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Ten years in this house and we've got roommates for the first time. 2 nights ago dh opened our vanity in our downstairs bathroom and was greeted by a scurrying mouse. So I woke up early yesterday and lugged 5 kids to Lowes to get all the things I need to take care of the mice.


Less than 24 hours later and we've caught 4 mice, have had the bait stolen from 2 traps, and haven't found any evidence of them on kitchen countertops or in cabinets(thank you black light.)


Dh goes into the attic today to see if they are in there because other than the bathroom vanity we have found no droppings.

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What strategies are you using? We just moved into a house that sat vacant for over a year, and we have mice. I've been using the standard snap traps with peanut butter and have caught three so far. I just ordered peppermint oil on amazon because I've read that cotton balls soaked with it can act as a natural repellant.

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What strategies are you using? We just moved into a house that sat vacant for over a year, and we have mice. I've been using the standard snap traps with peanut butter and have caught three so far. I just ordered peppermint oil on amazon because I've read that cotton balls soaked with it can act as a natural repellant.

So far just snap traps and peanut butter. We will change up the food tonight. There has been no other evidence of them other than in the bathroom cabinet so I'm really hoping it is just a few that just took up refuge recently. Dh is currently checking the attic, the only place we haven't investigated yet.


Good luck with your mouse issue.

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We had a real mouse problem last year.  Probably killed over 100 mice over the course of about 18 months.  It was obvious from the piñon nuts they were stashing everywhere in the house that they were coming in and out of the house through some sort of mouse superhighway, but it took us forever to figure it out.  We finally discovered two mouse size holes chewed through the flexible vent hose on the dryer.  We replaced that with a rigid galvanized steel model, and the have disappeared, for the most part.  Sometimes I hear them in the ceiling at night, but I don't see any evidence of them in the house.  


Sticky traps work best for us.  We put a little fruit and nut trail mix on there as bait.  When we hear them bouncing around, we pick up the trap/mouse with a grocery bag, flip it outside-in (with them inside the bag), take them out and whack with a rock.  I used to think they were adorable, trap them live, and drive them miles away from the house.  I got over that after about the 25th mouse.  No I just kill them as humanely as I can.  (Spring traps and peanut butter never work for us.  The peanut butter just disappears from the trap.  I think ants get it.)



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I went on a rampage about 15 years ago and filled every possible opening with that expandable foam insulation (comes in a spray can at Home Depot/Lowes). It worked beautifully and we never have problems anymore. If you can identify entry points (check places where pipes come through the walls in particular), you can block them out.

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Make sure you never touch the traps with bare hands because some of the mice will be able to smell your scent on the trap and avoid it. Always wear rubber gloves when setting/removing traps to keep them usable. That was our problem when we had mice - they could smell us. Once I started wearing the gloves I trapped one a night for about a week and a half and then they were all gone.



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I have no real interest doing all the work to seal up the entry points since we're getting ready to sell the house in a few months. Just gotta get them out and erase the evidence, which there is very little of. I suspect they only made their way into the house because we were away for 2 weeks and thought it was empty. Plus there are currently 3 empty houses on the street so they were likely branching out from one of them.

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