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When did you start using tutors for your child?

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Did you use tutors for any subjects? 


What subjects?


What ages (or grades) did you start?


What kind of tutor did you find that helped?   Was it a high school student, college student, or a professional? 



Do you use any online type tutors?  If so what do/ did you use? 




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I am a math/science person, and by middle school I was happy to turn over teaching essay writing to someone else.  She's another homeschooling mom with an English PhD and teaching experience.  They met every week or every other week by skype.  She's a godsend!  

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The only tutors we've used on a regular basis were for Ds20, who has learning disabilities. 

In 2nd/3rd grade, we went through a handful of reading tutors before I took over reading instruction myself. I was new to homeschooling and didn't have the confidence to tackle this area until I grew frustrated enough with everyone else. 


In 12th grade, we hired an amazing writing tutor, and she continued to help him throughout his first year of college. She is a retired high school English teacher who has also taught remedial writing at a community college. 


Ds18 has hired tutors for 3-5 sessions to help him prepare for AP exams. One was a high school teacher, and the others were university students who'd taken the exams the previous year.

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No tutors for us. However...


We used a co-op, so maybe that counts as tutors?


And, I have a special needs son who has been in occupational and speech therapies his whole life, so that's sorta like tutors, I suppose?


Like 8FillTheHeart mentioned above, we have utilized dual enrollment in the late high school years.


But we've never used hired, one-on-one tutors.

Edited by Kinsa
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I call him a tutor, but he does more.  Ever since the new 7th grader started pre-alg with Thinkwell a few years ago, we have  used the tutor for a one hour group lesson at the local community center. He charge $10/hr per kid.  We save any complex issues for him.  In the group lesson, the tutor will review any problems we bring.  More importantly, he teaches complete  prealg  to - calc bc classes.  For pre-, alg, alg  and alg 2 he usies  Ron Yang's workbooks. He has the kids do every problem in the workbook.   So, in effect, my kid is taking an on-line class parallel to the tutor's class.  Sometimes the on-line class is ahead, other times the tutor is ahead. At the end of the year, he has completed both.  Once school starts, we will be starting Pre-cal (most llikely with TW or EdX), using this dual system.  Both of the tutor's sons went to regular school, but entered college very early.

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