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What is worse than being 40 weeks pregnant?

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Being 40 weeks pregnant and sick as a dog. I mean, really, like my poor, worn out, pelvic floor needs the added strain of coughing and sneezing. And, don't you need to be able to breathe through contractions? Not this pregnant mommy. I woke up last night thinking my head was going to explode and that was the opposite end I was supposed to be feeling pressure. Ugh!. Pray for me friends. I am having a hard time. :sad: Has this happened to anyone else? Can you really do labor if you are sick?

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Being 40 weeks pregnant and sick as a dog. I mean, really, like my poor, worn out, pelvic floor needs the added strain of coughing and sneezing. And, don't you need to be able to breathe through contractions? Not this pregnant mommy. I woke up last night thinking my head was going to explode and that was the opposite end I was supposed to be feeling pressure. Ugh!. Pray for me friends. I am having a hard time. :sad: Has this happened to anyone else? Can you really do labor if you are sick?


:grouphug:Oh Marie, that's awful! I hope you find some relief soon.

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Well, 40 weeks is better than 39 or 38. You really have to be nearly there!

I'm going to redirect all my sympathies away from myself (whinging because I have to put up with another 3 months of this) towards you, because you definately deserve it more!



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Not being pregnant and knowing I will never again be pregnant. I'm sorry you're sick and I know you feel horrible. But I'd switch places with you if I could.


It's crazy. Five challenging pregnancies. Five c-sections. Mastitis galore. In short ~ nothing came easily for me as far as bearing children is concerned. And yet, I still ache at the thought of never experiencing another baby-moon. People said I'd be over it by now, but I'm still waiting...

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I don't know exactly how you feel since technically, I was never 40 weeks pregnant, but I can identify to some extent. I'm sorry you feel miserable and I do wish I could do something to help you out. I also wish I could have just one more day with a newborn, so I do envy your very near future as far as that's concerned.:)

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Me too, and my youngest is 10.5 yrs. old. Wish I had better news. :(


All these friends said to me, "Oh, just wait until Kai's his own little self and you have more freedom. You'll move past the baby-withdrawal and enjoy a new season of life." Well, yeah, I'm in a different season and sure it has it's advantages. I'm in good shape, have time to run, don't have to haul around diapers and so on and so forth. But I confess there's something about having a Very Small Person cling to me that makes me feel loved beyond measure. Something about the smell of a new baby that literally brings me to tears. About that time in life ~ the time I lay a baby next to me in bed or feel a child stir within me or stroke the cheek of an infant ~ when the world just seems like a smaller, safer place. And I honestly don't think that will ever change; it's part of my wiring to yearn for that ~ and part of yours, too, apparently.:grouphug:

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I know what's worse ... being 41.5 weeks pregnant! BTDT!




ME TOO!!! 41.5 weeks pregnant, and brought down by a raging cold. Marie, do I EVER know how you feel. But I lived through it, and you will too! :) Just rest and do the absolute minimum needed to maintain family sanity. Warm showers to clear your head out.

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With youngest dd I had pneumonia when I delivered!

I went to my appointment 2 days before and told the OB that I had pneumonia--he just laughed and told me it was allergies--until I insisted that he listen to my lungs! I had extra antibiotics because it was a bacterial infection but other than that labor continued as normal--my head did clear up a bit by actual delivery time. Luckily my labors are short (under 2 hours).


Praying for a quick and easy labor and delivery!



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I'll be praying for you both for labor to start and for relief from illness!


I'll never forget being in labor with my dd and going through a box of those little paper thin tissues they like to provide in the hospital and having to ask for another box because I had such a cold. Not fun and not fair!

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