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Book recommendation for a mythology-loving kid?

La Condessa

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Do you already have:

Black Ships Before Troy (The Illiad)

The Wanderings of Odysseus (The Odyssey)

In Search of a Homeland (The Aenaid)




If not, get them!  They a beautifully illustrated and well-written.  I used them with DD at the same time as the mythology book you mentioned.


Hatshepsut and Ancient Egypt is a good bio of Hatshepsut, woman pharaoh, and include a lot of great illustrations as well as 'life and times' information.  (Miriam Greenblatt)

Ancient Egyptians and Their Neighbors is another good 'life and times' book that includes quite a few crafts.  (Marian Broida)

I don't think that we had a book of Egyptian myths, but they were woven into these and other books that we used, and these were two that we particularly enjoyed.





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Do you already have:

Black Ships Before Troy (The Illiad)

The Wanderings of Odysseus (The Odyssey)

In Search of a Homeland (The Aenaid)




If not, get them! They a beautifully illustrated and well-written. I used them with DD at the same time as the mythology book you mentioned.

These Rosemary Sutcliffe ones plus the Aeneid rendition are fantastic.


My kids also loved Mary Pope Osborne Odyssey books. They were so into those.


There are some great Minotaur ones. One in particular, and I cannot remember the author but I will go look, but it brings in alot more mythological stories into one.


ETA: The Hero and the Minotaur by Byrd. I asked my kids and they all remembered because it was a library book and they wanted their own copy haha.

Edited by nixpix5
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