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Picture from the WTM meetup


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She was a great teacher, too! A retired public school Spanish teacher who liked getting out of the house a couple of afternoons a week. Her husband is having a serious medical issue and they're stuck at the hospital for 4 hours a day, and soon it might bump up to 8. No way she can teach.


I have no idea what the tutorial will do. We're all scrambling to look for leads right now. All the other kids are full-time at the tutorial. My son is the only kid who goes just for that one class. A lot of the parents teach the other classes, but I think it'll be almost impossible to teach a foreign language if you don't speak it at all. I have no idea what the backup plan is. They might say, "Ok, the Spanish time slot is now a study hall, and you're all on your own finding a way to teach your kids Spanish." I'm wondering if I should start researching other options for teaching Spanish. I haven't done a lick of figuring out how to teach Spanish other than this class.


I'll have to start from the ground up figuring out how to teach a Spanish class. I wonder if all the online classes are already full, because I do NOT want to try to teach it on my own. :(

I'm sorry. It really puts you in a bind. I have witnessed a scenario like this many times. MANY. Chemistry. Biology. French. Spanish. Geometry. I have seen tutorial teachers fall through for a dozen reasons, including the most common one - class is underenrolled and so it is not worthwhile for the teacher. Teachers have withdrawn for illness, divorce/need employment, abrupt need to move out of the area, and under-enrollment. Seeing this happen again and again was one reason I didn't fight that hard when DH wanted my oldest to go to a B&M school for high school. My first thought was, "Well, at least I will not have to wonder if we can get French this year...or Chemistry, or Geometry..."

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Garga, I really hope you find something for Spanish. That's really lousy! If you don't, check our Homeschool Spanish Academy. Well, maybe I should actually check it out first before suggesting it, haha. I'm planning on using it for DD this year. We managed fine with Duolingo and me teaching Spanish for Spanish 1, but she's beyond my ability at this point. She's excited about the one-on-one tutoring at her pace.


Haha, we should tell them to speak Spanish together. That would be hilarious.

Edited by happypamama
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Wish I could help with Spanish, Garga, but it's definitely not my language nor was I all that close to the Spanish Dept at school to have the numbers of the teachers to call and ask them if they knew of anyone interested.


I'm wondering if there's a Spanish speaking group (church?  community group?) or something near you that you could call and ask.  It's possible there are some native Spanish speaking immigrants who have experience teaching who'd love a chance to teach part time - not a definite - but possible.

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Wish I could help with Spanish, Garga, but it's definitely not my language nor was I all that close to the Spanish Dept at school to have the numbers of the teachers to call and ask them if they knew of anyone interested.


I'm wondering if there's a Spanish speaking group (church?  community group?) or something near you that you could call and ask.  It's possible there are some native Spanish speaking immigrants who have experience teaching who'd love a chance to teach part time - not a definite - but possible.



That's a good suggestion.  I called the library yesterday for help (they love helping homeschoolers and I wondered if they knew of any tutors in the area) and they said the same thing about a community group.  They told me that there is a group in Gettysburg that works to promote understanding between English speaking people and Spanish speaking people.  I've given that info to the tutorial leader.  My dh works at a community college about a half hour from the tutorial, and he'll ask around to see if any of the tutors there are interested.  I got a private message from one of the WTMers on this thread of a teacher who might be interested.  Oh, and I got a response to an email to my other co-op with just a name and phone number--very mysterious!


The library suggested calling local schools and seeing if they have tutors who might be interested.  I told the leader about that, too. 


I'm hoping that one of these leads is fruitful.  The tutorial leader said she's re-contacting everyone she talked to back when they first found the Spanish teacher they have.  She said one of them is looking somewhat promising, but you just don't know until it's official. As Quill said, finding teachers for tutorials is tough.


In the meantime, tomorrow I'll work on finding alternate options for myself if this doesn't work out.  Bah.  I hate the foreign language requirement.  Hated learning a language in school and hate having to figure out how to teach it to my sons.  It was the one class in school that I detested.  


If anyone else has any random leads, though, you can reply here or send me a PM.  The kids are serious students, so it's not like at an enrichment co-op where the kids won't do the work.  It costs a boatload of money to attend the tutorial, so no one is slacking off.  And they even wear uniforms!  

