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What did I miss this last week?

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Give me the summary of everything I missed. I was on vacation last week and I hate being out of touch with y'all!!! :-)


Political threads were finally banned, and now I know why: TPTB must have known that you were on vacation and figured that we couldn't handle the hot topics without your voice of reason. :grouphug:

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Well, in case you haven't noticed, it looks like the star fairy came. :D

(Sorry, it was hard to resist; I mean, look at all those stars! A lot can happen in a couple of hours, I guess. ;))


Amie, I think it's some kind of freaky thing that happens every now and then--something technical and not related to a poster.


Either that or I truly am as clueless about posters' motivations as the last few weeks have led me to believe I am. :D

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Let's see if I can sum it up:


Halloween. Crock pots. Lying. Lead poisoning. Bill's marriage fine. Civil war. No cookies please. Something about an election. Imitation maple syrup. Daylight Savings Time. Thread deleted by moderator. Neti pot.


I think that covers it.

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:001_smile: Not board here. My house here:D My head is fuzzy today:001_smile:


Doh! [smacking head here.] Gotcha. My bad. :lol:


And back to our regularly scheduled thread...Mindy, you can see what you missed by just a quick perusal of the general board. In other words, you haven't missed a thing. Which is why I've been AWOL here. And I think I'm about to go AWOL again. Looks like things haven't quite calmed down yet.... I'm just far too sensitive a plant to be able to handle the drama here. {{Batting eyelashes in background}}

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Let's see if I can sum it up:


Halloween. Crock pots. Lying. Lead poisoning. Bill's marriage fine. Civil war. No cookies please. Something about an election. Imitation maple syrup. Daylight Savings Time. Thread deleted by moderator. Neti pot.


I think that covers it.


NO, you forgot the riding crops.

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Let's see if I can sum it up:


Halloween. Crock pots. Lying. Lead poisoning. Bill's marriage fine. Civil war. No cookies please. Something about an election. Imitation maple syrup. Daylight Savings Time. Thread deleted by moderator. Neti pot.


I think that covers it.



You and APIPHOBIC always crack me up !!

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O.K., well...I had a most riveting thread om Maple syrup which was well-received and generally described as enthralling. You may find it here if you'd like to have your share in it.




I bookmarked because I was sure you wouldn't want to miss it.


Other than that.....nothing.


Oh... the people who post on political threads have been doing shame-shame again.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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O.K., well...I had a most riveting thread om Maple syrup which was well-received and generally described as enthralling. You may find it her if you'd like to have your share in it.




I bookmarked because I was sure you wouldn't want to miss it.


Other than that.....nothing.


Oh... the people who post on political threads have been doing shame-shame again.


Bwaaahahahahahaha! Your sig just cracked me up! :lol:

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