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The Night Interrupted Teachers Lounge 4-11-2017


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Gooe early morning to some of you and mid-morning to others.


We were all awoken last night to the sounds of cats fighting. Turns out it was probably just our own two.

However, because one of those tusslers was my daughter's cat, even though I assured dd her cat was fine, dd's sleep

was sporadic and not sound for the rest of the night. She has, wisely, I think, elected to skip horsemanship lessons this morning

in lieu of some much need rest!


How did the rest of you sleep? Here: dd - see above. Me, okay. DS, okay. DH - can fall asleep at the drop of a dime.


Any early morning activities for you today or any part of the week? Here: every Tuesday is Horsemanship.


When you have very little time and allow yourself fast food for breakfast, what's your go-to spot? Here: QT. It's a really nice chain of gas stations (sounds weird, I know) with a wide variety of decent cafe and quick-grap foods.


On my way out the door. Will pop in later!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Slept soundly. 

No early morning things here except Wednesdays. I pick up our raw milk and sometimes run and extra errand or two.

Fast food breakfast never happens here unless we are on the road. I do get free coffee at Chick Fil A on some Friday mornings, though.  :thumbup1:



Have a good day!


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We get awoken from time to time with cats fighting. There are a few in the area that come around and will end up fighting one of ours more than the other. 


I slept good and went to bed very early for me. I slept terribly the night before, so I was ready to sleep. I woke up the night before with heartburn or anxiety or something. Anyway it was much better last night. 


The main early morning activity I have is that I get up about 6:30 most mornings and make dh breakfast and pack his lunch. We have co-op every other week, and this Friday is the last one for this school year. I might be teaching some math classes in my home next year, so that will mean one more early morning every week. 


I LOVE QT! Unfortunately, we are just south of Atlanta enough that we don't have one in our town The closest is about 20 minutes away. We do have a nice Racetrac, but it's still 15 minutes on the other side of town. 


I guess my favorite fast food breakfast would be Krystal because I can actually get fried eggs instead of scrambled and toast instead of biscuits. I avoid dairy as much as I can. 

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I almost never sleep right through the night, so I've learned to deal with waking up and getting back to bed.  My go-to tactic is reading my book, but sometimes the print is so small it takes a while before I can focus on the words. By then I'm either asleep again or even more awake.  :laugh:


No early morning activities this week. Usually dh and I have early morning tennis once a week, but now that we can play outdoors we can play later in the day. I never have trouble getting up early to play tennis, though. Even if I didn't sleep at all, I can always get going to play tennis. 


Re: fast breakfast: It's quicker, healthier and cheaper for me to grab breakfast food from home than going to a restaurant/gas station. I'll take a yogurt, seeds, granola, fruit, bagel, or cheese and eat them at my destination.

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I took a melatonin last night and woke up to a scary dream. Something like Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Luckily I quickly fell back to sleep.


For people who avoid gluten, there is just not much for a fast food breakfast. Maybe a hash brown but that's not filling. In a pinch, I stop by a grocery store and get a protein bar.

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I do love breakfast from  the food trucks at our Farmers' Market! Several use locally sourced veggies, meats, cheese, eggs and some grains. 


I like breakfast burrito or biscuit or a grits bowl from Califarmia. Or the breakfast biscuit (fried egg, ham, pimento cheese)  from Lucy's bakery.


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A good night's sleep is rare for me, and the past few weeks have been especially bad. When I have too much on my mind, my brain doesn't like to shut off for the night. It drives me nuts! 


No early morning activities away from home, but I get up at 5:30 every morning to feed my horses. I love being outside before the sun comes up and when the birds are just starting to sing. It's so peaceful.


No fast food breakfast for us. I make breakfast for dh and myself every morning and the kids make their own. We live out in the country and the closest fast food place (McDonald's) is twenty minutes away. Definitely not worth the drive!

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For people who avoid gluten, there is just not much for a fast food breakfast. Maybe a hash brown but that's not filling. In a pinch, I stop by a grocery store and get a protein bar.

The bolded part, so true! It bloats me and makes my head foggy but because of just this^^^, I succumbed and bought a slice of pizza at QT. Not my preference but I was so dang hungry! Told my son, "We really need to plan our Tuesdays better", meaning of course, our food prep.

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Selkie, I would LOVE to live out in the country! Part of my personal challenge where we live is that fast food is way too available 

and convenient!


Scout, food trucks have changed so much!  Used to be food trucks offered sandwiches, pastries, chips, and drinks.

Now they've gone all gourment, seems like! Too bad there's not one around on our way back from the ranch on Tuesdays, though!

And how in the world do you get FREE coffee from Chik Fil A? Sounds yummy!


wintermom, I definitely need to do better at keeping a stock of some of that stuff here at the house. Gluten needs to be out, though, 

because I don't react well to it. But nuts, seeds, and fruit I could keep on hand. Thanks for the insight!


Amy, CHEERS to another QT fan!


Now to play a quick game of online Scrabble and then take a nap! 

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Slept Ok last night.  Fairly uneventful for us.  Dh can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but I usually take at least an hour of reading in bed to sleep. He was up late watching something on WWI on PBS last night. 


My regular schedule does not have early mornings, other than needing to walk the dog.  Since my surgery last year, dh got in the habit if taking the dog out to potty and feeding him before he leaves for work so the walk can be a little later.  On occasion, I may have something scheduled early, but it has been a while.


It is faster for me to make a quick breakfast than to stop and pick something up.  I can usually whip up some toast with peanut butter faster than it would take to drive somewhere.  If all else fails, I take a kind bar.  When I don't have any place to go, I usually have scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast and a leisurely cup of tea. 

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Slept hard and deep due to getting very little sleep on the rocket team trip.


Went to the hospital and sat with mom. Father figure left me alone, but he was nasty to her which was hard to watch. She excuses everything. Prognosis is two months.


Since I am allergic to wheat now, eating fast food is hard. Today I survived on coffee and iced tea. The Hospital has a really nice deli with both gf and nut free products and separate kitchens so I had grilled chicken Breast, parmesan and rosemary potatoes, and green beans. Very tasty.

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