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Ch-ch-ch changes!

Suzanne in ABQ

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I've been wondering what to do with myself now that I've adjusted to having only one child at home, and having that child in a b&m school.  


I spent last year letting go of things.  I let go of hundreds  of books; I let go of control of my kids' education; I let go of my need for alone time (I got plenty of that).  I thought about getting a job and what that might look like.  I have a degree in mechanical engineering, but there's not really room in the industry for a 54 year old, entry-level engineer who doesn't really remember all that much about engineering.  I thought about teaching, and have taken on a very-part-time teaching job next year, but I don't really want to teach a whole lot.  I don't want to just slump around all year.  I really enjoy learning along with my family, and I miss the having teenagers around.  We have an empty bedroom.  12yodd absolutely loves everything about Japan.  She even did a year of Japanese language.  She misses having a big sister.  


What better way to bring a lifestyle of learning back into the house than to bring a teenage Japanese student into our home!  We are so excited.  Our student, a 16yo girl, will arrive here Thursday night.  Technology has allowed us to visit with her and her parents a couple times via video messaging.  I gave them a walking tour of our home.  I even showed them the contents of the refrigerator!  And now they know the generally lived-in state of our house (as opposed to the beautifully staged photos on our profile, lol).  They commented that they are very comfortable with her coming to live with us.  


It's going to be a crazy year!  But, that's the way I like it.  I'm happy.

Edited by Suzanne in ABQ
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Oh Suzanne,


You have been on this board forever!   :tongue_smilie:   What a happy update and how absolutely wonderful for all involved.  All I can say from reading your posts for years, is that "someone" is a very lucky 16 year old Japanese exchange student!  How exciting!!  :party:

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So great to read this.  Such wonderful changes.  

I have one year of homeschooling left and have started making some changes as well.  I have always wanted to host an exchange student but with dh's illness it is just not feasible.

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What an amazing idea! So much fun! My DH's family had a Japanese exchange student when he was in high school and he talks about that experience as being so wonderful. He still is in contact with the student who is obviously now grown with a family of his own. We actually had Thanksgiving with them one year when they were in the states. I hope you daughter has a memorable year!

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Oh sounds awesome.  What company did you go through?  I want to do this. 



"Education, Travel, and Culture", (ETC for short), is the name of the organization.  We are super impressed with this company.  We went to Host Family Orientation this weekend.  My husband, who had been rather ambivalent about the whole thing, but was going along with it because dd and I were so excited, left the orientation and was totally excited.  He started thinking of ideas for a birthday present for the exchange student (her birthday will be a week after she arrives.  He said he would feel totally comfortable sending our dd for a year with them.  They are so organized and offer an amazing amount of support for the students and the host families.  It is so wonderful to have him totally on board with it.  


Their website is http://edutrav.org



ETA: Another thing that impressed us about ETC is that many of the families at the orientation have hosted several times.  Two of the families have done it for 9 years in a row!  


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