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The Hand Crafted Teachers Lounge 8-18-2017


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Good morning, all, and welcome to the Lounge! Happy Friday! (Have you ever noticed that in the world of homeschooling, the word "Friday" doesn't have

the same kind of weight to it as when you're in a B&M school or at a F/T job? Anyway, I digress . . . )


The theme for today stems from a variety of things: me wondering how to make a pinhole camera, needing to find a hobby for my son that involves

constructing something (IOW, NOT being online!), the fact that I'm in the middle of making a leather-bound notebook for a friend, and crafting in general.

How many of you thought it had to do with a fancy coffee drink from Starbucks? I'm sorry but I just don't consider those to be crafted since every Midnight Mint Mocha has the exact same ingredients unless you ask for extra.  Besideds, all they're doing is POURING stuff into a cup. That is NOT hand-crafted. **steps down off of soapbox . . .**


What are you crafting today? Here: hoping to get the notebook FINISHED today because I want to give it to said friend tomorrow afternoon and I will not have time to work on it tomorrow.


What hobbies do you and/or your kids have? Here: one of my hobbies is avoiding housework!  :tongue_smilie: As for constructive hobbies, I like to scrapbook, make custom cards for special occasions, and make gifts for people when I have a decent-enough knowledge about that person to make it meaningful.


What's on your weekend schedule? Here: my son starts drama class this afternoon and there is a parent meeting right after class starts. Sometime today I'll be picking up Farmers Market inventory but I haven't heard from them yet. Tomorrow is the Farmers Market and then I have the meeting to hand over swim mom duties officially. and then I'll be DONE with that!  :hurray: Sunday is church and maybe a mom-field-trip. We'll see what happens. I thought we (the Mission Board) were supposed to be meeting with a visiting m1ss1onary who's in town (and the International Director of one of the missy organizations we support) but nothings happened towards that yet. 


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!


Today I put my out-of-town guests (my mom and sister) to work on my camp stuff.  I have to get my lifesize Operation game working (the electrical connections are spotty).  And we have a lot of glueing to do to get another craft ready for the kids. 


Tomorrow we pack for camp.  And take the bunnies to their bunny camp for while we're gone.  And prep the neighbor for taking care of the cat and dog.  And some last minute stuff.  Oh and sometime in there I have to take my mom's wheelchair back.  And pay the bills.  And see and say good bye to my mom and sister after they get back from spending the day with one of my brothers. 


Sunday we drive 3 hours to the camp and it starts at supper time. 


:willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly:

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Your notebook sounds like a wonderful idea! Hope it turns out well.  This is not crafting season for me this year. The past 2 summers I've been up to my eyeballs in "hand crafting" home renovations. The only thing I've done this summer is paint the outside doors and windows. 


Hobbies: My dd likes to draw and make cards. Other crafting from the dc seems to be done mostly on Minecraft. ;)  Our family is more into playing musical instruments (classical violin, guitar and piano) and physical activities. 


Weekend schedule:  I'm playing singles and mixed doubles in our tennis club's tournament. If the rain holds off, I play ladies singles tonight.  More games with follow (hopefully!). Otherwise, we'll be picking up my ds 13 from his summer cadet training camp. 

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I recently purchased a rigid heddle loom and started weaving a doll blanket. My DD draws and likes to make cards. DS and a college friend recently finished making a long board.


We have football activities tonight, fam friends coming over for dinner Sat. night, church on Sunday, and we are driving about 2 hours north for the eclipse on Monday.


I knit, sew, and hope to get good with weaving. DD and I make American Girl doll crafts together.

Edited by Heathermomster
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Heathermomster, I had to look up "rigid heddle loom." Looks like something my daughter would like! She loves to weave! Hmm.


Wintermom, thanks. Turns out I MIGHT have time to work on it tomorrow, too, as I am not working a farmers market tomorrow (*sigh*)

but I'd like to get as much done today as possible.


Jean, DEEP BREATH. It will all work out! Later, you must tell us how to make a life-size operation game!

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We have horse chores on Saturday for friend, and night sky viewing for Sunday night.


Kids love several games, dungeons and dragons, pinochle , euchre, coin collecting, and Viking lore as well as travel.


I quilt and dh does all kinds of electronics projects.


No crafting today.

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I am majorly un-crafty and un-artistic. My creativity comes out in cooking, problem solving and tweaking curriculum.


My kids love reading, legos, making up and acting out stories and all typical kid stuff. No distinctive hobbies as such.


This weekend: taking kids to things, regular weekend chores, Sunday school promotion, prep for next week, tag/sort for consignment.  AHG starts next week, so another kickoff event. I will be so glad when everything is up and running and we have a regular schedule.  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:

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Crafting: Nothing today, no time.  I'm exhausted.  My dog was sick last night so I was up 2:30-5am.  Then my daughter and the girls she nannies and my little boys spent the morning/early afternoon at a jumping place.


Hobbies: Reading, digital scrapbooking, quilting, cross stitching; older kids - taekwondo


Weekend: Jamie gets home from his second week away late tonight.  We really don't have any set plans for the weekend.

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No crafting today.  I haven't done much in a long time.  Before kids, I used to crochet, but it hurt too much during pregnancy.  Which means my kids did not get any baby blankets from me.  I also did cross stick and calligraphy.  When dh cleaned out our crawl space, he found a bunch of my old cross stitch supplies and some of my mom's as well.  On occasion, I do pull out the calligraphy equipment when someone needs a nice handmade card (dd does the artwork) or a bunch of certificates.



Our hobbies?  For me ... reading, rock climbing, and playing solitaire on the computer (oh that's not a hobby, but a colossal waste of time.)  Dd rock climbs and draws/paints.  Ds23 plays this multiplayer history game and works out.  K ... sleeps.  Dh ... watches car shows on tv (anything gear head related) and Diners, Drive Ins and Dives (which is why we don't watch tv together.)  Oh, and he likes to garden ... I can't tell what he does because his butterfly garden looks like weeds to me so I stay out of it. 


This weekend, I'll be working both days at the tea shop.  Pray for stamina for me.  Retail is hard, especially when they are 7-8 hour shifts.  Then I will stream some World Cup Bouldering championships from Munich.  While eating pizza.  Since most of my family is going to see the eclipse. 

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