Edited by Garga
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Just thought I'd give this a bump to make sure everyone saw the update.  


Of course it might just be me who's been out and about with this my first day actually home in a while - and leaving again Sunday... right after youngest flies to the other side of our planet.  We've had our Med School drop off/ceremony and eclipse fun (coupled with visiting oldest son and prowling around to/from the area).  Starting Sunday we're back to visiting/helping parents.


Still, Nov 2 is on my schedule.  I really would like to be there if I can.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm still really unsure of whether I'll be able to come or not.  We'll be back from Jordan by then, but my mom has been dealing with a lung infection and many of her blood numbers are low.  I suspect upon my return I'll be back there spending a bit of time.  I'll see how she's feeling.  It was difficult to leave today to return here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just checking in for updates. OOPS - just saw that the original post has all the necessary details in it.


So now my post can be a reminder bump. Looking forward to seeing you!



Yes!  Reminder bump!  


Guys!  The meetup is NEXT WEEK!  I hadn't realized how fast November is coming.  


Unless someone else already planned on it, I'll be bringing plates and plastic ware.  

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Right now it's looking like I can come.  My mom is doing well in spite of going through another round of multiple chemos and she's planning a short trip that week with her sister(s), so I should be home - barring anything unforeseen.


Who else is coming?


Chances are, I'll bring easy snack stuff - cheese and crackers or similar (feel free to make suggestions!).  I'm not a baker and cooking certainly doesn't rate in my Top 10 of things to do.  I can't even figure out what I want to make for myself for supper tonight (hubby is with his dad).  I ate breakfast... seems that should be good enough, right?  Since I don't get hungry, it's really tough trying to convince myself to make something to eat when there's no one else is waiting.  ;)  Maybe I'll fix some nachos...


At one point Mr. Creekland was wondering if he should/could come along.  He hasn't come to either of the others and I'm not positive he'll be home due to his family (parent) issues or what he has to get done for work if home, but what would the Hive think if he asked again?  I know he was disappointed he didn't come when Reg came, but Reg and MomsintheGarden aren't supposed to be able to come this time. (bummer!)

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Aw, we wish we could come, but Reg and I are going away. I am going to training in MO for the ordering/inventory software for work next week. Reg and I are making it into a 10-day trip for the two of us, and we will sightsee on the way there and back. My mom is coming to stay with the children - she is happily planning for keeping our four teens fed.


Please post a picture! We'll miss you all.

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Aw, we wish we could come, but Reg and I are going away. I am going to training in MO for the ordering/inventory software for work next week. Reg and I are making it into a 10-day trip for the two of us, and we will sightsee on the way there and back. My mom is coming to stay with the children - she is happily planning for keeping our four teens fed.


Please post a picture! We'll miss you all.


Have fun on your trip!  

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Right now it's looking like I can come.  My mom is doing well in spite of going through another round of multiple chemos and she's planning a short trip that week with her sister(s), so I should be home - barring anything unforeseen.


Who else is coming?


Chances are, I'll bring easy snack stuff - cheese and crackers or similar (feel free to make suggestions!).  I'm not a baker and cooking certainly doesn't rate in my Top 10 of things to do.  I can't even figure out what I want to make for myself for supper tonight (hubby is with his dad).  I ate breakfast... seems that should be good enough, right?  Since I don't get hungry, it's really tough trying to convince myself to make something to eat when there's no one else is waiting.  ;)  Maybe I'll fix some nachos...


At one point Mr. Creekland was wondering if he should/could come along.  He hasn't come to either of the others and I'm not positive he'll be home due to his family (parent) issues or what he has to get done for work if home, but what would the Hive think if he asked again?  I know he was disappointed he didn't come when Reg came, but Reg and MomsintheGarden aren't supposed to be able to come this time. (bummer!)


He would be welcome if he comes.  You know we all won't mind at all.  


I plan on bringing some plates, plastic ware and cups.  I might bring a pasta salad as well.  


I'll probably bump this thread for the next couple of days to make sure everyone has a chance to see it.  I changed the title to reflect that the meeting is this week.

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He would be welcome if he comes.  You know we all won't mind at all.  


