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The It's Tuesday Teachers Lounge 6-13-2017


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Good morning, all! Welcome to the Lounge!


The theme today comes from the fact that my brain refuses to be imaginative right now 

AND while I do feel about 75% better than yesterday, it's still early yet!


Who else feels like it's still Monday, at least a a little bit? Here: me!


What's going on in your life today? Here: ds has swim team practice. It's cool enough I will most likely walk down there with him,

hang out for the hour, and walk back. We only live about a 1/4 mile from the pool. Later dh or I will drive ds to VBS as he's helping out with

that this week. DD will be working on school work. Somewhere in there I'll get some studying in, as well.


Who else has a dog that prefers being outside? Here: ours! Sadly,during the summer months it's really too hot during most of the day to do

that. So right now, since it's only about 72*F outside, she's enjoying some time on our patio. Later it will be 96*F and she definitely will be laying on 

the concrete floor in our living room to cool off! I'm hoping we can get back up into the mountains sometime this summer to give her, and me, a reprieve

from the heat!


Talk to me! :bigear:


ETA: because I originally forgot "Teachers Lounge" in the Topic Title. Now you understand how my brain is faring this morning. LOL

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Good morning, Scrap! I'm glad you feel a good bit better but hope you make it to 100%.


Summer always leaves me not sure what day it feels like, so today doesn't feel like any particular day just yet. 


My life today is rather boring. I need to tidy up the whole house because I'm going to be gone most of tomorrow. I have a new tutoring student coming on Thursday. I'm doing just two subjects with ds that he's continuing over the summer (Spanish and Algebra 1). Laundry is on the docket, too.


Tomorrow is more exciting because I'm going to north Atlanta for an evaluation for electrolysis. I'm going to an appointment with both my sisters. My younger sister has offered to pay for it for all of us, so I'm very grateful due to the hair I've made worse by tweezing throughout recent years. 


We don't have a dog, but we have two outdoor cats who would prefer to be indoors. That's not happening, though! 




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It's not summer vacation here yet, so I'm still bound by a structured schedule.


As it's Tuesday, I'll be driving my dd to a neighbouring town for her to teach music lessons. I love walking and cycling around this town. It's very picturesque right on a river with lovely brick buildings and eclectic styles of houses.


I also need to get a lot of groceries as the dc is eating me out of house and home. ;) 


Our cat is definitely an indoor creature. He's terrified of being outside. The dog just wants to be with us - indoors or outdoors doesn't matter too much to him. He doesn't love the rain or slush, though. 

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It's not summer vacation here yet, so I'm still bound by a structured schedule.


As it's Tuesday, I'll be driving my dd to a neighbouring town for her to teach music lessons. I love walking and cycling around this town. It's very picturesque right on a river with lovely brick buildings and eclectic styles of houses.


I also need to get a lot of groceries as the dc is eating me out of house and home. ;)


Our cat is definitely an indoor creature. He's terrified of being outside. The dog just wants to be with us - indoors or outdoors doesn't matter too much to him. He doesn't love the rain or slush, though. 


That sounds like a beautiful place to get to walk around. My ds is eating us out of house and home, too! 

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Ah, the dc grow . . . and grow . . and grow . .. and eat the entire day's worth of menu plans in one sitting! 

Yes, I have one. The dear boy will be 13 in a few short weeks and is ALWAYS hungry .. . when he's not

walking down the stairs saying "ow. ow. ow" the whole way. And he's voice changing pitch with each "ow"

because his voice is changing. 

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Today feels slightly like a Monday but not too bad.


I took three teen ladies out today to work on a botanical photography project. They were lovely gals to work with so we had a lot of fun. I'd say they managed to find 40 blooming species, and also managed to string together some speed photography shots of butterflies in motion. Really cool. That kind of took up three hours. 


I came home to find the boys had made tacos. Yay for them! So I didn't even have to worry about my lunch.


I just spent an hour on 4h paper work and emails. So now I will soon head to my fabric stash and see what I've got that I can turn into a pretty, but very fast quilt by the end of next week! I am insane. Really. I forgot to get that project started a long time ago, and niece's wedding is a week from Friday. I always give my niece's and nephew's a quilt when they get married. She might end up with a greeting card containing a photo of a quilt top. I seriously doubt that I can get it completed by Thursday of next week when I go to help her decorate, and Friday will be to busy to even consider putting the binding on it not to mention that dd will be in town with my grandson, a running, squealing delightful bundle of energy who will demanding my attention all next week, a temptation I will not be able to resist.

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Good afternoon, everyone!


Sometimes, I think every day is a Monday.  I have to check my calendar multiple times a day to figure out what I have going on.  Otherwise, I would just forget and become one with the couch.  I'm especially tired today because our power went out in the wee hours of the morning (like 2 hours before we had to get up) and then dh's clock decided to give off this horrible beeping noise ... to let us know that the back up battery was failing.  And the only way to remove the battery was to use a tiny Phillip's head screwdriver ... which meant searching high and low for that dagnabbit device using the flashlight from his cell phone. Yep.  That felt like a MOnday.   Power is back on, thank goodness, because it was 90 degrees by 9 am and only getting hotter.


Tonight, we are taking baby girl out for dinner for her 17th birthday.  How did that go by so fast?.  Other than that, it is a typical Tuesday ... Lot's of "should dos" but not many "must dos."  I'm trying to get up the energy to go buy some good walking sandals.  My Chacos don't offer enough arch support for this old lady foot, but I don't want to look too old lady-ish.  Oh, and house cleaning, and decluttering.  And finding dd's 4-H premium checks that have gone missing and need to be cashed by the end of the month. 


Our dog loves to be outside, but wants to be anywhere we are.  We don't have a fenced yard so he can only be outside if someone is there.  It is funny how he goes in and out if dh is outside and I am inside (since I am his favorite.)  I think I will head over to the store and get him a larger kiddie pool for this hot weather.  Our old one sprung too many leaks so we replaced it, but it was late in the summer and all they had were the smaller ones.  It was just a tad too small for laying down in it so he used it as a big water bowl.  I did see the larger pools at the hardware store the other day and will try to get one. 



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Our dog loves to be where we are, too, but she also would prefer a cooler climate so she can be outside more.

When we go to the mountains, she comes in when she feels like it, not necessarily at the exact moment we do. 

She's very content to lay near the fire ring (regardless of whether there is a fire going or not). She's a sheltie mix, so 

I think she's just genetically predisposed to want to be outside.

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Our dog loves to be where we are, too, but she also would prefer a cooler climate so she can be outside more.

When we go to the mountains, she comes in when she feels like it, not necessarily at the exact moment we do. 

She's very content to lay near the fire ring (regardless of whether there is a fire going or not). She's a sheltie mix, so 

I think she's just genetically predisposed to want to be outside.

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Still Monday: Yes!  My days have been all screwy for a while now.  Sick + lack of school does that to me.


What's going on: Ani had physical therapy and then the three boys had taekwondo this morning.  Ani works tonight.


Dog: She likes to lay in the sun, but she definitely prefers to be inside.  On our laps.  Sometimes on my head (half on the back of my chair, half on my head - it's annoying).

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Good evening!


Today I worked at Ds' swim meet, helped my mom with some things and picked up our CSA box. The first half of summer is punctuated by swim meets on Tuesday, so I never lose track of that day anyway.


My mom is 80 and having surgery tomorrow, so I am restless and lack concentration.


My climate is much cooler than yours, Scrap, though more humid. My dog would prefer to be in most of the time, unless we are out with him. He loves to walk and loves the dog park. In the spring and fall, he loves our yard, but in summer not so much.

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