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Apartment Laundry Room courtesy...

Apartment Laundry Room etiquette...  

  1. 1. Apartment Laundry Room etiquette...

    • Place the damp clothes on top of the dryer and use it
    • Wait and keep checking back
    • Other

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We share 3 washers and 3 dryers with several other families. Saturday is a very busy day for laundry.


If someone had their damp/dry clothes in the dryer and you have already been waiting at least 45 minutes to dry your clothes, WWYD?


1. Place the clothes on top of the dryer and use it. Afterall, it is their responsibility to be there on time to get their clothes out.


2. Wait until the dryer is empty before using it even if it means you have to keep checking back.


Please post your reply and why you picked it. Especially if you picked "wait".


PS...Oh, and then they didn't even come back to get them until another 45 minutes.

Edited by King Alfred Academy
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What do you mean by "damp/dry?" Are they not quite dry? I'd go ahead and finish drying them as soon as I realized they were in there and not all the way dry. If they are dry, I'd take them out and use the dryer, especially if there is a laundry basket around that I could put them in. Community living demands that people be considerate of others, so if others are unwilling/unable to comply, I'd force the compliance. Of course, I used to live in a military dorm, and that's how it was done (and why I use words like compliance ;) in these cases).

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In both my college dorm (3-4 washers and dryers) and the apartment building we lived in (1 washer and 1 dryer), if the clothes were dry and no one came to claim them... people would put the dry clothes on top of the dryer and use it. Never had an issue with wet clothes though.. why would people put wet clothes in the dryer and not turn it on? I think if you've been waiting a while it would be acceptable to take the dry clothes out and place them on the dryer. I might get a little cranky if someone was there waiting for the dryer to stop and took out my clothes the second it buzzed though, especially if I came back within 5-10 minutes of it stopping.

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we lived in apts. for most of our marriage. we always just put the clothes on top;others did the same with our laundry. it was the expected, accepted thing to do and no problems ever came of it. since i was home during the day i tried to avoid busy times & do most of our washing when other people were at work or school. saturdays were crazy!

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I'd wait a reasonable amount of time to give them a chance to come back & then I'd probably fold them on top of the dryer (or other clean surface)...if they were damp, I'd turn the dryer on again for them, and do the same if they never showed up. :)


Stuff left in a washer though, I would move over to the top of the dryer (or other clean surface) and not to the dryer, since some stuff can't go in a dryer and I wouldn't want to shrink anything on anyone ;)

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I have to agree with elegantlion. I wouldn't like to touch someone else's personals(I don't know where they've been or what they did when they got there:001_huh:) even though at this point they're supposed to be clean.


If I knew who was doing laundry I'd knock on their door and let them know I need to use the dryer. Otherwise, I'd wait. That's just what I would do. I don't think there's anything wrong with someone else removing them though, after about fifteen minutes of holding up a dryer.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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When we shared a laundry room if you didn't pick up your laundry on time, you risked getting your laundry 'tabled'. That is put on the table and waiting for you.


We never never never ran the dryer for anyone. That costs quarters and I didn't usually have extra to spend on other people's laundry.

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We have 2 shared laundry rooms for 15 families. There are 10 washers and 10dryers. I've only had to wait on 1 person who let their laundry sit for 4 hours one day before I could pop mine into dry. I ended up rewashing it because of this. I was a little upset when they came and got it but said nothing. I set a timer and I'm always prompt of picking up my stuff. It makes me nuts but no one knows it...I'll be so glad to get my own stuff back!

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If the dryer has stopped and no one has come to retreive them, it is time to take the clothes out. I usually put them on the folding counter closest to the dryer. If you want to really be nice, when yours are done put the other's clothes back and drop a quarter to start them drying.

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