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The Hectic Holiday Teachers Lounge 7-3-2017


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Good morning, all! Welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from the 4th of July holiday being TOMORROW and

how crazily busy this week is!


Who (else) has a crazy, busy week this week? Here: between swim team mom duties, my son's 13th birthday coming up

on Sunday, and Homeschool Convention Friday and Saturday, it's a bit hectic over here!  :auto:


Plans for the 4th? Here: hoping to meet up with a friend or two for coffee in the morning.

Then going wherever the people are in the afternoon. At night, staying home!


What's for breakfast today? Here: bacon, at the moment. Made egg and bacon burritos for the family 

whenever they wake up. DS will be eating his after swim team practice.


Talk to me!  :bigear: 


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Hectic Week: Nope.  It's pretty quiet.  We have a 4th of July thing tomorrow.  Ani works Thursday and Saturday and Cameron works Friday.  Taekwondo is Thursday.  Ani's probably going to nanny for some kids a couple or three days.  They'll probably go to taekwondo with us.


Plans for the 4th: Church picnic.  It'll be hot.


Breakfast: No idea!

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OMG!!!!! I'm going to the convention!!!! 


Actually, I'm just going to shopping afternoon. Want to meet up for lunch? Or dinner might be better. 


I'm thinking about going to minicon on Thursday, but D would have to get home early, or I'd have to bring Luna with me.  Well talk about it.  I'm crazy excited. I've never been to a conference before. Have you been before? Is it amazing?


It's not hectic here. D is home for 5 days this weekend. It's nice. He's lazy, so we are mostly just chilling out. We went to a family party on Saturday, but I'm not required to do anything but show up. We are running a couple of errands today, and I degreased the kitchen floor last night in preparation for sealing the rough concrete. It looks much better, and will be so much nicer once it's finished. I will work on it again tonight, then it should be ready to patch and seal. I cannot wait to be finished with this kitchen. 

I raked the back yard, but I need a hula hoe to finish clearing it. I think we had one, but I cant find it. I'll have to buy a new one. I'm so happy the weather has cooled enough to get some work done finally. 


Tomorrow is the town 4th of july party. it's super fun. and we'll watch the fireworks from our front porch. 


Breakfast here was leftover pizza from last night for everyone else. D did the Papa John's half off thing for the Diamond backs. I had a Carl's Jr fish sandwich leftover from lunch yesterday. I took the small ones out to McDonalds playland for happy meals and fun. I hit the carls drive thru next door first. they had a two fo rone deal, so i got a bonus sandwich. yummy. 





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Nothing too crazy here. Ds23 is off today. Dd and I head it the city for climbing practice as she prepares for Nationals M, W, F this week. We will probably get home just in time tonight to watch the fireworks. They normally do them on the 4th, but our town has a big festival this time of year that started on Friday. Rather than keep the festival open one more day to last through the 4th, they decided to do the fireworks today istead. Both the festival and the fireworks display are less than a mile from my house. Which means lots of people parking on our street and lots of loud noises to freak out my dog.


My breakfast is pretty regular ... 2 eggs either scrambled, over easy or a spinach omelet, and a piece of whole wheat toast with butter and pepper jelly. And tea. Today was a mix of English Breakfast and Fruit Medley brewed to have as iced tea. Everyone else fends for themselves.


We were supposed to have people over tomorrow, but they baild, so that means less pressure to clean.




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Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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Hello! :D


This week is slightly topsy-turvy.  Dh's work schedule was amended for holiday, and we have a party in a few days, so there's a lot of rearranging things.


Plans for the 4th....can you believe we're not seeing fireworks? :huh: The nearest ones to us are a half hour away on a good day.  Traffic will be insane that night and I decided to forgo. Instead, my town does a nighttime parade.  It's usually a much smaller crowd and only 10 minutes from home.  We'll enjoy that while dh is at work.  Earlier in the day we are doing a traditional burger grill together, but night....I don't want to mess with it all.


Breakfast today was leftover donuts.  Our coffee pot died yesterday, so dh ran out and got two cups and donuts for breakfast. We braved the weekend traffic to go pick out a new machine.  It works amazing, btw. :lol: But we had leftovers this morning so dh and I enjoyed those while the 7yo turned his nose up and had yogurt w/honey.

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We went to one of my friend's house for a pre-4th party/fireworks show. The first hour was enjoyable.

After that, one of their friends decided to throw really loud poppers on the ground near my kids and some others.

When the kids asked him to stop, he just smiled and kept doing it.  :glare:  And none of the adults stepped in . . .

until my security guard persona came out! Better believe he stopped then. (Buddy, I work NFL games. YOU don't scare me.)

I would like to figure something out we can do on the 4th as a family to make GOOD memories but it's so darn HOT here. Hmmm.


ETA: I'm exited to meet desertstrawberry IRL this weekend!  :hurray:

and I LOVE the idea of a nighttime parade! Maybe I can talk our north Phoenix neighbors into something like that next year,

IF I haven't figured out how to just plain ESCAPE Phoenix for the WHOLE summer!

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Mostly a quiet week here. Cookout with neighbors tomorrow. I'm taking watermelon and wine. Dh is bringing sparklers. It is supposed to rain.


Dh is working looong hours lately, but he does have tomorrow off. I hope he doesn't bring his work computer home!


Breakfast was an omelette with cream cheese and chives.


Meeting boardies at a conference, how fun! Have a great time!

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Well, I showed I was lurking, so I might as well answer the questions, too. :)


Who (else) has a crazy, busy week this week? Not really (unless I try to fit in the convention). 


Plans for the 4th? My parents "stole" my older kids for the 4th. At first I thought we were ALL invited to this party thing when I agreed, but it turns out it was just the kids, and then it was too late to cancel the reservations, so they are gone for 2 nights. So DH and I are home with the baby. I guess we can enjoy the quiet, because fireworks are relatively quiet compared to kids, right? 


What's for breakfast today? It was cereal. Yawn. 

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Yup. Southern part, about half hour from the line. Trying to see if other things can be moved so we will be able to make the convention. Not looking promising tho. :\ 



:( I hope it works out for you. 


I had forgotten too, but D reminded me, thank goodness. I had forgotten to write it on the calendar. 

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Happy 4th!


I wanted to check in with everyone. How fun that some of you get to meet at a conference! 


We went out to eat with dh' family and then spent the afternoon here at my MIL's house having dessert. The kids ran through a sprinkler and had some poppers. We watched fireworks Saturday and Sunday night, so today was more here and relaxing. 


I'm doing some laundry, and we head up to Chicago tomorrow for a couple days. It will be great to see our friends. We come back here to see our great-nephew play t-ball and start back home. 


Hope you all have a great week!


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