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The Tea Shop Teachers Lounge 12-8-2017


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Good morning!


Today's theme stems from the fact that when I went to write the title I had no idea what today's

theme should be. And then I saw the cup of tea in front of me. Voila! Instant theme!  :cool: 


What are you drinking this morning? Here: mine is a blend of several herbs, mostly to help my brain

and the anxiety symptoms brought on by yesterday. Need all the help I can get with recent events!


Did anyone watch the Psych Movie last night? Here: I wish we could have! We were really bummed that it was a made-for-tv movie and not in theaters. Not everyone has cable! Hoping they'll release it on Netflix!


What's the weather like where you are? Here: even here in Phoenix, it's cold in the morning. It was about 39/40*F when I took the dog out this morning. Loved it! Our high for today I think is supposed to be 64*F. Not cold, but it's the kind of temperature all the winter visitors look forward to.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Update on yesterday: not a whole lot, but I briefly talked to hubby about it. He thinks I should go without the kids. When I questioned that, he said, "Yes, your mom's not going to remember." Hooh, boy. I think he totally missed the point on that one. I still plan on taking the kids whenever it is that we go. Just have to figure out when that is!

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Well, here I thought I was doing better this morning but my brain is evidently not on the same page as my body. Or vice versa.

I know things that need to get done, but my body refuses to move in that productive direction. Yes, I've eaten breakfast. Still working on the tea. Was hoping to not have to drink coffee this morning but that's not looking promising. Blah.


Forgive my mindless ramblings. No one's in the Lounge yet this morning,

so I've begun talking out loud to hear if it echoes in here . . .  :D

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Well, it's nearly afternoon here, and I'm finally sitting down to my first cup of coffee.  :svengo:It has been too busy to do my morning routine.  I bit the bullet yesterday and called the dealership's repair center about my car.  Rather than the $900 in my first quote, they were willing to do it for half that if I could bring it down first thing in the am.  We've become slightly friendly over the last few months as they've taken care of the recalls that had built up while we were too far from a dealership to do anything.


Anyway, there went my morning, after I helped dh shower, got him situated with meds and breakfast, took care of the 7yo and ran out the door.  But even the dealership was surprised at how quickly they got it done, and my final bill was $375.  A lot more doable than the $900!  Got home, gave everyone lunch, helped dh move around...and now I get to sit with a cup of coffee, warmed over from the nearly full pot this morning.


And now on to the rest of the afternoon.  Even though it doesn't look it, we're expecting snow tomorrow and there's that eerie, cold, calm outside the door.  I figure a nice pot of beef stew, some fresh bread, and a dutch apple pie will be just the thing for dinner and leftover night tomorrow.

And after rereading your post, :scared:  :crying:  I missed it!!!  I hope it's one of the few things our cable does On Demand.  

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Good morning!


Can I post what I wish I was drinking right now? Lol! I'm not drinking anything but plan to have my daily ounces of water soon.


I did indeed watch the Psych movie last night, it was just ok, I wasn't real thrilled with it. I'm hoping they put it on Netflix too.


Here in TX, we have clear skies and sun but it's only 36 degrees.

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Update on yesterday: not a whole lot, but I briefly talked to hubby about it. He thinks I should go without the kids. When I questioned that, he said, "Yes, your mom's not going to remember." Hooh, boy. I think he totally missed the point on that one. I still plan on taking the kids whenever it is that we go. Just have to figure out when that is!


It's such a tough decision. On the one hand, being on your own makes it easy to be completely flexible. On the other hand, this is an opportunity that your dc may want to have to remember their grandmother.


What do your dc want to do? 

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Good morning!


I am still struggling with a bad sinus infection. Barely got out of bed yesterday. Better today, but still not well.


Drinking tea! Tazo Zen, specifically. I may make some citrus camomile later. 


No movies here on weeknights, though ds did watch How to Train Your Dragon yesterday afternoon because I needed to have him quiet so I could sleep.


Weather here is gray and coldish. Blah! About 30. Sun might come out this afternoon? I don't mind the cold,but I hate the gray winter days! 



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Good Afternoon!


I always drink tea in the morning.  One black tea and one green tea bag in each cup with lots of honey while I'm sick.   Usually two cups, then I switch to decaf if I want more.  Today I'm drinking lots of water because I decided to take an expectorant (mucinex) to try and get the crud out of my lungs and hopefully finally get over this damn cold/bronchitis/whatever the heck it is.

I missed the Psych movie.  We probably don't have the station to watch it anyway.  We have an antenna and Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime/Sling.  I actually forgot all about it.


They are predicting snow for us tonight into tomorrow.  Last I saw, somewhere between nothing and 6 inches.  We have no plans to go anywhere tomorrow so I don't really care if it comes or not.

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Hugs Scrapbook.

Thinking of you and hope you are able to go soon with all your kids.



Coffee this morning. I do like traditional English breakfast or afternoon tea occasionally. I also like peppermint in the evening.


I haven't heard of the psych movie. It was DH Christmas function last night which is like my least favourite event of the year. I'd go to the dentist first! We did make an early exit though.


Here it's heading for 28 c so warm but not too hot. Next few days are heating up though.

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