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Anybody good at editing?

Anne in CA

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I have my second novel in a series completed. DH is a great guy and he loves to help edit, but he is SLOW. Mostly because he does a chapter at a time. This morning I was looking at a big pile of quilts that I made that decorated my sandwich shop when I had it. None of them have ever had more use than being on a wall. I made all the quilts myself and they are quality modern fabric that are bright and cheerful. Some are doll size and some are crib size and one is a little bigger than twin. I would happily trade someone a quilt of their choice for editing this novel. It is about 60K words. It is a pirate novel and I was hoping to publish all three by the time Pirates of the Caribbean comes out. That time is getting extremely short. I would rather dh focused on getting covers done and getting a MailChimp account set up. The editor I used for my last book was wonderful but she has a waiting list, so even if I could afford the 500 (which I can't we have had two big unexpected expenses and dd is at the end of the school year and needing money for EVERYTHING) she probably couldn't get it done in the next couple of  weeks.  

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Another thing you can try...  My dil is a published author, and when she was working on her first book, she found a site online where you exchange novels with another author, and edit each other's.  She ended up using that resource many times.  

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Another thing you can try...  My dil is a published author, and when she was working on her first book, she found a site online where you exchange novels with another author, and edit each other's.  She ended up using that resource many times.  

Do you know the name of the site? I think I have this one covered, but it would be good for the future.

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I'm an editor. I've worked for Serenade Books, a boutique publisher of Christian romance books. I've also worked for independent authors and I'm currently the editor for www.creatingagreatday.com.


I'd be happy to take a look for you!

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Thank you, Lana and Rebecca, I think I have this one covered. Mostly I am looking for mistakes that were made when I type too quickly, lol, although grammar and sentence structure could always use a look. This series of books is my first that I'm doing for a Write to Market attempt. My other two self published books were muck more detailed, much longer and had many beta readers and expensive editing. I don't have the time or money for the editor I used last time who was really good. Both of my other books had a hard time with different Kindle snafus that hopefully are not an issue. I will put these books in Select, and if they don't do anything, I will probably clean them up and go wide.

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