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The Sunburn Recovery Teachers Lounge 5-16-2017


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Good morning, all! Welcome to the Lounge!


Today's Lounge is brought to you by the sunburn I sustained over the weekend. On Saturday, they asked us to take our vendor tents down because it was so windy. We were allowed to stay and sell our wares, but the tents came down. And I got fried. I did use sunblock on the obviously exposed parts of me. What I forgot was the overlay of my blouse was not tightly woven fabric, so somewhat translucent, and the sun got through! Ouch! I've been using a fantastic lotion, an aloe gel, tea tree oil, and chapparal oil since then (alternating all of them) and they have really helped! But it will be a day or two more before I don't cringe when someone touches me where I was burnt. So on that note . . .


PSA: Summer IS coming. And for some of us, it is already here (at least temperature-wise). PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, use your sunblock. Make sure it's NEW and paraben-free. If you're not at the beach, going in and out of the ocean, do as the Arabs do, and COVER UP. Lightweight long-sleeve shirts and wide-brimmed hats do wonders for keeping the sun off that fair skin. Even if it's cloudy out, that those UV rays still get through! And if you're going to higher elevations than normal, you definitely need it then, too! A severe sunburn is no joke! Now to your regularly scheduled Teachers Lounge . . . 


Anyone else been beat up by the sun already this year? Here: see above.


Anyone else ever have to deal with severe sunburn or other burns? Here: just this one and I'm sure I've had one more like it in my lifetime.

Got me to thinking about people who have to stay in a burn unit in a hospital and I can only imagine the pain they go through! 


Plans for Memorial Day (weekend after this one)? Here: husband and son might go camping. I'll be working at a Farmers Market

about an hour and half away (just on Saturday). Other than that, not sure.


Talk to me! :bigear:



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I do not live in sun country.  So no sunburns at this point and I can often go a whole summer without one.


Growing up in Japan, however, I got sunburned a lot.  As in blistering, swollen, feverish to the point where once I lost consciousness burnt.  Not one person at my boarding school thought of getting me any kind of medical attention for it.  Instead, the idiots put me in a hot bath to wake me up. 


As usual, I have no plans for this weekend or the weekend afterwards.  That would involve being able to plan farther than the current day where I'm just trying to tread water yet again to survive. 


I do have to prepare for a speaking engagement I have coming up and for the summer camp where I teach each summer.  Now is the time when I start to move that up off of the back burner onto the front one and try not to panic.  ;)



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We have had sunburn this summer. When we arrived with the team at the launch field near Huntsville, they instantly went to work, feverishly, and then stood in line with their rocket for an hour or so. We all were so focused we forgot the sunblock. Everyone was burned.


I have had more than my share. I am fair skinned and rarely can keep up with reapplying when working outside as I sweat, and lose track of time.


Yard work for Memorial Weekend. No traveling. The roadways here are packed that weekend and maddening to traverse so we usually stay home.

Edited by FaithManor
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No sunburns here. I have dark hair and eyes, and I've rarely burned in my life. I did have other sun issues for a long time, though.


I used to be photosensitive to the sun and would get a rash and itch just going around town to do errands. It started when I was on the pill and continued a long time after going off it. It has diminished through the years, and I no longer need sunscreen to just go do errands. 


We haven't made any Memorial Day plans yet. Dd has a job at a grocery store and only gets her schedule weekly, so we don't know her schedule yet. Dh will have his high school graduation that Saturday morning. Except for Memorial Day, he'll work that whole next week. 





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Already burned: No.  I try to stay out of the sun as much as I can.  Last summer we got burned badly at Schlitterbahn.  And it's all because of old sunscreen.  We used the previous year's waterproof sunscreen.  Turns out sunscreen loses its waterproofness over time.  So I second the make sure it's NEW advice!


Severe sunburn: When I was 17 or 18 we went whitewater rafting.  I got so severely burned on my thighs.  It was just too many hours riding on the water.  The blisters were terrible.  I never want to be burned like that again.


Memorial Day plans: None yet.  That's a long time in the future lol

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One of my worst burns was when I took the kids to the beach in Florida and tried to do my own sunscreen.  I missed a spot on my back and it got terribly burned.  It stayed burned looking for months and now there is a patch of freckles in that area.  Another time a few years ago I asked my SIL to put sunscreen on my back.  She was not very thorough and I got a weird blotchy burn.  I am fair skinned and pretty much hate being out in the sun anymore.  It's such a hassle to deal with sunscreen for all of us and inevitably, a spot is missed somewhere!  I aim for 5pm to go to the pool just to not have to deal with that.  So far no burns this year!


Memorial Day we have no plans because we are just getting back from the beach--speaking of burns! 

Edited by HeWillSoar
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I've had bad sunburns in the past.  I'm pretty careful these days and it's been a few years since I've gotten any color at all.  My kids haven't had any except my oldest once she was old enough to be going places without me.  Her dad always sucked at reminding her and she also tended to forget.   :glare:   She's a fair-skinned red head, my younger two are fair skinned blondes so I'm a little obsessed.   We are at the lake almost every day in the summer for swim team.  They will get a little color by the end of summer but no burns.  My kids were born with a ton of moles and freckles, which makes me even more obsessed.


We are going camping for two weeks around Memorial Day.  Down in North Carolina - Davidson River and Jordan Lake.  Dh used to live near there and is getting all nostalgic.   :001_rolleyes:    The kids will have two weeks with no electronics since we weren't able to get a site with electricity and all charging will need to be done by our Suburban.  Plus, very limited wifi at the sites.  No computers, no tablets for two whole weeks.


We'll be hiking, swimming, boating, we're doing a caving/rafting adventure trip.   Honestly, I'm slightly more obsessed about the ticks this time than the sun.   :(

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Sorry you got a bad sunburn, scrap. That is painful, both physically and mentally. I'm always slightly paranoid about skin cancer. Even way up north in Canada, I have 2 relatives who have had skin cancer. Plus, I have rosacea, so I'm supposed to be extra careful about the sun. I just bought a wide-brimmed hat from Ikea for $5! My dc love it, too.  :laugh:


This weekend is Victoria Day long-weekend, which means it's safe to plant stuff - maybe...  We just had snow last week, so there is really no guarantee. ;)  We'll also be attending dd and ds's violin recital. Hopefully we'll play a bunch of tennis, too.



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