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If you took progesterone in early PG, when did you stop, and how?


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Dd has been on progesterone due to several early pg losses. She saw her dr today for the first time, and her dr says she can stop her progesterone when she runs out (4 days). She is currently about 10 weeks and 3-4 days pregnant (well, 11 based on her lmp, but she was 4-5 days behind when they did her ultrasound), so that'll put her close to 11 when she stops. I'm really scared to death for her to just quit cold turkey right now, and I'm seeing so many different recommendations on things I'm reading, and also different sites say different things about when the placenta takes over, etc.


So, WWYD? Ask to take it a bit longer, wean off it gradually, what?

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I stopped at about 9 weeks with my triplet pregnancy (would have taken it longer but had mild HG so they let me stop as it was oral). This was an IUI pregnancy.


I stopped completely at 12 weeks with ODS. I was weaned from twice daily injections and 3 times a day oral (I think it was 3 pills a pop too), to only oral then slowly down from there to none at 12 weeks. He was IVF.


I stopped at 16 weeks with YDS. Same as before with ODS but YDS was Frozen Embryo Transfer and I had a history of pelvic radiation. It was slow progression again. I was glad when I stopped as it was getting old taking those pills all the time. 


I should add that I was released from my Reproductive Endocrinologist at 12 weeks with ODS and YDS. Both pregnancies I was monitored by a Perinatologist but was seen regularly by an OB. 


Oh and I should also add that I developed a peanut intolerance during YDS pregnancy. I think it has something to do with all the progesterone in peanut oil I took. 

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I went to 16 weeks and then tapered off. The doctors didn't want to do that but I fought for it and convinced them that my stress level would be worse for the baby than giving in to me.

This was me too. I was petrified. I expressed my fear to my totally awesome ob and he let me keep it longer and wean. No harm to the baby, such peace of mind for me. That said, that was for my first healthy baby. For the next two, I was less afraid and stopped the progesterone cold turkey at 12 weeks.


In your dd's shoes, I would feel comfortable asking for at least another week's worth, if not more. If her stress level is high, I personally feel that is reason enough.

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Are they doing blood draws to check her progesterone levels while she's on the shots? (Is she doing shots or oral?)

I have a friend who is always on progesterone shots in early pregnancy, but she has to do blood draws so they know how things are going. I think they monitor occasionally after that to make sure the placenta has taken over.


When I was pg with ds#1, the doc did a progesterone blood draw on me. (I don't think I'd ever had one before.) He said mine was low & I was in danger of losing the baby if I didn't go on shots. I instead started taking extra B6 (and maybe Vit C?). It took a several weeks and a couple of blood draws before I got the right dosage for me. I never did shots. I had blood draws once per month to monitor & honestly, my levels dropped a couple times when I was stressed and forgot to take my extra vitamins. My placenta never did really take over making enough.


Anyway, they should be monitoring her levels. Here's the chart my doctor referenced. They have recommendation for progesterone treatment for different blood levels at each stage (weeks) of pregnancy.

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