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The Shhh! Still sleeping Teachers Lounge 5-2-2017


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That's how I feel this morning. Like I'm still sleeping, which I might be, had I not been woken up by the need to pee!  :closedeyes:


So I'm still tired but since it was already 0630, I decided it wasn't worth it to go back to sleep.


What are you up to today? Here: had plans to go with a friend to the local homeschool resource center but I'm hoping I can convince her to go next week instead. The past few days have been very full for me and I'd just like to rest today. Although, that being said, I'd like to get some of my own studying done.


Anyone STILL mostly asleep even though it's close to mid-morning? Here: ME! I literally started this posting over a half hour ago, got distracted, thought I'd come back to see if there were any replies, and found I hadn't FINISHED the post! :mellow: Oi!


Does anyone have a nice soft blanket they can lend me? I think I need to go take a nap in the recliner . . . 


Talk to me! :bigear:

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My kids slept in today. They really need the extra sleep this time of year when we are crazy busy with lots of special events. In between a regular school year schedule and the routine that develops once the pool is open, we all feel a bit off balance. 


Today: basic school, horseback riding lesson for Dd, deskwork, laundry and random home chores. MUST go to the grocery b/c we have no food. 

Also CSA pick up. Strawberries! Yummmm! 



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I wanted to sleep in today, but I woke up at 7:15 and couldn't go back to sleep. So, unfortunately, I'm wide awake!


What is your local homeschool resource center? What does that include?  I'd love something here that even has that name!


Today is the last book club of the year and probably last book club I'll lead. I've hosted a book club for ds and friends for the last 6 years. It's a sad day, but I don't think I'll have time anymore. 


Tonight is ds' swim banquet.


Dd has the softest blanket of all we have. She moves home tomorrow, so I can't loan it out until then. But, hey, she moves home tomorrow!! 





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Today: Ani has PT.  The rest of us have TKD.  Cameron's teaching.  School before and after.  Tonight Ani and Cameron work.


Still asleep: I've been up for 2 1/2 hours, but I feel like I'm not quite awake.  Sort of like I'm getting sick, but I don't think I am.


Soft blanket: Sure!

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Apparently I could've slept in a half hour longer today than I did, because at yesterday's IEP meeting the discussion was about when to discontinue OT... and they were talking about immediately vs the end of the month, and I thought they concluded end of the month. Seems like they meant end of the month of April (never mind that yesterday was May 1st). Okay then. At least his OT really likes working with him, so she was totally cool with playing connect four with him since we were there (his OT is right at the time school starts, so I couldn't call the school this morning to ask whether he was supposed to show up).


ETA: I hope you're not getting sick, Butter. Take lots of time today snuggling that soft blanket just to make sure.

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Dear grandson has a cold, and a low temp. So dd and I are trying to keep the house quiet so he will rest a lot, but between construction trucks outside, and the little girl she cares for three days per week being exuberantly loud, it isn't working. Grand baby is clingy to mamma because he doesn't feel well, and I am a total strangers to the little girl, so she is clingy to dd as well. My poor daughter is going to need a vacation!


I would like to make another pot of coffee because I did not sleep well last night, but little one is in the kitchen and the sight of me will make her grab dd's leg and fuss. So I stay put in the den.

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FaithManor, hopefully they'll warm up to you soon! AND that you'll get that second pot of coffee soon!


luuknam, don't you love it when the "professionals" are so clear about what they actually are saying? 

I was at the local grocery store today and was excited to find 12-packs of soda on sale for $2.47ea, brand names, too!

I had to buy four to get the deal, but that was okay as I'll be donating two for various things over the next 3 weeks. Got to the 

register only to find out in order to REALLY get the deal, I also had to buy another $25 worth of groceries.  :glare: Not exactly the

same as your situation but still unclear in the communication.


Maybe I can find a few more soft blankets and we can all just cuddle up in the corner to rest and chat for the day!  :001_cool:


Our homeschool resource center is 13 miles away but it's a nice place to have around. They used to rent out curriculum but now they

sell new and used curriculum and they also offer classes for homeschooled students.  My daughter took Biology there when she was a sophomore.


I may need to make another cup of coffee for myself, as well . . .


On a side note, dh is home this morning, as he has a meeting this side of town at 10am. On the opposite side of town from where he works. Throws me off when I find this out at the last minute.

