kind of want my kids to try different styles to see what they think. 

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