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The Early Risers Teachers Lounge 5-11-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!


It's not quite 0600 (6am) here and the only reason I'm awake is because I forgot to turn off my 0530 alarm last night!

It's okay, though, since I have company coming over later and still have some housekeeping to do! Didn't get it done last night

because of some wonderful cramping going on.  :glare:  Anyway, today is a NEW DAY!


What are you all up to today? Here: some housekeeping and the Coffee (&Tea) Klatch later. Found out yesterday dh is going to be here almost the

whole morning, so I bumped the start time to after he should have left for his meeting. I don't mind having him around. Just wish I'd known ahead of time

so I could have arranged things better.  :tongue_smilie:


How early did you wake up this morning? Are any of your other family members early risers? Here: see above and not really. Although, yesterday was the first day of my son's self-presribed 3-day a week exercise regimen. We'll see how he feels about getting up early tomorrow to run. :p  He's 12 (13 in July!). 


Have you ever seen and/or been in a musical? Here: yes and yes. Yesterday, I was watching through "Hello, Dolly!" on Netflix. My daughter is in a production of it, with opening night being ONE WEEK from TODAY! I was in "Bye, Bye, Birdie" a number of years ago. Watching "Dolly" yesterday made me want to be in a period piece like that again. Last year I was in "Blackbird Pond" (an adaptation of the book The Witch of Blackbird Pond) but that's definitely not a musical. I just love the singing, the dancing, and the talent! :hurray:


Talk to me! :bigear:



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Hi ya Scrap!


Today I am surviving. My old dog in doggie hospice had me up until after 2:30 am. Time to put him on Tramadol for pain, I think.


I still had to wake up at 7:10. Duty calls. Dh has just left for work and Ds and I will leave for college in a few minutes. Dd slumbers on.


I was in lots of musicals in jr. high and high school.





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Teaching our last kids' day at co-op today.  It will be fun. I am not an early riser. I was up before 7:00 today. That is rare for me, lol.   I must have slept well last night. 


Yes, I was in a few musicals in school. I still sing "Feed Me Seymour" from the... the name alludes me now, the one with the big plant that drinks blood?? I only had a bit part. I don't sing well, lol. I was always in chorus and had small speaking roles. I preferred the drama to the musicals, but our drama class did both. And I didn't play an instrument and didn't want to, so I also chose musical choir over band for a couple of years. 

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ANNOUNCEMENT: there will be NO Teachers Lounge tomorrow because my boss called me about an hour ago to let me know

I'm headed to San Bernadino tomorrow morning! Oi! He did ask me a couple weeks ago what weekends I was available for travel but 

I don't remember it being a firm scheduling although he thinks it was. Anywho . . . 


I'm headed off tomorrow. This afternoon, after the Klatch, I'll be going to pick up supplies. After I clean out my car! Fun times!

Praying the income from the show makes it worth the time and travel!


I'll still be in and out today though.

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Good afternoon! I was an early riser, too, today! I was up at 6 AM (Eastern). It's been a busy day thus far and more to go.  Our car is still at the shop, and dd started her job at 7 AM this morning. I drove dh to work so that I could have his car.


I came back home and packed lunches for me and ds. I waited on a friend to get here to drop off grass fed beef I was buying from her. Ds and I had to leave to go to his Spanish class. It was our last day, so we all ate lunch together.


I'm back home now. The rest of the day will be finishing out school and packing to leave. I go to my sister's tonight. She lives on the north side of Atlanta. I'll be working for IEW in the booth at the Teach Them Diligently convention this weekend. 


I've only been in a short part of a musical at a church. It was a musical called, The Gospel According to Scrooge. My dh and I were Mr. and Mrs. Fezziwig. Our youth pastors had degrees in music and theater and had worked on off Broadway productions, so I feel I had a closer to real musical production experience under their direction than I would normally have in church. Dd had big roles in that production for two years. She did local theater all through high school, including being Sister Sophia in the Sound of Music.  

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Today: Ani had PT this morning.  We did some school.  Then we had taekwondo.  Cameron taught a private lesson beforehand.  We have to finish school.  Fritz has swim team this afternoon.  Ani and Cameron work tonight.  I have book group tonight.


Woke up: 6:40 or so.  That's about when I wake up every day naturally.  I only use an alarm to wake up on Fridays when I get up at 5:30 to go grocery shopping.


Seen/Been in Musical: Both, several.  I've seen Jesus Christ Superstar, Les Mis a couple times, Fiddler on the Roof, and at least one other I can't recall at the moment.  I've been in Fiddler, Annie, Oklahoma!, ummm... a couple more...

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Scrap, so sorry you had a "rude" awakening today.


Today,  I had to finish reading The Crucible for today's American Lit Club discussion for dd.  I had to keep putting it down because I was getting so mad and anxious for the wrongfully accused.  We had watched Trumbo as a lead in for this book(play) for it's allegory for McCarthyism/Red Scare.  I couldn't help but notice all the other times in history, far back and recent, where hysteria and scapegoating led to a total disregard for logic, civil rights, and even life itself.  I also walked the dog and had to pick up the house (and rewash some dishes because some people in our house do not understand how dish soap works - arrgg!)  The discussion went very well.  But, now I have to do laundry and pack up for our trip to the Detroit area for dd's competition.  We are still evaluating whether or not dh can join us. 


I woke up at 5 am when K decided to go to bed.  <Heavy sigh.>  I tried to sleep more and was only partially successful.  Dh's alarm goes off at 6 am and then he listens to news for 20 minutes.  I had nowhere to be this morning and was super tired, so I was super annoyed.  Ds23's alarm goes off at about 6:15 and he is out the door by 7.  Dd gets up about 6:45 and she and dh leave around 7:10. 


I've never been in a musical per se ... drama was never my thing.  but, in college, I did audition for a dance part in a production.  Only later did I realize I had to sing.  I suppose that the word "Sing" in the title of the event should have been a clue. :lol:   I discovered that I didn't have a horrible singing voice after all.  It was those years of terrible allergies that made me sound like a croaking frog.  Who knew!  I've seen Evita put on by a large city production.  Locally, I've seen The Sound of Music (and tried not to get annoyed at my mom's friend who was singing along in the audience and denying that she was doing it .... we later found out that she was having some minis-strokes and this unawareness of her own behavior was one of the effects.)  I've seen West Side Story and a few others that I can't recall. 

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Scrap - I'm sorry, but I don't share your enthusiasm for musicals. I love singing, choirs and music, but I really hate a play being all muddied up with song and dance in the middle of it. The British TV comedy The IT Crowd had the best joke positive musical review in my opinion, "Not as long as some musicals."  The only musicals I go to are the ones my dc are in. For kids, I think they are fine, but for adults they hold no appeal - even the "greats" like Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. Love the music on its own, though, especially when people like Andre Bocelli and classical singers perform them. 


What I'm up to these days is trying to figure out what my dc will be doing in their homeschool (possibly b & m school) next year and beyond. Also, what our violin lessons will look like. I'm just a little stressed out right now.  :confused1:  I'm out of wine and nearly out of chocolate. I sent dh on a mission of mercy to refill these supplies.







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