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Hearing test?


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I'm having a problem hearing and wondering if I should start with my family doctor or do a free hearing test at Costco or? This has been gradual but I'm finding myself having to ask people to repeat themselves a LOT lately. Especially if there is background noise like the dryer or dishwasher.

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I would go to an ENT who has an audiologist. Lots of things can cause hearing loss and there they are in the best position to look at causes and possible remedies.


ETA- I shouldn't say "would", but rather I actually GO to an ENT with an audiologist. I have had hearing loss that was caused by allergies resulting in severe ear drum pressure. Tubes fixed it. Then I caught a virus that made me mostly deaf in one ear. Again, ENT diagnosed and discuss possible treatments (steroid injections into ear) which I declined due to possible side effects.

Edited by texasmom33
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You might also ask wherever you go or consider going what your copay will be. Insurance is so crazy these days, you can go one place for a hearing exam and pay one thing or go somewhere else and pay another. 

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At a minimum I'd go to an audiologist but id probably start with an ENT.


Costco is probably fine if you are tracking an issue or want a baseline but an ENT will be able to get to the root of the problem. If Costco finds an issue they are just going to send you to an ENT.

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ENT who has an audiologist they work with either in house or an established relationship. If it's something like fluid, the ENT will see it and not send you to the audiologist. If it's not obvious, he can schedule you with the audiologist or have you tested then and there if it's in house. It will likely be less of a hassle. 


If you are absolutely certain that it's not something like fluid, then I probably would just go to the audiologist.


The last two things I am going to say sound pretty woo: consider seeing your chiropractor if you have one and haven't been going as much since the new little one came. I have had foggy hearing clear up with a good adjustment. Secondly, I would want to ask or research a bit to see if hormones (particularly post-pregnancy) can mess up hearing perception in case it's something odd like that. 


I have fluctuating hearing. but no fluid in my ears (they've been peaked at at random times to be sure). Every time I think I should see an audiologist, it's back to normal. It drives me crazy! 


Good luck! 

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Audiologist. The ENT will only be able to help if it is a structural or sinus issue and the audiologist can rule that out for you.

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My ENT does not do hearing tests.  He sends you to an audiologist. 


Exactly. My daughter has seen ENT's for medical clearance for hearing aids, cochlear implant evaluation, and cochlear implant surgery but none do audiological testing.


Now some ENT's have an AudD. on staff who can do hearing testing at the same clinic. But you'd have to call around because that's not standard practice.

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The last two things I am going to say sound pretty woo: consider seeing your chiropractor if you have one and haven't been going as much since the new little one came. I have had foggy hearing clear up with a good adjustment.


A chiropractor can't do anything if the problem is with the inner ear or the auditory nerve but the Eustachian tube connects the middle ear with the nasal cavity so if there is a fluid issue, the chiropractor might conceivably help. I don't think it would be my first recommendation but if someone were seeing a chiropractor already, it might be worth a try.

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On a hunch, I Googled whether there is a link between Meniere's disease and pregnancy and actually pregnancy IS a known risk factor for Meniere's onset. Middle-aged women are at highest risk of Meniere's anyways.


If you've experienced any dizziness/vertigo in addition to the hearing symptoms, I would cut back on sodium immediately and call an ENT.

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I would definitely schedule with an audiologist and go from there. My daughter has bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and has been aided since 2 years old. My husband is currently going through exactly what you are describing and he just had his evaluation and came back with hearing loss that will require hearing aids. There is so much amazing technology now in the world of hearing loss I would not let it go any longer. My husband tried to ignore it for 2 years and increasingly kept struggling. I could see how worried he was. His confirmation was such a relief and now he can be treated. He is also dealing with ear ringing and some vertigo as well.

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My ENT does not do hearing tests. He sends you to an audiologist.

If you want one that does both I have a phenominal ENT in Bellevue who does hearing tests. That being said, now that we know what the problem is We go to an audiologist for ds bi-annual monitoring.

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Thank you all! I got a local recommendation for an ENT office that has an audiologist on staff and does hearing tests, etc. If some allergy medication and decongestant don't do the trick I'l make an appt. I've read that the longer you go with hearing loss the less likely hearing aids will work, so I won't wait too long. I have no pride in this, if I need hearing aids I'm happy to get them other than the cost of course. Sigh. I hear they are expensive and often not covered by insurance. 

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I went to an ENT with an audiologist on staff.


Apparently I have a malformation in a bone in my inner ear so I can have surgery or get a hearing aid. 


I didn't think it was getting worse but my siblings said it was very much getting worse.  :mellow:

Edited by Slartibartfast
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