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My a/c Don't fit in our windows.


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If the AC is too small, there are filler pieces you can buy that take up the rest of the room.


ETA:  I mean, they take up the rest of the room in the window!  There are some DIY ways of doing it too.



Edited by J-rap
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Bummer.  That happened to us many times.  We'd move and end up having to buy new air conditioners to fit the windows.  DH wants to replace the window in our bedroom, but it's an unusual size/shape so we wouldn't get the exact one AND end up with a weird one.  So I said, but then we'll have to buy yet another air conditioner!



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That sucks. It is 90+ degrees today and our AC is leaking. Dh wanted to call the repair guy but I googled some possible fixes. Did the first suggested fix and am currently testing it out. It feels so nice in here but I fear it'll still be leaking so we'll have to turn it off soon

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Our windows that can hold an AC unit are very tiny, we ended up with two very small units. One in the master bedroom helps keep the other bedrooms reasonable and the one in the living room keeps the main level... not totally miserable. I hope you guys get some relief!

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A really good floor box fan is pretty effective in cooling . . . A strong $100 utility fan, pointed OUT a window (upstairs) will draw cool comfy air in through several other windows in a good size house. Trick is to get a STRONG utility fan for this purpose. Set it up at sun down, and man alive, the whole house feels so good. We've done this over the years in houses w/ and w/o A/C, just because we love the cool night air. That'd allow you to reserve your A/C use for day time . . . (or you can seal off your room and run your A/C all night, using the fan system for the rest of the house.)


I remember sleeping on the hard wood floor in the hall . . . in front of a box fan . . . inside a wind tunnel made by securing an old sheet around the fan. :) It was really comfy. Crazy thing is, we had central A/C in a well constructed modern house. I guess my folks were just being frugal, lol.



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