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Mamas of Uncirc'd boys - Advice please?


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We circ'd two and didn't the third.  Great, we're happy with that decision.  Everything went fine, learned penis care for infants.  


Bubba is now almost three. We are potty training this week.  Dad put new sand in the sandbox this week and he has been having a BALL.  *But* he woke up this morning AWFULLY sore.  We looked at him and saw nothing until he showed us. :(  When that foreskin comes back there is an absolutely RED area, super tender.  I suspect a grain of sand got in there and rubbed until it was irritated.


So - I am wondering - is there anything I can do now?  He took a super long bath and we cleaned everything good.  Should we be alright?  Is there more care I should be doing as a toddler/preschooler than I am?

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This should be enough.  I would keep the area dry now.  After each potty visit, i would retract and very gently pat dry.  Keep him well-hydrated to reduce burning sensation to the raw skin while peeing.  You can also use a dab of a good, thick diaper cream to help protect if you think it's necessary.  If you get one of those really pasty ones, it should stay on even if you are patting dry gently after toilet, so you'll only need to reapply a couple times a day.    


ETA:  ONLY retract as far as comfortable, no forcing, as I'm sure you already know!

Edited by Monica_in_Switzerland
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I'd probably smear the red area with antibiotic ointment or possibly just Vaseline a couple times a day. Poor little fellow. Definitely make sure that, if the foreskin was already retracting (as it sounds like it was), that you clean it carefully and lubricate it at least with whatever you've used for diapering (if not antibiotic ointment) a couple times a day. You don't want the sore skin to scab/heal together in some sort of adhesion. 

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Another thing that might help irritation is just to put some baking soda in his bath and maybe retract (only as it will of course) a couple times in the water and swish some soda water over it. I'm just thinking that might soothe the redness a bit. We don't circ around here, but that isn't an issue we've had. It is likely what I would do if we had it happen.

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oh poor guy!  Yes, treat it like a spot of diaper rash, maybe a dab of diaper cream if it still hurts. It will heal quickly if given the chance.


FWIW, my mom said a similar thing happened to my little brother (obviously this was 40 years ago, lol) and he was cir'c. Some sand lodged itself in a crevice around the head of his penis and he had a terrible sore spot.So, a little boy could be cir'c and still have some sand irritation.


She mentioned this every summer at the beach when my boys were little, lol. She had three little girls as well, and one might think that sand was just as much an irritant, but I guess it was just her son who had the issue.

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One of mine got a pretty bad foreskin infection (as in, swelled up like a donut) from playing in the sand at a beach once.


The above recommendations should be fine, just keep an eye on it and take him to the dr. if things get worse.

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