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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Up in the wee hours getting some reports out.

Up early to try to get a big report done.  Not doing so great thus far.

Decided to skip church.

Kids to be at horse barn 1-6pm with community parade at 4pm.  I will drop off, sister is supposed to come and help at the barn, and I'll watch the parade.

While kids are doing horse stuff, I will be working and strategizing re Christmas presents.

Kids need to practice instruments & get ready for tomorrow.

I need to do laundry.


Kids to bed.


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More tidying up outdoors. Yesterday I got out the leaf blower and, to my immense relief, it started. A few years ago, I got a big Husqvarna backpack blower -- I'm glad I got a powerful model, as it really moves leaves.


Today, trimming ivy, light pruning, picking up twigs and small branches, and another leaf blow.


Order lightweight electric chainsaw.

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Good morning! I slept in and am goofing around with a full mug of coffee. I don’t have too much to do today, mostly get ready for the week. Clutter is creeping up, as I live with men who don’t actually put things away, just stack or hang on the coat rack.


To do:

Calendar and lists for the week

Clean off coat rack

Some online Christmas presents, maybe

Fix some eyesore clutter (again, I am the only one who is bothered)

Watch some football

Enjoy the day!


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning!


I started the morning off bright and early by running one of my dogs in to the vet. He's had an upset stomach off and on for the past couple days and threw up a few pieces of gravel, and the vet recommended x-rays to make sure he doesn't have a stomach full of rocks. X-rays looked fine, although apparently rock that contains calcium might not show up - but in any case, she thinks that if there is gravel in there, it is small enough to pass through. We're treating it like a run of the mill upset stomach and are hoping he's back to his normal self soon.


•plan my week, including menu planning

•plant bulbs & hang outdoor lights

•order spices

•do some Christmas shopping (trying to get done early)

•dinner: homemade pizza

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Good morning!


I started the morning off bright and early by running one of my dogs in to the vet. He's had an upset stomach off and on for the past couple days and threw up a few pieces of gravel, and the vet recommended x-rays to make sure he doesn't have a stomach full of rocks. X-rays looked fine, although apparently rock that contains calcium might not show up - but in any case, she thinks that if there is gravel in there, it is small enough to pass through. We're treating it like a run of the mill upset stomach and are hoping he's back to his normal self soon.


•plan my week, including menu planning

•plant bulbs & hang outdoor lights

•order spices

•do some Christmas shopping (trying to get done early)

•dinner: homemade pizza

Do you have a mail order spice place that you like?

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We are home from church and have had lunch.

Dd is drawing.

Ds is helping a neighbor.

Dh is in the lazy boy, pretending to watch football, but actually napping. :)


I am going to finish taking discussion notes on dd's history for second semester, then figure out dinner. Possibly pizza from a new place nearby.

A quick planning session for this week's school is necessary too, tonight.


Tonight dd and I will watch the last episode in season 2 of Lark Rise to Candleford. Ds and dh will says it's girly, then end up watching with us. ;)

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Oh, I might need to check this out!


Do you like them better than Penzey's? I am getting tired of their political spiel in every catalog or flyer and am in search of a replacement source for high quality cinnamon and a few other things.


Yes, I like them much better than Penzey's! The spices are top notch and there is absolutely no mention of politics anywhere on their site.


The Spice House is the original Penzey family business and is run by Bill Penzey's sister. I've emailed with her a few times when I had questions about their spice blends, and she told me that they've gotten many new customers who were turned off by her brother's political rants. Last year, one of their coupon codes was "NOPOLITICS".  :laugh:

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Yes, I like them much better than Penzey's! The spices are top notch and there is absolutely no mention of politics anywhere on their site.


The Spice House is the original Penzey family business and is run by Bill Penzey's sister. I've emailed with her a few times when I had questions about their spice blends, and she told me that they've gotten many new customers who were turned off by her brother's political rants. Last year, one of their coupon codes was "NOPOLITICS". :laugh:

Ok, I'm definitely switching! Thanks!

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