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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

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For the last 3 weeks I have been devoting every spare minute to getting the winter vegetable garden planted.thegarden is as big as a tennis court, I have planted rows of brassicas,lettuce, onions, garlic, spinach.........etc. anything frost hardy. I had even mulched all the rows of brassicas with a mix of compost, pigeon poo and grass clippings.2 days ago the Satin Bowerbirds moved in. They are vegetarians....and they are LARGE...... and they shred rows of veggies at high speed. Dh and I have been so busy the last 2 days we didn't have a chance to go and see what was going on. ARGH... today I spent just about the whole day using every single bit of chookwire I could find netting in whatever I could save. I am exhausted and I am not sure I have outsmarted the birds anyway.

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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My younger daughter is turning 13 next week and has decided that all pre-teen stuff needs to be purged from her room, so this weekend we are sorting to donate or sell all dolls, soft toys, games and other toys.  My older daughter and I are feeling quite nostalgic.  Younger dd does not seem to have a sentimental bone in her body.


Today I am typing up a list of all books to sell to our homeschool group.

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today I spent just about the whole day using every single bit of chookwire I could find netting in whatever I could save. I am exhausted and I am not sure I have outsmarted the birds anyway.


Hoping for you that the birds have been outsmarted!

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Hi Hannah, I haven't seen you for ages


Hi Melissa - I'm working full-time now and have been super busy, but I still like to come and read the boards every now and again. 

How are you doing?

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Completely stressed.we took on another foster child. It is not working out and we are about to break the placement.


Oh, I just cannot imagine how stressful and heart-breaking that must be.  (((hugs))) to you and wishing you much strength and wisdom.


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Happy Mother's Day!


I'm not sure how this day is going to go.  Both dh (who had a mild stroke a week ago) and dd have a terrible cold.  Basically, one or more people in this house have been laid low by a nasty, won't leave you, makes-you-drag-around-like-you're-half-dead cold for the last 3 weeks.  Since Easter we've a cat we had to put down, nasty cold and dh with stroke.  Wah!


Anyway, with those 2 sick I am not counting on a real Mother's Day.  Some years are like that, aren't they?



Go to Mass at some point (depends on how people feel)



Catch up on laundry

Maybe go out and do something fun???


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Enjoying the peace and quiet. :)


Both my older kids work, oldest is doing a double today because of mother's day and hockey game. He is going to move stuff for me on his day off. Daughter will be grumpy today, so I hope she sleeps in. ;) Youngest will help me out with chores today with no complaining, lol.


Continue decluttering/cleaning.

Hubby will do a honey do list


Happy Mother's Day y'all!

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Happy Mother's Day!


•do everything on my list from yesterday that didn't get done because it was such a busy day

•tidy up garage

•put away grain that was delivered

•figure out how my new hay steamer works 

•fill pill container for month

•plan out my week

•ride horses


•order supplements

•scrub out water buckets

•dinner: taquitos

Edited by Selkie
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Good morning and happy mothers' day

- up and dressed- done

- go to work- done

- coffee!!!!!- in progress

- brunch for dd2- done

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer and 2 loads folded and put away

- tidy house- done for today

- find crochet pattern I like to make girls afghans for their beds

- crochet

- nap!!!!- done

- pick up dd1 from grandma's- done and delivered great grandma's flower order

- dinner- done

- baths/showers

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- sat in my hammock while the girls played on the trampoline, set up new bug light

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Human care is done

Pet care is done

Medical care is done

Church including teaching the teens is done

Lunch at Panda Express is done

Nap is done

One load of laundry is in the washing machine


I found out that my teaching engagement has been moved to next month but I'm still going to write down some of what I've composed in my head. 

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