I plan on bringing some plates, plastic ware and cups.  I might bring a pasta salad as well.  


I'll probably bump this thread for the next couple of days to make sure everyone has a chance to see it.  I changed the title to reflect that the meeting is this week.


He's decided he can't come.  He's way behind on work due to all the places we've been and new jobs that have come in, so needs to get out in the field (here) on a nice day - as Thursday is supposed to be.


Perhaps next time.


I can bring a veggie tray from the store too unless someone else wants to bring that.  Right now I'm planning on cheese and crackers (probably gouda, cheddar, and... something else) along with both Saltines and Multi-Grain Club. 


It wouldn't be difficult to pick up a veggie tray though - with either hummus or a dip, but we don't necessarily need two.  Was any other non-cooking/baking person covering veggies?

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He's decided he can't come. He's way behind on work due to all the places we've been and new jobs that have come in, so needs to get out in the field (here) on a nice day - as Thursday is supposed to be.


Perhaps next time.


I can bring a veggie tray from the store too unless someone else wants to bring that. Right now I'm planning on cheese and crackers (probably gouda, cheddar, and... something else) along with both Saltines and Multi-Grain Club.


It wouldn't be difficult to pick up a veggie tray though - with either hummus or a dip, but we don't necessarily need two. Was any other non-cooking/baking person covering veggies?

Tell him we'll miss him.


I am not bringing a veggie tray and haven't been keeping track of who is bringing what.


I got plates, cups, and silverware last night.

I will bring a few drinks that we have from the last party my son had that didn't get used (2 2-liters of RC colas, 2 2-liters Sprites, 2 64 oz of juice).

I will bring a pasta salad (bought the ingredients today.)

I will bring a bag of ice for the drinks.


ETA: the forks I got were from the dollar store, and they look kinda weak. The church has a hundred or so metal forks. If the kids (or the adults!) end up snapping the tines off their cheap dollar store forks, we can use the church's metal forks--we just have to wash them.

Edited by Garga
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You guys I've got a feverish 2 year old and I myself feel like crud! So, sadly I will be missing out tomorrow. Enjoy


We're going to miss you, but I completely understand.  I hope you both feel better soon!


I'm out again this time around.  I'm pretty overwhelmed with classes, moving, and life. Have a great get-together.


We're going to miss you too.  I think I even missed that you were moving!  Still staying close, or like, moving?

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You guys I've got a feverish 2 year old and I myself feel like crud! So, sadly I will be missing out tomorrow. Enjoy


I'm out again this time around.  I'm pretty overwhelmed with classes, moving, and life. Have a great get-together.

We'll miss you guys!!

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If someone want to bring veggies (aka something easy), feel free to mention it.  I haven't bought anything yet.  I was just thinking cheese and crackers wasn't all that much to bring.  Other times I've brought zucchini bread - and I think banana bread - but this year we weren't home enough to make that much zucchini bread and some of what we did make went to Jordan with us.  They liked it enough to want the recipe.  Fortunately, I thought to bring measuring cups and spoons (to leave with them) so we didn't have to try to do metric conversions except for the oven temp.  The rest is being saved for Thanksgiving or Christmas.  And I'm too lazy to make banana bread today...

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Garga, I have a whole lot of plastic utensils in Costco-sized boxes from parties. I could bring some sturdier forks if you like. I could also bring Pumpkin Bread instead of chocolate cupcakes if that suits more people? I am planning to make Pumpkin Bread already for a banquet Friday, so honestly, it would be easier to just bake more Pumpkin Bread than to do cupcakes, too.


Unless someone is really crushing on those cupcakes and will be super-sad without them, because I am a Pleaser...

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Look at you organized people knowing what you're going to bring already. I am sure I'll bring something edible - exactly what, to be determined. :)


And if you can't bring anything, come anyway (this goes to everyone).  We don't really keep track of who brings what. It's never been listed in the photos. ;)


I know plenty of people have their hands and schedules full with other things going on.  Seeing y'all and getting to know folks IRL is the important part.  The eating part is extra.

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And if you can't bring anything, come anyway (this goes to everyone).  We don't really keep track of who brings what. It's never been listed in the photos. ;)


I know plenty of people have their hands and schedules full with other things going on.  Seeing y'all and getting to know folks IRL is the important part.  The eating part is extra.


