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The It's December! Teachers Lounge 12-1-2017


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Theme: self-explanatory!


Can you believe it's December already? Here: no!


What's on the schedule today? Here: other than doing a lesson in Greek with the kids, not really sure!


What's going on this weekend? Here: for me, writers group tonight, a writers group and a party tomorrow, possibly church tomorrow night, and Sunday, I'm working. Family: don't know except they'll go to church on Sunday.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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My first teacher's lounge!


I can not believe it's December already! We've had warmer weather than usual so that makes it hard to be in the mood for December. Also, this is my dd 17's last year before leaving for college  :crying: so I want it to go as slowly as possible!


Today we are in the throes of school work. DD had to do a soil sample lab so we've already been down the hill behind the house and dug 3 holes. Later this afternoon we have robotics club.


Not sure about the weekend. We may go and get a tree but for some reason the girls thought it was too early - maybe the not being in December mood. Also a friend and I are going to try and do some cooking for another friend. She's undergoing treatment for melanoma and is feeling terrible right now. Trying to decide what to make - needs to be fairly normal type food that will freeze well. So far have lasagna and chilli in mind. Also things high in potassium would be good. Church on Sunday.

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Good afternoon! I've not been in here all week long I think. It's been a super busy week, though.


It is hard to believe it's already December. I don't think I'm ready, especially since I haven't bought the first Christmas present!


Today, my older sister is here, and we are visiting, playing board games, having tea together, etc. She is here to go see our church's Christmas program that ds is in. We'll go to that tonight. 


There are two more performances Sunday afternoon and evening, and I'm assisting with the children's choir for those. Tomorrow I'll probably go shopping before I meet a friend for dinner. 



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Nope I can't believe it is December at all!! My little dude will be 11 months old tomorrow and that blows my mind.


We just got home from our homeschool group where we made 160 sandwiches and prepared 80 lunches to be handed out to homeless people in Philly. It was wonderful to see the kids eager to assemble every. I'm exhausted now so we're relaxing with a show.


This weekend the kids want to get the tree. I still think it's too early but will go along with it if they can help me get the downstairs spotless! That seems like a good compromise. Other than that we don't have anything planned but church on Sunday.

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I can't believe it's December already.  This year went too fast.


We've still got nasty colds/bronchitis/allergies going around the house so this week has been a slow one.   Today the kids did school but I relaxed the screen time rules because they feel crappy.


This weekend is cleaning, laundry, hopefully putting up decorations, church, pageant practice, an evening Advent service.  And preparation for next week. I have a 4-H meeting Monday evening that I'm doing the presentation on record books, I have an open house Monday afternoon for my science classes, and I teach a class Monday morning.


The rest of the week should be much quieter.

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Theme: self-explanatory!


Can you believe it's December already? Here: no!


What's on the schedule today? Here: other than doing a lesson in Greek with the kids, not really sure!


What's going on this weekend? Here: for me, writers group tonight, a writers group and a party tomorrow, possibly church tomorrow night, and Sunday, I'm working. Family: don't know except they'll go to church on Sunday.


Talk to me! :bigear:

No, hard to believe it's December.

A little school, a little cleaning, a lot of editing.

Work, editing, and cleaning up the catastrophe that is my desk.

Other than that, trying to figure out what I'm going to do about December. I suspect crawling into a cave and hibernating is not a socially acceptable way to celebrate the season.

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