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Well, read two more chapters from a biography about Jim Elliot to the kdis this morning and now have dd started on a

comparison study for the week (comparing mythology to Scripture). I just needed something academic to keep her occupied

without needing a lot of help from me. Tech Week always seems to be busy for me, as well!


Now, to figure out exactly what needs to be done TODAY and what can wait!

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We're on a Hobbit schedule of eating for Tech Week this week. We're now on lunch, which consists

of sliders and chips. The kids had theirs on King's Hawaiian rolls. I had mine on gf bread from the farmers market.

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It was an early morning here despite me having trouble falling asleep last night.  I was all set to go to bed when I had the bright idea of setting up the Instant Pot to have Steel Cut Oats ready for my early risers' breakfast in the morning.  Of course, doing the math to determine when to set the timer made me more awake than I wanted to be so I had to read to fall asleep. 


Dd had her AP Physics 1 exam today and I wanted her to have some decent fuel this morning.  So, I had to pick up dd from school and take her to the testing site for her exam.  I called the vet for our dog's annual check up (and to see if there is a physical cause for our dog's sudden increase in reactivity.)  I contacted a dog behaviorist for private consultation and gasped with sticker shock at the cost.  Moped, surfed, snacked and then picked dd up.  No other plans today.  I think I'll have another cup of tea and hibernate.  It feels like October out there rather than May.  Although it is 47 degrees out, with the wind and light rain, it feels like 34. 


I'd be happy to share my nice cozy fleece, no-sew blanket with you.  My kids made it for me one Christmas (behind my back - don't know  how that happened.)  It is super big and just right for sharing.  If you get too warm, there is a hole for air conditioning, thoughtfully made by my dog who bit through it when someone hid his ball underneath it. 


Scrap, I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for this daily chat (and to all of you who participate.)  On days like this when the gloom of loneliness and anxiety enters my heart and head and refuses to leave, this little coffee-klatch helps brighten may day.  I get a little caught up in the vortex of negative self-talk some days and this breaks through and lets me see some light. 



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I wanted to sleep in today, but I woke up at 7:15 and couldn't go back to sleep. So, unfortunately, I'm wide awake!


What is your local homeschool resource center? What does that include?  I'd love something here that even has that name!


Today is the last book club of the year and probably last book club I'll lead. I've hosted a book club for ds and friends for the last 6 years. It's a sad day, but I don't think I'll have time anymore. 


Tonight is ds' swim banquet.


Dd has the softest blanket of all we have. She moves home tomorrow, so I can't loan it out until then. But, hey, she moves home tomorrow!! 


Feeling that sadness with you.  I have a couple more weeks left of dd's lit club.  We meet weekly, so I have a few more to go.  But, after that, it may be curtains.  Unless I can get a hold of dd's AP Lang book list and find some people who want to do a parent child book club with that list, LOL.  This mom can't let go.  I've helped facilitate lit clubs for the last 12 years or so.  This working my way out of a job (homeschooling) is really hard. 

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DD has had quite the afternoon emotionally. Thankfully, we'll be heading out to take ds to rehearsal, then she and I are going 

shopping to find her shoes and shorts for her production which is in a couple weeks. Maybe we'll get Starbucks too . . .

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Scrap, I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for this daily chat (and to all of you who participate.)  On days like this when the gloom of loneliness and anxiety enters my heart and head and refuses to leave, this little coffee-klatch helps brighten may day.  I get a little caught up in the vortex of negative self-talk some days and this breaks through and lets me see some light. 


You are SO welcome! Jean in Newcastle can tell you I started this awhile ago and then let it go for awhile when there seemed to very little interest in it. Then after about a year or so, I decided that I missed it, and if I missed it, others might as well. So it came back as it had been before: The Teachers Lounge. And that went well for awhile with a few of us being "regulars." Then when I did one or two themed Lounges, it was like the floodgates opened!  Not quite, but definitely more visitors than before. Including YOU! 


I'm thankful for all that come in. It let's me know the Lounge is needed!


Now for dinner: peanut butter and jelly. Being Tech Week, I planned something easy!

(However, I did look at tomorrow's menu and I don't think I'm prepared at all for that! Oops!)

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I keep waking up hours before I plan to and can't go back to sleep.  That, coupled with low iron and probably restless legs (my legs hurt a lot at night), and life has been kind of rough lately.   It's just hard to do things when you are tired.  I was thinking the other day, they use sleep deprivation to torture people.  :zombie:



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