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Why is everyone a life coach?

Squawky Acres

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Yeah, I was tagged in a former friend's video of her unpacking her LulaRoe merchandise. I was like, what the heck? I'm supposed to watch you stock your shelves? Who does that?



There's so much of that stuff on YouTube and I can't understand it, either.


I also don't understand the "unboxing" videos when it's something like a new pair of shoes from Kohl's. Why would I want to watch someone take a pair of ordinary shoes out of the box and ooh and aah over how cute they are?


Maybe I'm just getting old, but some of the stuff that seems to pass for entertainment makes no sense to me at all.

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There's so much of that stuff on YouTube and I can't understand it, either.


I also don't understand the "unboxing" videos when it's something like a new pair of shoes from Kohl's. Why would I want to watch someone take a pair of ordinary shoes out of the box and ooh and aah over how cute they are?


Maybe I'm just getting old, but some of the stuff that seems to pass for entertainment makes no sense to me at all.



Those unboxing videos are great for when you buy something and the parts are different then on the crappy instructions.  

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Those unboxing videos are great for when you buy something and the parts are different then on the crappy instructions.

I like some of the videos that include product assembly demonstrations, but so many of them are just, "Hey, I just got home from the store and look what I bought!" They seem so pointless. Don't these people have anyone in their real life to show their new sweater from Target?


I mean, if it makes them feel good to do the videos and post them online, it's not a big deal; they're not hurting anyone and no one is forcing me to watch them, but some of them seem so ridiculous.

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I like some of the videos that include product assembly demonstrations, but so many of them are just, "Hey, I just got home from the store and look what I bought!" They seem so pointless. Don't these people have anyone in their real life to show their new sweater from Target?


I mean, if it makes them feel good to do the videos and post them online, it's not a big deal; they're not hurting anyone and no one is forcing me to watch them, but some of them seem so ridiculous.

 No laughing but I know someone who does it. The money she makes doing it cracks me up.  She is basically just opening her mail and getting paid for it.

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No laughing but I know someone who does it. The money she makes doing it cracks me up. She is basically just opening her mail and getting paid for it.

Wow, she actually makes money at it? :svengo: How does she do it?


I'd like to stay and write more but I just got home from Walmart with some ant traps and a big package of toilet paper, so I have to go make a video about it and put it on YouTube. ;)

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I think MLM can deliver products of value.  The entire problem I have with it is that for too many people it leads them to *use* people, and to become so absorbed in the MLM that they forget the real relationships they have.  It's almost like being in a cult for profit.  That is truly the thing that bugs me.  

I don't mind MLMs as long as they can take no for an answer.

But I don't mind saying no, kindly but clearly.  Some people really really mind having to do that, and I think those are the ones that usually hate MLMs the most.

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I didn't think of life coach as related to products. I do see a lot of people on my facebook feed selling makeup and essential oils and "health" drinks (I put in quotes because I got questionable results about one of the lines).


When I see stuff like that sometimes I think, "phew, glad I'm not stuck with that pile of lip gloss to sell."

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Wow, she actually makes money at it? :svengo: How does she do it?


I'd like to stay and write more but I just got home from Walmart with some ant traps and a big package of toilet paper, so I have to go make a video about it and put it on YouTube. ;)


I don't quite understand it, but dh says there are YouTube people that make a living off of their videos. One girl ds watches sometimes films herself playing video games. Her husband does it, too! She also bakes. The thing that gets me is the professional eating ones. I'm like what?? People make money off that? I can barely watch them. It makes me feel sick. There's this guy that is super tiny and dh and ds will just watch him eat like 5 boxes of cereal or a trifle the size of a giant flower vase, etc.

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I don't quite understand it, but dh says there are YouTube people that make a living off of their videos. One girl ds watches sometimes films herself playing video games. Her husband does it, too! She also bakes. The thing that gets me is the professional eating ones. I'm like what?? People make money off that? I can barely watch them. It makes me feel sick. There's this guy that is super tiny and dh and ds will just watch him eat like 5 boxes of cereal or a trifle the size of a giant flower vase, etc.

If they have been doing it long, it pays quite well.   Someone dear to me makes a nice living making videos of his hobbies and his family.  Enough to pay off their home and put away for college.

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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Wow, she actually makes money at it? :svengo: How does she do it?


I'd like to stay and write more but I just got home from Walmart with some ant traps and a big package of toilet paper, so I have to go make a video about it and put it on YouTube. ;)

She started it as a joke and it took off.  


You should make a video on how long those rolls might last and the squeezing factor.  So many would watch that. :lol:

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I wonder if part of the life coach appeal is that while I might ask a friend for advice, at some point, I'm going to feel like it's too much, like I might be bugging my friend or something.  But if I'm paying someone to help me examine my options and think outside the box and such, I might feel more open to calling anytime or asking whatever was on my mind.  Maybe it's just the appeal of having someone detached from the situation.


If only there were someone..maybe even a group of people, who had trained and studied to be able to be that sort of resource for their community. A type of job for people who specialized in helping people discover what their options are and thinking outside the box.It would be even better if they were really good at keeping things private,that way you could feel even more comfortable telling them stuff. Maybe keeping things confidential could even be a part of their professional code. I guess if we got fancy we could make them get a professional license with some sort of oversight in case they broke the rules of their profession. We could even require them to get ongoing training so that they stay current in their job...


Nah, that's just crazy. I guess it makes more sense to go to a life coach/yoga teacher



(None of that sarcasm was directed at happymama. What she says makes sense. I think a lot of people who see a life coach either can't afford a therapist, don't want to do the hard work of therapy,or don't know that therapy could be really helpful) 

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There is (IMHO) a predatory aspect to "life coach" schools (using the term loosely). 


A good friend of mine was in between careers/jobs a few years ago, and unsure what to do with herself. She attended a seminar given by one of these schools (I don't know which one) and totally bought what they were selling, hook, line & sinker. It was an expensive school (think thousands of dollars, although I've forgotten the exact figure), and they did provide training (and I do think she gained in skills from that), but they were telling her things like, "once you are established, you will be able to choose your clients" all while making a purported $90+ an hour.


I tried to talk to her, but it was difficult...she believed it and it seemed like I was just raining on her parade. I didn't doubt her ability, but I did doubt the availability of the number of clients who would be willing to pay even $50 an hour. I mean, when half the country doesn't make enough to pay income taxes, how many people can afford $50 - $90 an hour for "personal coaching"? (I'm not trying to derail this thread, just pointing out that if one's business depends on other people's disposable income, one has to understand the demographics and difficulties of that predicament.)


Of course, she went on and graduated, spent additional savings money on brochures and a web site, and.....nothing. She did a lot of marketing at women's business breakfasts, etc etc, but in the end she hung it up. For one thing, at every networking meeting she went to, there were always at least two other life coaches there.


It cost her A TON of money and time and she earned next to nothing. But the 'coach school' sure made out well. I think there are always those places that form a business selling dreams to desperate people. 


My understanding is that a number of those private "skills" schools are the same - the ones that teach things like medical coding, dental hygiene, even medical assistant. There are usually far more graduates than jobs, but it keeps the school in business, so they market like crazy.

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