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Yay! She's coming home!

Night Elf

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We go get dd from college tomorrow. She took her last final exam this afternoon. She's got mixed feelings about leaving. On one hand she's happy to be spending some time at home but on the other hand that dorm has been her home for a whole school year. She feels like she's losing 'home'.

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We go get dd from college tomorrow. She took her last final exam this afternoon. She's got mixed feelings about leaving. On one hand she's happy to be spending some time at home but on the other hand that dorm has been her home for a whole school year. She feels like she's losing 'home'.


I think that's the perfect mix!  :)  

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Sounds like she likes her school - that's a great feeling.  Then she'll be excited to head back in August, instead of dreading it ;)  


I hate sending them back after I've had them home during the summer.  I don't show it, but it's true.  



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I'm totally with you. Ds finishes a week from today. Dd next Friday. Ds is looking forward to coming home. Dd who has a serious boyfriend is happy to come home but very sad to be away from him for so long. I'll love having them home for the summer and they'll love going back in the fall  :lol:

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Yes, she told me she's already looking forward to August. She's in an apartment style dorm next year so she has her own bedroom. She's excited about that. She's also excited about her Fall class schedule. I bet she's very ready to go back when it's time.

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I get two of my boys back this coming weekend, and the third one the weekend after that.  I haven't seen any of them since Christmas.  It's going to be nice having the nest full again for a little while.

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I'm reading this as I'm leaving my dd's dorm picking stuff up. She's not done yet, but she lives close enough that it's easier to just swing by end do it a little bit at a time so it's not so overwhelming.


This dd is done this Saturday, and her sister in done next Tuesday.

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I get my ds a week from today. He sounds very pleased with how his year went but ready to get home. We will see how the transition goes. The younger ds inherited the car older ds had been driving before he left for college and I'm not sure how that is going to be negotiated upon his return. Second ds also had his own room for the first time and now he is getting his bunkmate back. We were extremely hands off the parenting while he was gone so we will see how that adjustment goes for everyone when he is back under our roof.


Ds also has been dating a girl from nearby here that he met at school. I know they are looking forward to spending alot of time together this summer. So, not only am I getting my kid back for the summer but I have a new gf to adjust too as well. And they will have to adjust to being back under family and house rules after being on their own.


I am anxious to get him home and settled back in. Grateful he is very easy going and cooperative so I am hopeful we will navigate all the adjustments. We are beginning the summer break with a beach trip so that might delay the reality of everyday life for awhile :)

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Middle son graduates May 21st.  I'm getting old (sigh).  I'm going to miss trips there to watch him perform, etc.  I think he's going to be home for at least the summer.   :party:


Only one college year left for youngest, and for half of that he's going to be in Jordan.  We're hoping to go there to visit him (and Petra).  Time will tell if finances and family health issues allow it.  He'll be at middle son's graduation  :hurray: , but then working in FL for the summer.


We might get them all (and my mom) to oldest son's house for the Eclipse in August.  If so, that would be our last family time/trip together with everyone.  I am really, really hoping it works out.

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