Thanks, that is helpful to hear -- I will certainly aim for something but won't feel bad if it ends up being nothing much.


We're in the middle of Girl Scout cookie season and making dinner is barely happening right now, much less anything else, as we're out every evening trying to sell the cookies I so foolishly pre-ordered.  "Lets just order a lot and sell cookies-in-hand this year, it will be so much less work!" -- sounded like a great plan in September when there was still daylight hours in the evenings, right now -- I'm kicking myself a little because we have only this week of minimal daylight left. 

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Thanks, that is helpful to hear -- I will certainly aim for something but won't feel bad if it ends up being nothing much.


We're in the middle of Girl Scout cookie season and making dinner is barely happening right now, much less anything else, as we're out every evening trying to sell the cookies I so foolishly pre-ordered.  "Lets just order a lot and sell cookies-in-hand this year, it will be so much less work!" -- sounded like a great plan in September when there was still daylight hours in the evenings, right now -- I'm kicking myself a little because we have only this week of minimal daylight left. 


Eh, I have time if I chose to use it to make something, and I'm just bringing cheese and crackers and probably a veggie tray with hummus and/or dip, so I'm not judging!  I simply don't like to bake or fix things and the last few days haven't been good health issue days, so some things are just eliminated from my list.


Now... about those Girl Scout cookies... what do you have and how much are they per box?  I tend to not eat them, but hubby would love it if I brought him home a treat.  Just sayin'...

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Eh, I have time if I chose to use it to make something, and I'm just bringing cheese and crackers and probably a veggie tray with hummus and/or dip, so I'm not judging!  I simply don't like to bake or fix things and the last few days haven't been good health issue days, so some things are just eliminated from my list.


Now... about those Girl Scout cookies... what do you have and how much are they per box?  I tend to not eat them, but hubby would love it if I brought him home a treat.  Just sayin'...

We have the usual assortment: Thin Mints, Caramel deLites (Samoas), Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs), Peanutbutter Sandwiches (Do-si-dos), Lemonades, S'mores, Thanks-a-lots, and Gluten Free Treos.  All are $4/box except the gluten free ones are $5. 


My car is currently set up as a mobile booth so I'll have plenty on hand, unless there is some kind of flash mob in the neighborhood and we managed to sell a few hundred cookies tonight. I welcome everyone to send good vibes on the flash mob happening, just in case. :) 

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Garga, I have a whole lot of plastic utensils in Costco-sized boxes from parties. I could bring some sturdier forks if you like. I could also bring Pumpkin Bread instead of chocolate cupcakes if that suits more people? I am planning to make Pumpkin Bread already for a banquet Friday, so honestly, it would be easier to just bake more Pumpkin Bread than to do cupcakes, too.

Unless someone is really crushing on those cupcakes and will be super-sad without them, because I am a Pleaser...



Yes, bring the sturdier forks. I was thinking I don't want a little one to snap off their tine and swallow it.


I think I'd like the pumpkin bread better, personally.




Look at you organized people knowing what you're going to bring already. I am sure I'll bring something edible - exactly what, to be determined. :)

The 'rules' for the food are that you bring enough to feed your own crew, or you eat on the road ahead of time (which is what I'm doing for myself), and *if* you feel like bringing something to share, that's great, but if not, that's great, too. If we all showed up and no one had brought anything to share, that would be fine. The sharing part is completely optional. I'm pretty sure that I didn't bring anything to share at one of our meetups.

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We have the usual assortment: Thin Mints, Caramel deLites (Samoas), Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs), Peanutbutter Sandwiches (Do-si-dos), Lemonades, S'mores, Thanks-a-lots, and Gluten Free Treos.  All are $4/box except the gluten free ones are $5. 


My car is currently set up as a mobile booth so I'll have plenty on hand, unless there is some kind of flash mob in the neighborhood and we managed to sell a few hundred cookies tonight. I welcome everyone to send good vibes on the flash mob happening, just in case. :)


Hubby already has his request in for a box of Thin Mints (pending what I have in my pocket for cash, perhaps two).  I might actually be interested in either Samoas or Lemonades.  I tend to like Caramel and Lemon flavored things.   :coolgleamA:

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